simply move the files to a new location by generating the script. For a pretty output you can use the execute to text function in SSMS.
USE tempdb GO -- don't forget to use a \ at the end of your new location declare @NewLocation nvarchar(512) = '<YourNewFileLocation>\' SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @ChangeTempDBLocation table ( xName nvarchar(128) ,xFileId int ,XFileName nvarchar(512) ,xFileGroup nvarchar(128) ,xSize nvarchar(128) ,xMaxSize nvarchar(128) ,xGrowth nvarchar(128) ,xUsage nvarchar(128) ) insert into @ChangeTempDBLocation exec sp_helpfile SELECT 'USE [master]'+CHAR(13)+'GO' UNION ALL select concat('ALTER DATABASE [tempdb] MODIFY FILE (NAME = ',xName,', FILENAME = ''',@NewLocation,reverse(left(reverse(xFileName),charindex('\',reverse(XFilename))-1)),''')') --reverse(left(reverse(xFileName),charindex('\',reverse(XFilename))-1)) from @ChangeTempDBLocation