Monthly Archives: January 2021

SQL ERROR Messages

ErrorID Severity Message
3108 16 To restore the master database, the server must be running in single-user mode. For information on starting in single-user mode, see "How to: Start an Instance of SQL Server (sqlservr.exe)" in Books Online.
23202 16 Could not delete Share '%ls' in Catalog.
21780 16 The non-SQL Server Publisher is missing one or more %s objects. Drop and re-create the Publisher and the replication administrative user schema.
20537 10 Replication: agent retry
13002 16 audit
14802 16 Cannot disable REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE because the database contains at least one table having REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE enabled.
16637 16 Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the maximum count of tables in sync schema is %d.
10341 16 Assembly '%.*ls' cannot be loaded because Azure SQL Database does not support user-defined assemblies. Contact Azure Technical Support if you have questions.
35254 16 An error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP Transact-SQL statement in SQL Server Books Online.
11219 16 This message could not be delivered because the destination queue has been disabled. Queue ID: %d.
4523 16 Cannot create trigger on view '%.*ls' because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes.
21220 16 Unable to add the article '%s' because a snapshot has been generated for the publication '%s'.
6962 16 'default' and 'fixed' values are not allowed on element of this type: '%s'
13129 16 hypothetical index
41616 16 SQL Server cannot find the configuration of the replica with ID %ls (Windows Fabric partition ID %ls). Make sure the specified Windows Fabric partition ID and replica ID are correct, then retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
2223 16 %sSyntax error near '%ls', expected an identifier.
27229 16 Cannot find the SQL login '%ls'.
28045 10 Connection handshake failed. The certificate used by the peer does not match the one in MASTER database with same issuer name and serial number. State %d.
18358 10 Reason: Could not find a user matching the name provided. [Database: '%.*ls']
8001 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Meta-information is invalid for the Sql Variant parameter.
40838 16 Replication relationship limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than one non-readable secondary.
13389 10 Key Name
11603 15 %ls statements are not allowed at the top level.
2395 16 %sThere is no function '%ls:%ls()'
1755 16 Defaults cannot be created on columns of data type timestamp. Table '', column ''.
21564 16 The table %s contains the column msrepl_tran_version, which is used by replication. The column is set to NULL, but it must be set to NOT NULL. Replication failed to alter this column, so you must drop the column and then add the table as an article again using sp_addarticle. Replication will then add the column to the table.
10032 16 Cannot return multiple result sets (not supported by the provider).
28031 10 Connection handshake failed. An OS call failed: (%x) %ls. State %d.
14089 16 The clustered index on materialized view '%s' may not contain nullable columns if it is to be published using the transaction-based method.
14418 16 The specified @backup_file_name was not created from database '%s'.
2539 10 The total number of extents = %I64d, used pages = %I64d, and reserved pages = %I64d in this database.
671 16 Large object (LOB) data for table "" resides on a read-only filegroup (""), which cannot be modified.
15134 16 No alias exists for the specified user.
4444 16 UNION ALL view '' is not updatable because the primary key of table '' is not included in the union result.
41175 10 Failed to stop the task of WSFC event notification worker (SQL OS error: %d). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
2389 16 %s'%ls' requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type '%ls'
21807 16 For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_clsid must be specified as NULL.
20547 10 Agent profile for detailed history logging.
14707 10 Server Activity - Performance Counters
9503 16 Errors and/or warnings occurred when processing the XQuery statement for XML data type method '%.*ls'. See previous error messages for more details.
11230 16 This message could not be delivered because the message could not be decrypted and validated.
11611 15 Specifying schema elements in the CREATE SCHEMA statement is not supported.
40023 16 The name %s is too long.
23515 16 Item can not be deleted if it has children
27008 16 rid to be deleted not found in rid-list. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
18126 10 Engine failed to load configuration for error detection, default configuration was applied.
11517 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '%.*ls' invokes a CLR trigger.
4330 16 This backup set cannot be applied because it is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with the database. The recovery path is the sequence of data and log backups that have brought the database to a particular recovery point. Find a compatible backup to restore, or restore the rest of the database to match a recovery point within this backup set, which will restore the database to a different point in time. For more information about recovery paths, see SQL Server Books Online.
6572 16 More than one method, property or field was found with name '%ls' in class '%ls' in assembly '%.*ls'. Overloaded methods, properties or fields are not supported.
22998 16 The value specified for the parameter @continuous must be 0 or 1.
23211 16 Could not start Store Manager. Please look in WinFS UT Log for details.
28608 16 Federated transaction could not be started at this time because the TCM Agent is not in a state, which allows new transactions to begin. The TCM Agent is currently in state: %d. The most common reason for this is that the system is being shutdown. Previous messages in the log should contain additional information.
21354 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because publication wide reinitialization is performed.
13408 10 %ls will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.
8685 16 Query cannot be compiled because element appears in XML plan provided to USE PLAN but USE PLAN was applied to a non-cursor statement. Consider using an XML plan obtained from SQL Server for statement without modification.
41068 16 Failed to enumerate the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry key (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
20532 10 Replication agent schedule.
4925 16 ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN ADD ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column already exists in table '%.*ls' with ROWGUIDCOL property.
41328 16 A floating point operation has overflowed.
21898 16 The publisher '%s' uses distribution database '%s' and not '%s' which is required in order to host the publishing database '%s'. Run sp_changedistpublisher at distributor '%s' to change the distribution database used by the publisher to '%s'.
13128 16 security descriptor
18271 10 Database changes were restored. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), first LSN: %s, last LSN: %s, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message. No user action is required.
9325 16 %sComputed processing instruction constructors are not supported.
10781 16 Querytraceon %d and optimizer hint '%.*ls' specify conflicting behaviors. Remove one of them and rerun the query.
41374 16 Database '%.*ls' does not have a binding to a resource pool.
35298 10 The backup on the secondary database "%.*ls" was terminated, but a terminate backup message could not be sent to the primary replica. This is an informational message only. The primary replica should detect this error and clean up its backup history accordingly.
1449 16 ALTER DATABASE command failed due to an invalid server connection string.
20671 16 Cannot find the identity range allocation entry for the Subscriber in the MSmerge_identity_range table. Reinitialize the subscription.
10334 16 Changing the database compatibility level has caused data to be marked as unchecked in one or more objects in database %s. Refer to the column has_unchecked_assembly_data in the sys.tables and sys.views to locate all such objects.
7684 10 Error '%ls' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d'), full-text key value '%ls'. Failed to index the row.
3260 16 An internal buffer has become full.
21885 16 The return code of the failed call was '%d'.
30068 10 During the database upgrade, the full-text filter component '%ls' that is used by catalog '%ls' was successfully verified. Component version is '%ls'; Full path is '%.*ls'.
42009 16 Instance certificate '%ls' cannot be found.
33078 16 The containment setting in the master database does not match the property of the database files. Use ALTER DATABASE to reset the containment property.
33288 16 The encrypted value for the column encryption key cannot be added. There can be no more than two encrypted values for each column encryption key. Drop an exisiting encrypted value before adding the new one.
5299 16 Query Store Error:%d State:%d Message:%.*ls
1774 16 The number of columns in the referencing column list for foreign key '' does not match those of the primary key in the referenced table ''.
21677 16 Heterogeneous publisher '%s' cannot be defined as a subscriber.
28935 16 Configuration manager agent is trying to start non-existing agent %d.
41037 16 Failed to obtain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) object enumeration handle for objects of type %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41646 16 Invalid Fabric property '%ls' received for partition '%ls'.
21785 16 Failure to query Oracle XactSet Job attributes for publisher '%s'.
22502 16 Not All articles in the publication passed data validation (rowcount only)
20536 10 Replication: agent failure
18493 16 The user instance login flag is not supported on this version of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
8412 16 The syntax of the service name '%.*ls' is invalid.
10124 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls" because it references an internal SQL Server column.
11285 16 This forwarded message has been dropped because the hops remaining count has reached 0.
12329 15 The data types char(n) and varchar(n) using a collation that has a code page other than 1252 are not supported with %S_MSG.
4970 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '' has a table level check constraint '' but the source table '%.*ls' does not have a corresponding constraint.
5520 16 Upgrade of FILESTREAM container ID %d in the database ID %d failed because of container size recalculation error. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, and take the appropriate corrective actions.
6625 16 Could not convert the value for OPENXML column '%ls' to sql_variant data type. The value is too long. Change the data type of this column to text, ntext or image.
14710 10 Query Statistics - Query Activity
7391 16 The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
41325 17 The current transaction failed to commit due to a serializable validation failure.
522 16 The WAITFOR thread was evicted.
1511 20 Sort cannot be reconciled with transaction log.
19114 10 Unable to open TCP/IP protocol's 'IPAll' configuration key in registry.
21078 16 Table '%s' does not exist in the Subscriber database.
13051 0 XML INDEX
15393 16 An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%.*ls' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost.
9675 10 Message Types analyzed: %d.
6804 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT requires the second column to hold NULL or nonnegative integers that represent XML parent tag IDs.
6835 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT field '%.*ls' can specify the directive HIDE only once.
7907 16 Table error: The directory "" under the rowset directory ID is not a valid FILESTREAM directory in container ID %d.
20803 16 Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical articles in publications at all nodes prior to synchronizing. Articles in publication [%s].[%s].[%s] do not match articles in [%s].[%s].[%s].
13116 0 certificate
14451 16 The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup.
15125 16 Trigger '%s' is not a trigger for '%s'.
8571 10 SQL Server is unable to get outcome from Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) for the transaction with UOW '%ls' because another resource manager with same RMID already exists.
10345 16 The assembly hash '0x%.*ls' is already trusted.
12318 15 Browse mode metadata is not supported with %S_MSG.
7729 16 Cannot specify partition number in the %S_MSG %S_MSG statement as the %S_MSG '%.*ls' is not partitioned.
41115 16 Cannot create the availability group named '' because its availability group ID (ID: '') already exists in a system table.
21526 16 Article '%s' already belongs to a subscription with a different value for the @lightweight property.
15703 10 Setting Automatic Tuning option '' to for database '%.*ls'.
27175 16 The execution has already completed.
17195 16 The server was unable to complete its initialization sequence because the available network libraries do not support the required level of encryption. The server process has stopped. Before restarting the server, verify that SSL certificates have been installed. See Books Online topic "Configuring Client Protocols and Network Libraries".
17884 10 New queries assigned to process on Node %d have not been picked up by a worker thread in the last %d seconds. Blocking or long-running queries can contribute to this condition, and may degrade client response time. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads, or optimize current running queries. SQL Process Utilization: %d%%. System Idle: %d%%.
8665 16 Cannot create the clustered index "" on view "" because no row can satisfy the view definition. Consider eliminating contradictions from the view definition.
4456 16 The partitioned view "%.*ls" is not updatable because one or more of the non-partitioning columns of its member tables have mismatched types.
5604 10 The password regeneration attempt for SA was successful.
41118 16 Cannot map database ID %d to the availability database ID '' within availability group ''. Another local database, (ID %d). is already mapped to this availability database.
41155 16 Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is being dropped. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. The availability group may need to be recreated if the drop operation was unintentional.
45188 16 The operation has been cancelled by user.
488 16 %s columns must be comparable. The type of column "%.*ls" is "%s", which is not comparable.
20608 10 Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and reinitialize the active subscriptions.
21001 16 Cannot add a Distribution Agent at the Subscriber for a push subscription.
8912 10 %.*ls fixed %d allocation errors and %d consistency errors in database '%ls'.
2007 10 The module '' depends on the missing object ''. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists.
2803 10 SQL Server has encountered %d occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the '%s' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations.
1038 15 An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Change the alias to a valid name.
13578 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed on table '%.*ls' because target and source tables have different SYSTEM_TIME PERIOD definitions.
23999 16 Unspecified error(s) occurred.
5159 24 Operating system error on file "" during %ls.
35257 16 Always On Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%X, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %d. If the partner is running and visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters.
20524 10 Table '%s' may be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %s, expected: %s). Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast).
13373 16 Anchor record
16602 16 Cannot delete sync agent '%ls' because it is used by sync member '%ls'.
4820 16 Cannot bulk load. Unknown version of format file "%s".
15374 16 Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in persisting the user instance information into system catalog. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
15526 10 in several important columns of system tables. The following
10633 16 Invalid online index creation operation
11560 16 The distributed_move parameter %.*ls value is outside its valid range. Please try again with a valid parameter.
45017 16 %ls operation failed. Specified federation name %.*ls is not valid.
33301 16 The %ls that is specified for conversation priority '%.*ls' is not valid. The value must be between 1 and %d characters long.
2521 16 Could not find database ID %d. The database ID either does not exist, or the database was dropped before a statement tried to use it. Verify if the database ID exists by querying the sys.databases catalog view.
2731 16 Column '%.*ls' has invalid width: %d.
1223 16 Cannot release the application lock (Database Principal: '', Resource: '') because it is not currently held.
25023 16 Stored procedures containing table-value parameters cannot be published as '[serializable] proc exec' articles.
30062 17 The SQL Server failed to load FDHost service group sid. This might be because installation is corrupted.
13296 10 cryptographic provider key blob length
41865 16 File does not have a pair file
45142 16 IsForcedTerminate cannot be set while creating a database copy. This can only be updated on the source server after it is created.
35273 10 Bypassing recovery for database '%ls' because it is marked as an inaccessible availability database. The session with the primary replica was interrupted while reverting the database to the common recovery point. Either the WSFC node lacks quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, you need to determine what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change.
35405 10 decryption
4107 16 Inserting into remote tables or views is not allowed by using the BCP utility or by using BULK INSERT.
30078 10 The fulltext query did not use the value specified for the OPTIMIZE FOR hint because the query contained more than one type of full-text logical operator.
21708 16 Microsoft SQL Server Minimum Conflict Resolver
9462 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, not all chunks of value have been read
22518 16 Cannot use column of type image, ntext, xml, CLR type, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max) in a subset or join filter for article: '%s'.
19220 10 An attempt to read a buffer from the network failed during a cryptographic handshake.
19483 16 The format for the IP address, '%.*ls', is invalid. Please use a valid value for the IP address.
15536 10 In all databases:
7661 10 Warning: Full-text change tracking is currently enabled for table or indexed view '%.*ls'.
41317 16 A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master.
8409 16 This message could not be delivered because the targeted service does not support the service contract. Targeted service: '', service contract: ''.
4355 16 The revert command is incorrectly specified. The RESTORE statement must be of the form: RESTORE DATABASE FROM DATABASE_SNAPSHOT = .
40856 16 Could not change database edition for database '%ls' in a replication relationship.
550 16 The attempted insert or update failed because the target view either specifies WITH CHECK OPTION or spans a view that specifies WITH CHECK OPTION and one or more rows resulting from the operation did not qualify under the CHECK OPTION constraint.
21854 10 Could not add new article to publication '%s' because of active schema change activities or a snapshot is being generated.
8644 16 Internal Query Processor Error: The plan selected for execution does not support the invoked given execution routine.
29314 16 The service %ls on machine %ls failed to start in a timely fashion. Service specific error code %d.
21851 16 Peer-to-peer publications only support a "%s" value of %s. Article "%s" currently has a "%s" value of %s. This value must be changed to continue.
22904 16 Caller is not authorized to initiate the requested action. DBO privileges are required.
14028 16 Only user tables, materialized views, and stored procedures can be published as 'logbased' articles.
14603 16 Database Mail is not properly configured.
8694 16 Cannot execute query because USE PLAN hint conflicts with use of distributed query or full-text operations. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
9323 16 %sUsing ':' in variable names is not supported in this version of the server.
5501 16 The FILESTREAM filegroup was dropped before the table can be created.
6568 16 A .NET Framework error occurred while getting information from class "" in assembly "": %ls.
1739 16 ALTER TABLE failed because the table has %d variable length columns (including columns that have been dropped but require cleanup). This exceeds the maximum number of columns supported. Execute ALTER TABLE with the REBUILD option, then retry the original ALTER TABLE statement.
41312 16 Unable to call into the C compiler. GetLastError = %d.
4076 16 The ALTER DATABASE statement failed because the database collation %.*ls is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading the client operating system or applying a service update to the database client software, or use a different collation. See SQL Server Books Online for more information on changing collations.
13305 10 QUERY_STORE
9238 16 Query notification subscriptions are not allowed under an active application role context. Consider re-issuing the request without activating the application role.
4132 16 The value specified for the variable "%.*ls" in the OPTIMIZE FOR clause could not be implicitly converted to that variable's type.
7722 16 Invalid partition number %I64d specified for %S_MSG '%.*ls', partition number can range from 1 to %d.
8048 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %d ("%.*ls"), row %I64d, column %d: Data type 0x%02X (user-defined table type) has an invalid schema specified.
45198 16 MODIFY LOG FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
2342 16 %sInvalid numeric constant.
262 16 %ls permission denied in database '%.*ls'.
14294 16 Supply either %s or %s to identify the job.
8138 16 More than 16 columns specified in foreign key column list, table '%.*ls'.
9803 16 Invalid data for type "%ls".
10636 16 Ignore in Optimization cannot be set for '' on '*ls' because it is only applicable to non-clustered B-tree or columnstore indexes.
4438 16 Partitioned view '%.*ls' is not updatable because it does not deliver all columns from its member tables.
47112 16 Only the SESSION_TIMEOUT property can be modified for a configuration-only replica.
4120 16 A user-defined function name cannot be prefixed with a database name in this context.
21381 16 Cannot add (drop) column to table '%s' because the table belongs to publication(s) with an active updatable subscription. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force reinitialization.
12835 10 The definition of the %S_MSG '' was refreshed as part of altering the containment option of the database '' because the object depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%.*ls', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
15222 16 Remote login option '%s' is not unique.
33402 16 An invalid directory name '%.*ls' was specified. Use a valid operating system directory name.
40046 16 The minimum required message version %d for message type %d is unsupported.
25748 16 The file "%s" contains audit logs. Audit logs can only be accessed by using the fn_get_audit_file function.
28084 10 An error occurred in Service Broker internal activation while trying to scan the user queue '%ls' for its status. Error: %i, State: %i. %.*ls This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
14891 16 Table '%.*ls' cannot be a target of an update or delete statement with an OUTPUT clause because it has the REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option enabled.
9433 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, SYSTEM expected
9442 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, incorrect encoding name syntax
9637 16 The passed in serialized object is incorrectly encoded.
5540 16 The FILESTREAM column cannot be used with method %ls because the associated ROWGUIDCOL of the base table is nullable or does not have a unique constraint.
8006 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d: The parameter status flags are invalid.
40175 16 Add a secondary with wait can not be used in a transaction.
1204 19 The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users. Ask the database administrator to check the lock and memory configuration for this instance, or to check for long-running transactions.
14400 16 Proxy %d does not have access to subsystem %d. Please use sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem to grant permissions to this proxy.
15453 10 us_english is always available, even though it is not in syslanguages.
8625 10 Warning: The join order has been enforced because a local join hint is used.
11605 15 %S_MSG are not allowed at the top level.
6954 16 Invalid group definition for group '%s', recursive group definitions are not allowed
2751 16 Column or parameter #%d: Specified column scale %d is greater than the specified precision of %d.
111 15 '%ls' must be the first statement in a query batch.
25648 16 The %S_MSG, "%.*ls", could not be found. Ensure that the package exists and the name is spelled correctly.
9536 16 It is not allowed to specify REMOVE '' more than once for the same pathname in alter statement for selective XML index ''.
9698 16 Cannot start Service Broker security manager. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log and the operating system error log for additional messages, and address the underlying problem.
9928 16 Computed column '%.*ls' cannot be used for full-text search because it is nondeterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column.
6228 16 Type "" is marked for native serialization, but it contains non-blittable fields.
6960 16 Component '%s' is outside of allowed range. Maximum for 'fractionDigits' is 10 and maximum number of digits for non fractional part is 28
33253 16 Failed to modify the identity field of the credential '%.*ls' because the credential is used by an active database file.
33304 16 The transmission queue row with conversation handle '%ls' and message sequence number %d references a missing multicast message body row with reference %d.
21872 16 The availability group associated with Virtual Network Name '%s' has no replicas.
22813 10 The topology contains peer node versions that do not support conflict detection. To use conflict detection, ensure that all nodes in the topology are SQL Server 2008 or later versions.
17657 10 Attempting to change default collation to %s.
12420 16 Cannot perform action because Query Store is not started up for database %.*ls.
40584 16 Value '' for option '' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
39001 16 Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
28392 16 The internal Clone Addressability syntax extensions is only allowed on user tables. The target (in the FROM claus) is '%.*ls'.
14428 16 Could not remove the monitor as there are still databases involved in log shipping.
14641 16 Mail not queued. Database Mail is stopped. Use sysmail_start_sp to start Database Mail.
27139 16 Integration Services server cannot be configured because there are active operations. Wait until there are no active operations, and then try to configure the server again.
14914 16 The edition for database '%ls' is invalid. Only the Azure SQL Stretch edition is supported as a target for Stretch database.
11518 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '' in procedure '' invokes a CLR trigger.
12103 16 ALTER DATABASE failed because the distribution policy is invalid. The database distribution policy must be set to either NONE or HASH. For the distribution policy NONE, the number of leading hash columns cannot be specified. For the distribution policy HASH, the number of leading hash columns is optional but cannot be more than 16 columns.
6258 16 Function signature of "FillRow" method (as designated by SqlFunctionAttribute.FillRowMethodName) does not match SQL declaration for table valued CLR function'%.*ls' due to column %d.
2301 16 %sThe element "%ls" has already been defined.
951 10 Database '%.*ls' running the upgrade step from version %d to version %d.
19148 10 Unable to initialize SSL support.
18280 16 The file %s is being removed from the database, but is not being removed from the filesystem because file snapshots are still associated with the file.
8431 16 The message type '%.*ls' is not part of the service contract.
9753 10 The target service broker is unreachable.
10042 16 Cannot set any properties while there is an open rowset.
10114 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls" because it uses the PIVOT operator. Consider not indexing this view.
36008 16 Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy.
40093 16 Replication background task hit a lock timeout. User transactions will be killed and the operation will be retried.
2351 16 %sExpected 'first' or 'last'
3018 10 The restart-checkpoint file '%ls' was not found. The RESTORE command will continue from the beginning as if RESTART had not been specified.
4613 16 Grantor does not have GRANT permission.
5281 10 Estimated TEMPDB space (in KB) needed for %s on database %.*ls = %I64d.
7848 15 An invalid or unsupported localeId was specified for parameter "%.*ls".
40626 20 The ALTER DATABASE command is in process. Please wait at least five minutes before logging into database '%.*ls', in order for the command to complete. Some system catalogs may be out of date until the command completes. If you have altered the database name, use the NEW database name for future activity.
41622 16 Windows Fabric service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is trying to update primary replica information for local replica %ls which is neither ACTIVE_SECONDARY nor IDLE_SECONDARY (current role %ls). SQL Server cannot update primary replica information in invalid state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
45169 16 The subscription '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
19162 10 Unable to retrieve 'PipeName' registry settings for Named-Pipe Dedicated Administrator Connection.
15046 16 The physical name cannot be NULL.
7374 16 Cannot set the session properties for OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
487 16 An invalid option was specified for the statement "%.*ls".
13243 10 OUTPUT INTO
14893 16 Table '%.*ls' cannot be a target of an update or delete statement because it has the REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option enabled without a migration predicate.
8635 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan for a query with a spatial index hint. Reason: %S_MSG. Try removing the index hints or removing SET FORCEPLAN.
46914 16 INSERT into external table is disabled. Turn on the configuration option 'allow polybase export' to enable.
40173 16 This requested operation can not performed as this partition is in delete process.
3061 16 The restart-checkpoint file '%ls' could not be opened. Operating system error '%ls'. Make the file available and retry the operation or, restart the RESTORE sequence.
329 16 Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column reference.
15459 10 In the current database, the specified object references the following:
4311 16 RESTORE PAGE is not allowed from backups taken with earlier versions of SQL Server.
7137 16 %s is not allowed because the column is being processed by a concurrent snapshot or is being replicated to a non-SQL Server Subscriber or Published in a publication allowing Data Transformation Services (DTS) or tracked by Change Data Capture.
318 16 The table (and its columns) returned by a table-valued method need to be aliased.
32006 10 Log shipping restore log job step.
15269 16 Logical data device '%s' not created.
9643 16 An error occurred in the Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport manager: Error: %i, State: %i.
11315 16 The isolation level specified for the PNT child transaction does not match the current isolation level for the parent.
6578 16 Invalid attempt to continue operation after a severe error.
42032 16 XODBC Get Authentication Cache failed, state %d
45037 16 ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
40017 16 Partition key can not be changed.
22853 10 Could not delete obsolete entries in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table for database %s. The failure occurred when executing the command '%s'. The error returned was %d: '%s'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request.
14365 16 Specify a valid schedule_uid.
11321 16 This operation cannot be executed within an active transaction.
7649 10 Warning: Failed to dismount full-text catalog at '%ls'.
36003 16 %s '%s' already exists for the given DAC instance.
1976 16 Cannot create index or statistics '' on view '' because cannot verify key column '%.*ls' is precise and deterministic. Consider removing column from index or statistics key, marking column persisted in base table if it is computed, or using non-CLR-derived column in key.
13110 0 host synchronization object
8045 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %d ("%.*ls"), row %I64d, column %d: Data type 0x%02X (CLR type) has an invalid schema specified.
40910 16 A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for server '' and virtual endpoint ''
20606 10 Reinitialized subscription(s).
18308 10 Reason: Invalid password provided.
6527 10 .NET Framework runtime has been stopped.
33141 10 The credential created might not be able to decrypt the database master key. Please ensure a database master key exists for this database and is encrypted by the same password used in the stored procedure.
2585 16 Cannot find partition number %ld for table "%.*ls".
14413 16 This database is already log shipping.
40627 20 Operation on server '' and database '' is in progress. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
33034 16 Cannot specify algorithm for existing key.
33404 16 The database default collation '%.*ls' is case sensitive and cannot be used to create a FileTable. Specify a case insensitive collation with the COLLATE_FILENAME option.
979 14 The target database ('%.*ls') is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online.
4188 16 Column or parameter '' has type '%ls' and collation ''. The legacy LOB types do not support Unicode supplementary characters whose codepoints are U+10000 or greater. Change the column or parameter type to varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or use a collation which does not have the _SC flag.
14120 16 Could not drop the distribution database '%s'. This distributor database is associated with a Publisher.
14425 16 The database '%s' does not seem to be involved in log shipping.
17401 10 Server resumed execution after being idle %d seconds: user activity awakened the server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
27120 16 Failed to grant permission '%ls'.
19155 10 TDSSNIClient failed to allocate memory while loading Extended Protection configuration settings. Check for memory-related errors.
9684 16 The service with ID %d has been dropped.
11000 16 Unknown status code for this column.
11250 16 A corrupted message has been received. The security certificate key fields must both be present or both be absent. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
29311 16 An error occurred while trying to connect to a service control manager on machine %ls. Error returned: %d - %ls.
20087 16 You cannot push an anonymous subscription.
21294 16 Either @publisher (and @publisher_db) or @subscriber (and @subscriber_db) must be specified, but both cannot be specified.
6533 16 AppDomain was unloaded by escalation policy to ensure the consistency of your application. Out of memory happened while accessing a critical resource.
7728 16 Invalid partition range: %d TO %d. Lower bound must not be greater than upper bound.
39041 16 The parameter 'PARAMETERS' has an invalid definition.
3623 16 An invalid floating point operation occurred.
3830 10 Metadata cache coherency check for database ID(%d) did not find any inconsistency.
1927 16 There are already statistics on table '' named ''.
19159 10 Unable to open 'Named Pipes' configuration key for Dedicated Administrator Connection in registry.
13594 16 Table '' does not contain SYSTEM_TIME period ''.
13744 16 '%.*ls' is not a valid history retention period unit for system versioning.
6595 16 Could not assign to property '%ls' for type '%ls' in assembly '%ls' because it is read only.
41813 16 XTP database '%.*ls' was undeployed. No further action is necessary.
35335 15 The statement failed because specifying a key list is not allowed when creating a clustered columnstore index. Create the clustered columnstore index without specifying a key list.
40039 16 Can not get ack to commit replication message.
1011 15 The correlation name '%.*ls' is specified multiple times in a FROM clause.
21314 10 There must be one and only one of '%s' and '%s' that is not NULL.
13911 16 Cannot create a node or edge table as a remote data archive.
35427 16 set option
2531 16 Table error: object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) B-tree level mismatch, page %S_PGID. Level %d does not match level %d from the previous %S_PGID.
3716 16 The %S_MSG '%.*ls' cannot be dropped because it is bound to one or more %S_MSG.
20541 10 Removes replicated transactions from the distribution database.
20739 16 The DDL operation is not supported for article '%s'. If the column in the DDL operation is enabled for FILESTREAM or is of type hierarchyid, geometry, geography, datetime2, date, time, or datetimeoffset, the publication compatibility level must be at least 100RTM. For DDL operations that involve FILESTREAM and hierarchyid columns, the snapshot mode must be native. Character mode, which is required for SQL Server Compact Subscribers, is not supported.
541 16 There is not enough stack to execute the statement
1083 15 OWNER is not a valid option for EXECUTE AS in the context of server and database level triggers.
23104 16 Folder does not exist {ItemId: %ls}.
27017 16 Failed to drop index on reference table copy.
28102 16 Batch execution is terminated because of debugger request.
15420 16 The group '%s' does not exist in this database.
17193 10 SQL Server native SOAP support is ready for client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
7685 10 Error '%ls' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d'), full-text key value '%ls'. Attempt will be made to reindex it.
3827 10 Warning: The table ""."" is unavailable because it contains a persisted computed column that depends on "%.*ls", the implementation of which has changed. Rebuild the table offline and reconstruct the persisted computed column.
19454 16 The availability group listener (network name) with resource ID '%s', DNS name '%s', port %hu failed to stop with this error: %u. Verify network and cluster configuration and logs.
13615 16 OPENJSON function cannot convert value found in the JSON text to sql_variant data type. The value found in JSON text would be truncated.
15016 16 The default '%s' does not exist.
35330 16 %S_MSG statement failed because data cannot be updated in a table that has a nonclustered columnstore index. Consider disabling the columnstore index before issuing the %S_MSG statement, and then rebuilding the columnstore index after %S_MSG has completed.
2005 16 The table '%.*ls' is unavailable and needs to be rebuilt. Rebuild the table offline.
864 10 Attempted to initialize buffer pool extension of size %1ld KB, but maximum allowed size is %2ld KB.
14243 10 Job '%s' started successfully.
14615 16 The @username parameter needs to be supplied if the @password is supplied.
7857 16 Parameter "%.*ls": Function or procedure parameters with improperly formatted or deprecated names are not supported through Native SOAP access. Refer to documentation for rules concerning the proper naming of parameters.
7863 16 The endpoint was not changed. The ALTER ENDPOINT statement did not contain any values to modify or update.
7894 16 Listening has not been started on the endpoint '%.*ls' found in metadata. Endpoint operations are disabled on this edition of SQL Server.
41031 16 Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
30031 17 A full-text master merge failed on full-text catalog '%ls' in database '%.*ls' with error 0x%08X.
41426 16 The data synchronization state of this availability database is unhealthy. On an asynchronous-commit availability replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. On a synchronous-commit replica, every availability database should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
41845 16 Checksum verification failed for memory optimized checkpoint file %.*ls.
35293 16 Error in retrieving extended recovery forks from the primary replica. The extended-recovery-fork stack changed while being retrieved by the secondary replica. Retry the operation.
3298 16 Backup/Restore to URL device error: %.*ls.
134 15 The variable name '%.*ls' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
27239 16 Failed to update customized logging level '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to update customized logging level.
16633 16 Cannot create sync agent because the sync agent name '%ls' provided is used.
41809 16 Natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
3070 16 Specifying the WITH options FORMAT and FILE_SNAPSHOT is not permitted.
13254 10 event
12332 15 Database and server triggers on DDL statements CREATE, ALTER and DROP are not supported with %S_MSG.
4911 16 Cannot specify a partitioned table without partition number in ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement. The table '%.*ls' is partitioned.
7970 10 %hsOldest active transaction:
41097 10 Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
28931 16 Configuration manager agent roster is corrupt.
21129 16 Terminating immediate updating or queued updating UPDATE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger '%s' to first.
18274 10 Tape '%s' was dismounted from drive '%s'. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
4907 16 '%ls' statement failed. The %S_MSG '' has %d partitions while index '' has %d partitions.
32049 16 The database mirroring monitoring job does not exist. Run sp_dbmmonitoraddmonitoring to setup the job.
2306 16 %sThe qualified name "%ls" was found in a context where only NCName is allowed.
4073 16 A return value of data type varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), XML or other large object type can not be returned to client driver versions earlier than SQL Server 2005. Please resubmit the query using a more recent client driver.
1417 16 Database mirroring has been disabled by the administrator for database "%.*ls".
21358 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because at least one timestamp column exists in one of its articles.
10933 16 A %S_MSG with id %d does not exist on this system. Use sys.dm_os_schedulers to locate valid %S_MSGs for this system.
40706 16 Feature name '%.*ls' does not exist.
41392 16 Cannot ALTER a natively compiled module into a non-native module. Include WITH NATIVE_COMPILATION or drop and recreate the module.
33108 16 Cannot disable database encryption because it is already disabled.
3263 16 Cannot use the volume on device '%ls' as a continuation volume. It is sequence number %d of family %d for the current media set. Insert a new volume, or sequence number %d of family %d for the current set.
26039 16 The SQL Server Network Interface library was unable to load SPN related library. Error: %#x.
21720 16 Cannot find a job that matches the ID or name specified in the parameters @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname. Verify the values specified for those parameters.
22976 16 Could not alter column '%s' of change table '%s' in response to a data type change in the corresponding column of the source table '%s'. The Change Data Capture meta data for source table '%s' no longer accurately reflects the source table. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
13025 0 varbinary (128) NOT NULL
15462 10 File '%s' closed.
18835 16 Encountered an unexpected Text Information End (TIE) log record. Last Text Information Begin (TIB) processed: (textInfoFlags 0x%x, coloffset %ld, newSize %I64d, oldSize %I64d), text collection state %d. Contact product support.
8428 16 The message type "%.*ls" is not found.
4631 16 The permission '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
4958 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '' does not have the same ROWGUIDCOL property in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
5850 10 Online addition of CPU resources cannot be completed. A software non-uniform memory access (soft-NUMA) configuration was specified at SQL Server startup that does not allow online addition of CPU resources. To use the additional CPU resources, either add the new CPUs to the soft-NUMA configuration and restart SQL Server, or remove the soft-NUMA configuration and restart SQL Server.
40184 16 Login failed. A system operation is in progress, and the database is not accepting user connections.
27104 16 Cannot find the folder '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
18844 16 Invalid compensation range: begin {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, end {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication.
6218 16 %s ASSEMBLY for assembly '' failed because assembly '' failed verification. Check if the referenced assemblies are up-to-date and trusted (for external_access or unsafe) to execute in the database. CLR Verifier error messages if any will follow this message%.*ls
45030 15 The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %.*ls option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement.
2279 16 %sA name/token may not start with the character '%c'
14376 16 More than one schedule named "%s" is attached to job "%s". Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job.
7613 16 Cannot drop index '' because it enforces the full-text key for table or indexed view ''.
39003 10 SQL successfully boots extensibility.
39024 16 Parallel execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' failed. Specify WITH RESULT SETS clause with output schema.
19468 16 The listener with DNS name '' for the availability group '' is already listening on the TCP port %u. Please choose a different TCP port for the listener. If there is a problem with the listener, try restarting the listener to correct the problem.
20621 11 Cannot copy a subscription database to an existing database.
45005 16 Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session.
9617 16 The service queue "%.*ls" is currently disabled.
9737 16 The private key for the security certificate bound to the database principal (ID %i) is password protected. Password protected private keys are not supported for use with secure dialogs.
1429 16 The witness server instance name must be distinct from both of the server instances that manage the database. The ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command failed.
25747 16 Operation failed. Operation will cause database %S_MSG memory to exceed allowed limit. Event session memory may be released by stopping active sessions or altering session memory options. Check sys.dm_xe_database_sessions for active sessions that can be stopped or altered. If no sessions are active on this database, please check sessions running on other databases under the same logical server.
21585 16 Cannot specify custom article ordering in publication '%s' because the publication has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM.
21257 16 Invalid property '%s' for article '%s'.
8512 20 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) commit transaction acknowledgement failed: %hs.
10535 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' because a plan was not found in the plan cache that corresponds to the specified plan handle. Specify a cached plan handle. For a list of cached plan handles, query the sys.dm_exec_query_stats dynamic management view.
10925 16 A %S_MSG value was specified more than one time in the pool affinity range list.
4066 16 Type IDs larger than 65535 cannot be sent to clients shipped in SQL Server 2000 or earlier.
27145 16 '%ls' is not a valid project name. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
21673 16 Test connection to publisher [%s] failed. Verify authentication information.
20594 16 A push subscription to the publication exists. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions.
18802 16 Cannot insert a new schema change into the systranschemas system table. HRESULT = '0x%x'. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services.
6564 16 The method '%ls' in class '%ls' in assembly '%.*ls' has some invalid parameter declaration for parameter number %d.
276 16 Pseudocolumns are not allowed as value or pivot columns of an UNPIVOT operator.
1427 16 The server instance '%.*ls' could not act as the witness. The ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command failed.
23103 16 Folder already exists {ItemId: %ls}.
15216 16 '%s' is not a valid option for the @delfile parameter.
6805 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT stack overflow occurred. Circular parent tag relationships are not allowed.
35282 16 Availability replica '' cannot be added to availability group ''. The availability group already contains an availability replica with the specified name. Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.
4072 10 The XP callback function '' failed in extended procedure '' because the extended procedure is called inside an UDF which doesn't allow sending data.
28603 10 Transaction agent is shutting down because shutdown request was received from the manager.
18897 16 Access Denied.
21351 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because vertical filters are being used.
13518 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table '%.*ls' has IDENTITY column specification. Consider dropping all IDENTITY column specifications and trying again.
14526 16 The specified category "%s" does not exist for category class "%s".
46646 16 provided
34014 16 Facet does not exist.
17123 10 Logging to event log is disabled. Startup option '-%c' is supplied, either from the registry or the command prompt.
8318 16 There was a virtual memory allocation failure during performance counters initialization. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
11706 16 The cache size for sequence object '%.*ls' must be greater than 0.
4873 16 Line %d in format file "%ls": referencing non-existing element id "%ls".
32003 10 Log shipping restore log job for %s:%s.
21837 16 A replication agent job (%s) for this subscription already exists.
20512 16 Updateable Subscriptions: Rolling back transaction.
16006 16 Invalid data masking format for function '' in column ''.
16604 16 Hub database '%ls' is invalid.
4902 16 Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
41409 16 Some synchronous replicas are not synchronized.
35320 15 Column store indexes are not allowed on tables for which the durability option SCHEMA_ONLY is specified.
29217 10 Configuration manager enlistment received a new enlistment message.
14610 16 Either @profile_name or @description parameter needs to be specified for update
14648 10 Minimum process lifetime in seconds
16907 16 %hs is not allowed in cursor statements.
10755 15 The function '%.*ls' takes between %d and %d arguments.
8558 20 RegDeleteValue of \"%hs\" failed: %ls.
8921 16 Check terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or a system table is inconsistent. Check previous errors.
9750 10 No route matches the destination service name for this conversation. Create a route to the destination service name for messages in this conversation to be delivered.
4505 16 CREATE VIEW failed because column '' in view '' exceeds the maximum of %d columns.
7736 16 Partition function can only be created in Enterprise edition of SQL Server. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports partitioning.
33289 16 Cannot create encrypted column '', character strings that do not use a _BIN2 collation cannot be encrypted.
4012 16 An invalid tabular data stream (TDS) collation was encountered.
14916 16 Change Data Capture is not supported for table '%ls' with REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE enabled.
8518 16 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) BEGIN TRANSACTION failed: %ls.
9211 10 Failed to check for pending query notifications in database "%d" because of the following error when opening the database: '%.*ls'.
7893 15 Parameter '': Incompatible XML attributes were present. The '' attribute and the '' attribute may not both be present on a parameter value node of type '' (in the namespace '%.*ls').
27023 16 A system error occurred during execution of fuzzy lookup table maintenance.
21511 10 Neither MSmerge_contents nor MSmerge_tombstone contain meta data for this row.
21242 16 Conflict table for article '%s' could not be created successfully.
8939 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type, page %S_PGID. Test ( failed. Values are %ld and %ld.
5056 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify a file in filegroup '%.*ls' because the filegroup is not online.
1854 16 The original file name '' for logical database file '' is too long to be combined with the full path to the new primary data file location.
14868 16 Inbound migration is in progress or paused. Migration direction outbound cannot be set at this time. Please retry after inbound migration is complete.
15466 16 An error occurred during decryption.
4221 16 Login to read-secondary failed due to long wait on 'HADR_DATABASE_WAIT_FOR_TRANSITION_TO_VERSIONING'. The replica is not available for login because row versions are missing for transactions that were in-flight when the replica was recycled. The issue can be resolved by rolling back or committing the active transactions on the primary replica. Occurrences of this condition can be minimized by avoiding long write transactions on the primary.
4341 16 This log backup contains bulk-logged changes. It cannot be used to stop at an arbitrary point in time.
5527 16 The primary FILESTREAM log file cannot be dropped because other FILESTREAM filegroups exist.
8014 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): Data type 0x%02X (sql_variant) has an invalid type for type-specific metadata.
40066 16 Transport destination is not found.
29204 16 Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick <%d>. Server default collation mismatch. Agent collation <%lu>, manager collation <%lu>.
22116 16 Change tracking is not supported by this edition of SQL Server.
11298 16 A corrupted message has been received. The public variable data segment offset is incorrect.
8110 16 Cannot add multiple PRIMARY KEY constraints to table '%.*ls'.
40533 16 Server '%.*ls' already exists.
41823 16 Could not perform the operation because the database has reached its quota for in-memory tables. See '' for more information.
35458 10 it is part of an Always On availability group. Consider removing the database from the availability group, changing the setting, and then adding the database back to the availability group
3098 16 The backup cannot be performed because '%ls' was requested after the media was formatted with an incompatible structure. To append to this media set, either omit '%ls' or specify '%ls'. Alternatively, you can create a new media set by using WITH FORMAT in your BACKUP statement. If you use WITH FORMAT on an existing media set, all its backup sets will be overwritten.
27052 16 Table maintenance insertion failed.
20622 11 Replication database option 'sync with backup' cannot be set on the publishing database because the database is in Simple Recovery mode.
14866 16 Attempted unlinking of the stretched table failed. If this table isn't dropped, please retry the operation of setting REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE to OFF on the table.
14901 10 Running an admin %ls operation on stretched table with ID %d using %ls hint.
10519 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' because the hints specified in @hints cannot be applied to the statement specified by either @stmt or @statement_start_offset. Verify that the hints can be applied to the statement.
45117 16 Cannot delete a system service objective.
1434 16 Invalid or unexpected database mirroring %ls message of type %d was received from server %ls, database %.*ls.
29254 16 Configuration manager cannot activate the agents.
14559 10 (append output file)
5292 16 Column store index '' on table '' has erroneous content in its Delete Bitmap with rowgroup_id %d and tuple_id %d.
41820 16 A MARS batch failed due to a validation failure for a foreign key constraint on memory optimized table '%.*ls'. Another interleaved MARS batch inserted a row that references the row that was deleted by the failed batch.
33441 16 The FileTable '%.*s' cannot be partitioned. Partitioning is not supported on FileTable objects.
3010 16 Invalid backup mirror specification. All mirrors must have the same number of members.
25654 16 Insuficient buffer space to copy error message.
27022 16 An error specific to fuzzy lookup table maintenance has occurred.
21649 16 Cannot change the property '%s'. Non-SQL Server Publishers do not support this property.
13090 0 contract
13544 16 Temporal FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause can only be used with system-versioned tables. '%.*ls' is not a system-versioned table.
14595 16 DTS Package '%s' exists in different categories. You must uniquely specify the package.
8731 15 REDISTRIBUTE and REDUCE hints expect the first join condition to be an equality comparison of columns with directly comparable types. Modify the query and re-run it.
10516 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' because @module_or_batch can not be compiled.
33436 16 Cannot enable Change Data Capture on the FileTable '%ls'. Change Data Capture is not supported for FileTable objects.
20583 10 Cannot drop server '%s' because it is used as a Subscriber in replication.
21295 16 Publication '%s' does not contain any article that uses automatic identity range management.
15306 16 Cannot change the compatibility level of replicated or distributed databases.
16640 16 Cannot refresh schema of the database '%ls'.
40807 16 Could not retrieve subscription information for subscription id: %.*ls, after %d attempts. Please try again later.
41621 10 Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') encountered error '%ls' and is reporting '%ls' failure to Windows Fabric. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered.. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
3747 16 Cannot drop a clustered index created on a view using drop clustered index clause. Clustered index '' is created on view ''.
3972 20 Incoming Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol is incorrect. Transaction Manager event has wrong length. Event type: %d. Expected length: %d. Actual length: %d.
853 10 Latch acquire failed due to too many concurrent latches. type %d, Task 0x%p : %d
651 16 Cannot use the %ls granularity hint on the table "%.*ls" because locking at the specified granularity is inhibited.
28704 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: unable to allocate new message for the brick %d. Error code %d.
19056 16 The comparison operator in the filter is not valid.
21072 16 The subscription has not been synchronized within the maximum retention period or it has been dropped at the Publisher. You must reinitialize the subscription to receive data.
28018 16 The database is a replica of a mirrored database.
21621 16 Unable to create the public synonym %s. Verify that the replication administrative user has been granted the CREATE SYNONYM permission.
18391 10 Reason: The login to SQL Azure DB failed due to empty username.
10640 16 Ignore in Optimization cannot be set for an index on '' because it is only applicable to indexes on user defined disk-based tables.
4448 16 Cannot INSERT into partitioned view '%.*ls' because values were not supplied for all columns.
32027 10 Log shipping Secondary Server Alert.
10628 16 Index '' on table '' is a hypothetical index that was created to hold column-level statistics. A distribution policy is not allowed for hypothetical indexes.
6961 16 The system limit on the number of XML types has been reached. Redesign your database to use fewer XML types.
45130 16 Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
2234 16 %sThe operator "%ls" cannot be applied to "%ls" and "%ls" operands.
28025 16 The security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %i) has expired. Create or install a new certificate for the database principal.
13543 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table '%.*ls' contains invalid records with end of period set to a value in the future.
14545 16 The %s parameter is not valid for a job step of type '%s'.
15557 10 There is already a %S_MSG by %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
12621 10 Database '%.*ls' is a cloned database. This database should be used for diagnostic purposes only and is not supported for use in a production environment.
7430 16 Out-of-process use of OLE DB provider "%ls" with SQL Server is not supported.
2110 15 Cannot alter trigger '' on '' because this trigger does not belong to this object. Specify the correct trigger name or the correct target object name.
22925 16 The number of columns captured by capture instance '%s' exceeds the maximum allowed number: %d. Use the @captured_columns_list parameter to specify a subset of the columns less than or equal to the maximum allowed and resubmit the request.
8964 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). The off-row data node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d is not referenced.
9641 16 A cryptographic operation failed. This error indicates a serious problem with SQL Server. Check the SQL Server error log and the operating system error log for further information.
35303 15 The statement failed because a nonclustered index cannot be created on a table that has a clustered columnstore index. Consider replacing the clustered columnstore index with a nonclustered columnstore index.
3183 16 RESTORE detected an error on page (%d:%d) in database "%ls" as read from the backup set.
3814 16 Local login mapped to remote login '' on server '' is invalid. Drop and recreate the remote login before upgrade.
20094 10 Profile parameter '%s' is dynamically reloadable and the change will be applied to running agents within configured period of time.
21021 16 Drop the Distributor before you uninstall replication.
9228 16 Name expected in notification options identifier option.
41185 10 Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP '%.*ls' MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration.
37001 16 This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation.
1701 16 Creating or altering table '%.*ls' failed because the minimum row size would be %d, including %d bytes of internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table row size of %d bytes.
25036 16 Distribution database needs to be in readable state on secondary replica, when distribution database is part of availability group.
31011 16 Could not terminate DTA process after it fails to be assigned to DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
20554 10 The replication agent has not logged a progress message in %ld minutes. This might indicate an unresponsive agent or high system activity. Verify that records are being replicated to the destination and that connections to the Subscriber, Publisher, and Distributor are still active.
20644 16 Invalid value "%s" specified for the parameter @identityrangemangementoption. Valid values are "auto", "manual", or "none".
15217 16 Property cannot be updated or deleted. Property '' does not exist for ''.
10761 16 Invalid data type in function
4834 16 You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement.
46823 16 %.*ls
21721 10 UserScripts
19431 16 Always On Availability Groups transport for availability database "%.*ls" has hit flow control boundary with log block whose LSN is %S_LSN. This error happens when secondary replica doesn't have buffer to receive a new message from primary. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
13537 16 Cannot update GENERATED ALWAYS columns in table '%.*ls'.
18272 16 During restore restart, an I/O error occurred on checkpoint file '%s' (operating system error %s). The statement is proceeding but cannot be restarted. Ensure that a valid storage location exists for the checkpoint file.
10753 15 The function '%.*ls' must have an OVER clause.
5515 20 Cannot open the container directory '%.*ls' of the FILESTREAM file. The operating system has returned the status code 0x%x.
5851 10 The AccessCheckResult quota must be greater than or equal to the bucket count
7417 16 GROUP BY ALL is not supported in queries that access remote tables if there is also a WHERE clause in the query.
7650 10 Warning: Failed to drop full-text catalog at '%ls'.
29209 16 Configuration manager enlistment encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d and is shutting down. This is a serious error condition, which prevents further enlistment and bricks joining matrix. Brick will be restarted.
21231 16 Automatic identity range support is useful only for publications that allow updating subscribers.
13716 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because system column '' in history table '' corresponds to a period column in table '%.*ls' and cannot be nullable.
18832 16 The Log Reader Agent scanned to the end of the log while processing a bounded update. BEGIN_UPDATE LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, END_UPDATE LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, current LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services.
8462 16 The remote conversation endpoint is either in a state where no more messages can be exchanged, or it has been dropped.
8532 20 Error while reading resource manager notification from Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM): %d.
9420 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, illegal xml character
11419 16 Cannot alter or drop column '' because the table '' is federated on it.
3926 10 The transaction active in this session has been committed or aborted by another session.
21770 10 Data type mapping from '%s' to '%s' does not exist. Review source and destination data type, length, precision, scale, and nullability. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings.
13768 16 Retention cleanup of history table for a temporal table (database id %lu, table id %ld) has not been executed. Either the cleanup is disabled on the database, appropriate lock could not be obtained or the temporal table does not exist anymore.
4802 16 The SINGLE_LOB, SINGLE_CLOB, and SINGLE_NCLOB options are mutually exclusive with all other options.
41602 16 An error has occurred while attempting to access replica publisher's subscriber list (partition ID %ls, SQL OS error code 0x%08x). Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
41803 16 An In-Memory OLTP physical database was restarted while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
40503 16 Database field %ls contains invalid value '%.*ls'. Expected data type %ls.
253 16 Recursive member of a common table expression '%.*ls' has multiple recursive references.
29274 16 Component %s reported that the component %s in brick %d is in a suspicious state because of the error: %d, severity: %d, state: %d, description: '%s'. Additional description provided was: '%s'. This report will be sent to the configuration manager known to be on brick %d.
19487 16 Listener configuration changes were completed but listening status of the corresponding TCP provider could not be determined because of the error code: %u. Check the system error log to determine if the TCP provider is listening or a listener restart is needed.
14814 16 Code generation for REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE failed (%ls).
8653 16 The query processor is unable to produce a plan for the table or view '%.*ls' because the table resides in a filegroup that is not online.
4926 16 ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN DROP ROWGUIDCOL failed because a column does not exist in table '%.*ls' with ROWGUIDCOL property.
6246 16 Assembly "" already exists in database "".
283 16 READTEXT cannot be used on inserted or deleted tables within an INSTEAD OF trigger.
21061 16 Invalid article status %d specified when adding article '%s'.
21183 16 Invalid property name '%s'.
17816 20 Login to remote SQL Server failed with error %d: %.*ls
5541 16 An open mode must be used when a FILESTREAM column is opened as a file.
32012 16 Secondary %s.%s already exists for primary %s.
13044 0 number
13146 16 signature
14683 16 A collection set in cached mode requires a schedule.
7904 16 Table error: Cannot find the FILESTREAM file "" for column ID %d (column directory ID container ID %d) in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, page ID %S_PGID, slot ID %d.
40095 13 Replication transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The operation will be retried.
19067 16 Cannot create a new trace because the trace file path is found in the existing traces.
9964 16 Failed to finish full-text operation. Filegroup '%.*ls' is empty, read-only, or not online.
41021 16 Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with ID '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
45317 16 Server '' does not exist in resource group '' in subscription '%.*ls'.
324 15 The 'ALL' version of the %.*ls operator is not supported.
22805 10 For more information, query the sys.dm_cdc_errors dynamic management view.
14592 16 DTS Category '%s' was found in multiple parent categories. You must uniquely specify the category to be dropped.
8189 16 You do not have permission to run '%ls'.
5050 16 Cannot change the properties of empty filegroup '%.*ls'. The filegroup must contain at least one file.
7104 16 Offset or size of data type is not valid. Data type must be of type int or smallint.
33012 10 Cannot %S_MSG signature %S_MSG %S_MSG '%.*ls'. Signature already exists or cannot be added.
22106 16 The CHANGETABLE function does not support remote data sources.
9002 17 The transaction log for database '%ls' is full due to '%ls'.
9721 10 Service broker failed to clean up conversation endpoints on database '%.*ls'. Another problem is preventing SQL Server from completing this operation. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages.
4887 16 Cannot open the file "%ls". Only disk files are supported.
33503 16 BLOCK predicates can only be added to user tables. '%.*ls' is not a user table.
112 15 Variables are not allowed in the %ls statement.
20574 10 Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' failed data validation.
14624 16 At least one of the following parameters must be specified. "%s".
5537 16 Function %ls is only valid on columns with the FILESTREAM attribute.
3727 10 Could not drop constraint. See previous errors.
1904 16 The %S_MSG '' on table '' has %d columns in the key list. The maximum limit for %S_MSG key column list is %d.
25027 16 Cannot find a credential for Windows login '%s'. Replication agent job sync needs a credential to be pre-created in all availability group replicas for each required Windows logins.
29704 16 Failed to release the specified vertex back to the vertex pool.
13193 16 encryption algorithm
13220 10 primary xml index
13749 16 The period of %ld %S_MSG is too big for system versioning history retention.
13906 16 A MATCH clause is only permitted in a WHERE clause or in the ON clause of a GRAPH JOIN.
8959 16 Table error: IAM page %S_PGID for object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type is linked in the IAM chain for object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type by page %S_PGID.
49401 16 Database backup not supported on this database as it has foreign files attached.
20570 10 Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures
14621 16 Parameter @attachmentencoding does not support the value "%s". The attachment encoding must be "MIME".
15104 16 You do not own a table named '%s' that has a column named '%s'.
15196 16 The current security context is non-revertible. The "Revert" statement failed.
6974 16 Invalid redefinition of attribute '%s' in type '%s'. Must be prohibited in the derived type if it is prohibited in the base type.
45316 16 MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. Please query sys.database_files and use DBCC SHRINKFILE to reduce the file size first.
32047 15 Database Mirroring Monitor Job
3437 21 An error occurred while recovering database '%.*ls'. Unable to connect to Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) to check the completion status of transaction %S_XID. Fix MS DTC, and run recovery again.
3625 20 '%hs' is not yet implemented.
26022 10 Server is listening on [ %s <%s> %d].
21500 10 Invalid subscription type is specified. A subscription to publication '%s' already exists in the database with a different subscription type.
21265 16 Column '%s' cannot be dropped from table '%s' because there is a unique index accessing this column.
9809 16 The style %d is not supported for conversions from %s to %s.
7638 10 Warning: Request to stop change tracking has deleted all changes tracked on table or indexed view '%ls'.
41844 15 Clustered columnstore indexes are not supported on memory optimized tables with computed columns.
33256 16 The audit store location or the audit store URL has been configured for this database audit.
33267 16 Security predicates cannot reference memory optimized tables. Table '%.*ls' is memory optimized.
34101 20 An error was encountered during object serialization operation. Examine the state to find out more details about this error.
35507 10 Storage
3004 16 The primary filegroup cannot be backed up as a file backup because the database is using the SIMPLE recovery model. Consider taking a partial backup by specifying READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS.
28978 16 Configuration manager agent cannot '%s' '%s'. Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this error. This is a fatal error affecting system functionality and brick will be taken down.
20076 16 The @sync_mode parameter value must be 'native' or 'character'.
21050 16 Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can perform this operation. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions to perform this operation.
21286 16 Conflict table '%s' does not exist.
14878 16 The filter predicate cannot be set for table '%ls' together with inbound migration.
2267 16 %sExpected end tag '%ls'
3035 16 Cannot perform a differential backup for database "%ls", because a current database backup does not exist. Perform a full database backup by reissuing BACKUP DATABASE, omitting the WITH DIFFERENTIAL option.
14008 11 There are no publications.
3865 16 The operation on object '%.*ls' is blocked. The object is a FileTable system defined object and user modifications are not allowed.
331 15 The target table '%.*ls' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot have any enabled triggers.
15192 16 Cannot alter or drop the security column of a table.
4994 16 Computed column '' in table '' cannot be persisted because the column type, '%.*ls', is a non-byte-ordered CLR type.
1929 16 Statistics cannot be created on object '%.*ls' because the object is not a user table or view.
20543 10 @rowcount_only parameter must be the value 0,1, or 2. 0=7.0 compatible checksum. 1=only check rowcounts. 2=new checksum functionality introduced in version 8.0.
13161 16 fire conversation timer
14057 16 The subscription could not be created.
7948 10 - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: %3.1f
7968 10 Transaction information for database '%.*ls'.
627 16 Cannot use SAVE TRANSACTION within a distributed transaction.
21537 16 The column '%s' in table '%s' is involved in a foreign key relationship with a column in table '%s', but this column was not found in the specified join clause. A logical record relationship between these tables should include this column.
15071 16 Usage: sp_addmessage ,, [, [,FALSE TRUE [,REPLACE]]]
15380 16 Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error configuring system database paths in MASTER DB.
15591 16 The current security context cannot be reverted using this statement. A cookie may or may not be needed with 'Revert' statement depending on how the context was set with 'Execute As' statement.
5581 10 FILESTREAM feature has been disabled. Restart the instance of SQL Server for the settings to fully take effect. If you have data in FILESTREAM columns, it will not be accessible after the SQL Server instance has been restarted.
5585 10 FILESTREAM file I/O access could not be enabled. The operating system Administrator must enable FILESTREAM file I/O access on the instance using Configuration Manager.
21031 16 'post_script' is not supported for stored procedure articles.
13603 16 Property '%.*ls' cannot be generated in JSON output due to invalid character in the column name or alias. Column name or alias that contains '..', starts or ends with '.' is not allowed in query that has FOR JSON clause.
9640 16 The operation encountered an OS error.
35464 10 columnstore indexes are not supported in the current SQL Server edition. See SQL Server Books Online for supported editions
27161 10 Warning: the requested permission has already been granted to the user. The duplicate request will be ignored.
27222 16 The required components for the 64-bit edition of Integration Services cannot be found. Run SQL Server Setup to install the required components.
28712 16 Unable to start expiration manager dispatch thread. Result code %d.
5555 16 The operation has failed because the FILESTREAM data cannot be renamed.
3062 16 Cannot backup from a HADRON secondary because it is not in Synchronizing or Synchronized state.
20812 16 The specified source object must be a synonym if it is published as a 'synonym schema only' type article.
14833 16 Cannot set the Remote Data Archive query mode LOCAL_AND_REMOTE for database '%.*ls' because data on remote side is not consistent. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information on the inconsistent objects.
15008 16 User '%s' does not exist in the current database.
16914 16 The "%ls" procedure was called with too many parameters.
40692 16 The alter database '%ls' failed to initiate because there are operations pending on the database. After the pending operations are complete, try again.
19101 10 Initialization failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.
15361 16 An error occurred while trying to read the SQLAgent proxy account credentials from the LSA.
1999 16 Column '' in table '' is of a type that is invalid for use as included column in an index.
40061 16 Unknown rowset id.
13039 0 column
6272 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because required property '%s' in type '%s' was not found with the same signature in the updated assembly.
33059 16 An error occurred while trying to flush all running audit sessions. Some events may be lost.
18366 10 Reason: Password validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [Database: '%.*ls']
18787 16 Snapshot publications cannot use the option to initialize a subscription from a backup. This option is only supported for transactional publications.
8308 10 USER_ID will be removed from a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature. Use DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID instead.
8450 16 Assignments in the RECEIVE projection are not allowed in conjunction with the INTO clause.
26010 10 The server could not load the certificate it needs to initiate an SSL connection. It returned the following error: %#x. Check certificates to make sure they are valid.
7133 16 NULL textptr (text, ntext, or image pointer) passed to %ls function.
2590 10 User "" is modifying bytes %d to %d of page %S_PGID in database "".
3213 16 Unable to unload one or more tapes. See the error log for details.
21209 16 This step failed because column '%s' does not exist in the vertical partition.
8696 16 Cannot run query because of improperly formed Spool element with parent RelOp with NodeId %d in XML plan in USE PLAN hint. Verify that each Spool element's parent RelOp has unique NodeId attribute, and each Spool element has either a single RelOp sub-element, or a PrimaryNodeId attribute, but not both. PrimaryNodeId of Spool must reference NodeId of an existing RelOp with a Spool sub-element. Consider using unmodified XML showplan as USE PLAN hint.
10538 16 Cannot find the plan guide either because the specified plan guide ID is NULL or invalid, or you do not have permission on the object referenced by the plan guide. Verify that the plan guide ID is valid, the current session is set to the correct database context, and you have ALTER permission on the object referenced by the plan guide or ALTER DATABASE permission.
857 10 Buffer pool extension "%.*ls" has been initialized successfully with size is %I64d MB.
27303 16 An unexpected error with HRESULT 0x%x occurred while processing backup files. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about any related errors that were encountered. Address those errors if necessary, and retry the operation.
9026 10 Consolidated log IO failure (%ls) error %d in host database %ls for tenant %d, file %d, offset 0x%016I64x. See prior errors.
8009 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): Data type 0x%02X is unknown.
25022 16 The snapshot storage option (@snapshot_storage_option) must be 'file system', or 'database'.
21229 16 The schema options available for a view schema article are: 0x00000001, 0x00000010, 0x00000020, 0x00000040, 0x00000100, 0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00040000, 0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x00400000, 0x00800000, 0x01000000, 0x08000000, 0x40000000, and 0x80000000.
17253 10 SQL Server cannot use the NO_BUFFERING option during I/O on this file, because the sector size for file '%s', %d, is invalid. Move the file to a disk with a valid sector size.
7151 16 Insufficient buffer space to perform write operation.
2325 16 %sThe end tag '%ls' doesn't match opening tag '%ls:%ls' from line %u
1455 16 The database mirroring service cannot be forced for database "%.*ls" because the database is not in the correct state to become the principal database.
1702 16 CREATE TABLE failed because column '' in table '' exceeds the maximum of %d columns.
21054 16 The trigger at the Subscriber could not execute commands at the Publisher over the linked server connection (triggers are used for Subscribers with updating subscriptions). Ensure sp_link_publication has been used to configure the linked server properly, and ensure that the login used to connect to the Publisher is in the publication access list.
7810 15 The value '%d' is not within range for the '%.*ls' parameter.
20701 16 The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed on the distributor.
40067 16 Corrupted row sequence.
21866 16 The publication property '%s' can only be set to '%s' when the publication property '%s' is set to '%s'.
18459 14 Login failed. The workstation licensing limit for SQL Server access has already been reached.%.*ls
9903 10 The full-text catalog health monitor reported a failure for full-text catalog '%ls' (%d) in database '%ls' (%d). Reason code: %d. Error: %ls. The system will restart any in-progress population from the previous checkpoint. If this message occurs frequently, consult SQL Server Books Online for troubleshooting assistance. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33240 16 A failure occurred during initializing of an Audit. See the errorlog for details.
3636 16 An error occurred while processing '%ls' metadata for database id %d file id %d.
1738 10 Cannot create table '%.*ls' with only a column set column and without any non-computed columns in the table.
18471 14 The login failed for user "". The password change failed. The user does not have permission to change the password.
35429 16 transaction isolation level
2732 16 Error number %ld is invalid. The number must be from %ld through %ld and it cannot be 50000.
8957 10 %lsDBCC %ls (%ls%ls%ls)%ls executed by %ls found %d errors and repaired %d errors. Elapsed time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds. %.*ls
6338 10 XML DTD has been stripped from one or more XML fragments. External subsets, if any, have been ignored.
5867 16 Changing AFFINITY is not supported when the sql server is running in agnostic affinity mode.
40908 16 A Disaster Recovery Configuration already exists for '' and ''
39010 16 External script execution encountered an unexpected error (HRESULT = 0x%x).
13756 16 Column '' is used in the temporal period '' and cannot be explicitly placed in the key list of a constraint where that same period without overlaps is used.
18321 10 Reason: Reinitialization of security context failed while revalidating the login on the connection.
5261 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it has not been formatted.
40808 16 The edition '' does not support the service objective ''.
45146 16 Database copy property '%ls' is required.
22124 16 Change Tracking manual cleanup is blocked on side table of "%s". If the failure persists, check if the table "%s" is blocked by any process .
9504 16 Errors and/or warnings occurred when processing the XQuery statement for XML data type method '', invoked on column '', table '%.*ls'. See previous error messages for more details.
9723 10 The database "%i" will not be started as the broker due to duplication in the broker instance ID.
8674 16 The query processor is unable to produce a plan. The table '%.*ls' is unavailable because the heap is corrupted. Take the database offline to rebuild the table and heap, and then run the query processor again.
4110 16 The argument type "%s" is invalid for argument %d of "%s".
1021 10 FIPS Warning: Line %d has the non-ANSI statement '%ls'.
23525 16 Invalid Namespace Name.
21329 16 Only one of the parameters, @dynamic_snapshot_jobid or @dynamic_snapshot_jobname, can be specified with a nondefault value.
17409 10 Automatic soft-NUMA was enabled because SQL Server has detected hardware NUMA nodes with greater than %lu physical cores.
1221 20 The Database Engine is attempting to release a group of locks that are not currently held by the transaction. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
15255 11 '%s' is not a valid value for @autofix. The only valid value is 'auto'.
9106 16 Histogram support not allowed for input data type 0x%08x.
10638 16 ALTER INDEX '%S_MSG' failed. There is no pending resumable index operation for the index '' on ''.
40162 16 The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not transactionally consistent.
2794 16 Message text expects more than the maximum number of arguments (%d).
21299 16 Invalid Subscriber partition validation expression '%s'.
18454 10 Login succeeded for user ''. Connection made using SQL Server
4128 16 An internal error occurred during remote query execution. Contact your SQL Server support professional and provide details about the query you were trying to run.
2546 10 Index '' on table '' is marked as disabled. Rebuild the index to bring it online.
1096 15 Default parameter values for CLR types, nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml and encrypted types are not supported.
13192 10 The certificate is disabled for BEGIN DIALOG
14832 10 Querying tables having REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option enabled will not be possible in LOCAL_AND_REMOTE query mode in database '%.*ls' before Remote Data Archive re-authorization is performed.
41022 16 Failed to create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) notification port with notification filter %d and notification key %d (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
16933 16 The cursor does not include the table being modified or the table is not updatable through the cursor.
12105 10 Waiting for the nonqualified transactions to be rolled back on the remote brick %d.
9516 16 XQuery: The name or one of the parts of a multi-part name supplied to %S_MSG('%.*ls') is empty. Empty names cannot be used to identify objects, columns or variables in SQL.
3975 16 The varchar(max) data type is not supported for sp_getbindtoken. The batch has been aborted.
15251 16 Invalid '%s' specified. It must be %s.
9762 10 An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: No certificate was found.
6990 16 Invalid restriction for type '%s'. Invalid model group restriction.
7909 20 The emergency-mode repair failed.You must restore from backup.
41131 10 Failed to bring availability group '%.*ls' online. The operation timed out. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persists, you might need to drop the availability group and create it again.
10724 15 The FORCESEEK hint is not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements.
6942 16 Invalid type definition for type '%s', types with simple content can only be derived from base types which have simple content
7861 15 "" endpoints can only be of the "FOR" type.
41631 16 Fabric service '%ls' failed to retrieve a known hardware sku while performing a build replica operation on '%ls' database (ID %d). Refer to the cluster manifest to ensure a valid SKU is defined for this node type. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
10932 16 Resource governor configuration failed, because there is an active database in the resource pool being dropped. Take the database offline and try again.
6855 16 Inline schema is not supported with FOR XML PATH.
45129 16 Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
3613 10 SQL Server parse and compile time: %hs CPU time = %lu ms, elapsed time = %lu ms.
7429 10 %hs SQL Server Remote Metadata Gather Time for Table %s.%s:%hs, CPU time = %lu ms, elapsed time = %lu ms.
33102 16 Cannot encrypt a system database. Database encryption operations cannot be performed for 'master', 'model', 'tempdb', 'msdb', or 'resource' databases.
10705 15 Subqueries are not allowed in the OUTPUT clause.
7308 16 OLE DB provider '%ls' cannot be used for distributed queries because the provider is configured to run in single-threaded apartment mode.
4319 16 A previous restore operation was interrupted and did not complete processing on file '%ls'. Either restore the backup set that was interrupted or restart the restore sequence.
41663 10 Failed to parse datawarehouse columnar cache settings during replica manager startup.
2791 16 Could not resolve expression for Schema-bound object or constraint.
21327 16 '%ls' is not a valid dynamic snapshot job name.
13916 16 The graph column '%.*ls' cannot be used as a non-key column in an index.
27202 16 This project is missing one or more environment references. In order to use environment variables, specify the corresponding environment reference identifier.
13191 10 The database principal has no mapping to a server principal
13390 10 Key Type
14399 16 Current proxy_id %d and new proxy_id %d cannot be the same.
16947 16 No rows were updated or deleted.
11618 15 Combining column level permissions with other permissions is not allowed in the same GRANT/DENY/REVOKE statement.
1228 16 An invalid parameter "%ls" was passed to the application lock function or procedure.
9771 10 The service broker manager is disabled in single-user mode.
9799 10 The connection was closed by the remote end, or an error occurred while receiving data: '%.*ls'
37006 16 Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility.
1035 15 Incorrect syntax near '', expected ''.
20686 16 Parameter '%s' cannot be NULL or empty when this procedure is run from a '%s' database.
7370 16 One or more properties could not be set on the query for OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls". %ls
10105 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls" because it uses the OPENXML rowset provider. Consider removing OPENXML or not indexing the view.
46525 15 External tables are not supported with the %S_MSG data source type.
1771 16 Cannot create foreign key '' because it references object '' whose clustered index '%.*ls' is disabled.
28382 16 A correlation name must be specified for the clone address rowset function.
9304 16 %sThis version of the server only supports XQuery version '1.0'.
10336 10 Failed to enque task to start CLR during SQL server startup. Error code: %u. CLR will be started in an on-demand fashion.
35006 16 An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_id.
28012 16 The Service Broker in the target database is unavailable: '%S_MSG'.
14818 10 The %ls on table '%ls' will not be enforced because of the use of REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE.
7996 16 Extended stored procedures can only be created in the master database.
40920 16 The database '%.*ls' is already included in another Failover Group
11263 16 A corrupted message has been received. The service pair security header size is %d, however it must be between %d and %d bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
40817 16 Could not change database edition from Premium for a database in a replication relationship.
1464 16 Database "%.*ls" is not in a recovering state which is required for a mirror database or secondary database. The remote database must be restored using WITH NORECOVERY.
27169 16 Failed to create a log entry for the requested operation.
7350 16 Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
3627 17 New parallel operation cannot be started due to too many parallel operations executing at this time. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase the number of allowable threads, or reduce the number of parallel operations running on the system.
41017 16 Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource or node handle is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
33015 16 The database principal is referenced by a %S_MSG in the database, and cannot be dropped.
500 16 Trying to pass a table-valued parameter with %d column(s) where the corresponding user-defined table type requires %d column(s).
9779 10 Service Broker received an END CONVERSATION message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation.
11238 16 A corrupted message has been received. The private variable data segment is malformed.
40566 16 Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
13542 16 ADD PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME on table '%.*ls' failed because there are open records with start of period set to a value in the future.
8546 10 Unable to load Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) library. This error indicates that MS DTC is not installed. Install MS DTC to proceed.
2321 16 %sFacets cannot follow attribute declarations. Found facet '%ls' at location '%ls'.
21581 16 Article "%s" in publication "%s" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article has a join filter with a join_unique_key value of 0. Either select a value of 0 or 1 for the @partition_options parameter, or use sp_changemergefilter to specify a value of 1 for join_unique_key.
19111 10 Unable to open TCP/IP protocol configuration key in registry.
11539 16 One of the types specified in WITH RESULT SETS clause has been modified after the EXECUTE statement started running. Please rerun the statement.
11264 16 A corrupted message has been received. The key exchange key size is %d, however it must be between %d and %d bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
11527 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '%.*ls' does not support metadata discovery.
40585 16 Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the forwarder for this partition.
46644 16 external tables for sharded data
33113 10 Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' is complete.
21822 16 Cannot perform %s on %s as entry already exists.
16960 16 You have reached the maximum number of cursors allowed.
9711 16 The transmission queue is referencing the invalid conversation ID '%ls'.
46650 16 days
47040 10 Reason: Login failed because database is not found.
49928 10 An error occurred during server setup. See previous errors for more information.
33440 16 When inserting into FileTable '%.*ls' using BCP or BULK INSERT, either CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option needs to be on, or FILETABLE_NAMESPACE needs to be disabled on the table.
2332 16 %s'%ls' may not be used with an 'empty' operand
21605 16 Non-SQL Server Publishers must be configured in the context of the distribution database. Execute sp_adddistpublisher in the context of the distribution database.
9416 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, hexadecimal digit expected
35284 16 Availability replica '' cannot be removed from availability group '', because this replica is on the local instance of SQL Server. If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica, and re-run the command.
3006 16 The differential backup is not allowed because it would be based on more than one base backup. Multi-based differential backups are not allowed in the simple recovery model, and are never allowed for partial differential backups.
3706 16 Cannot %S_MSG a database snapshot.
8440 23 The conversation group exists, but no queue exists. Possible database corruption. Run DBCC CHECKDB.
40663 16 Database '%.*ls' is currently being restored and cannot be dropped. Please wait for restore to complete.
21771 16 %s is not within the supported range of %d and %d.
41624 16 Drop database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') has failed. SQL Server has failed to drop the database. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
40139 16 The data node does not host a replica of the requested partition.
3940 16 Failed to acquire necessary locks during commit and the transaction was rolled back.
496 16 The parameter "%.*ls" is not the same type as the type it was created with. Drop and recreate the module using a two-part name for the type, or use sp_refreshsqlmodule to refresh its parameters metadata.
966 10 Warning: Assembly "" in database "" has been renamed to "%.*ls" because the name of the assembly conflicts with a system assembly in this version of SQL Server.
49956 10 The default language (LCID %d) has been set for engine and full-text services.
6377 16 Specifying a path which contains '' in the last step is not allowed for selective XML index ''.
41802 16 Cannot drop the last memory-optimized container '%.*ls'.
19490 16 The attempt to delete FILESTREAM RsFx endpoint failed with HRESULT 0x%x.
15324 16 The option %s cannot be changed for the '%s' database.
17125 10 Using dynamic lock allocation. Initial allocation of %I64u Lock blocks and %I64u Lock Owner blocks per node. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
8567 10 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) resource manager [%ls] has been released. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
7740 16 A partition ID for at least one row has been modified.
28058 16 Service Broker could not upgrade this conversation during a database upgrade operation.
30121 16 '%s' in only allowed in standalone (non matrix) mode.
15268 10 Authentication mode is %s.
11231 16 This message could not be delivered because the conversation endpoint is not secured, however the message is secured.
6259 16 Assembly '' could not be loaded because it failed verification.
7982 10 Oldest non-distributed LSN : (%d:%d:%d)
14360 16 %s is already configured as TSX machine
4880 16 Cannot bulk load. When you use the FIRSTROW and LASTROW parameters, the value for FIRSTROW cannot be greater than the value for LASTROW.
49949 10 ERROR: Unable to set system administrator password: %s.
2750 16 Column or parameter #%d: Specified column precision %d is greater than the maximum precision of %d.
561 16 Failed to access file '%.*ls'
8301 10 Use of level0type with value 'USER' in procedure sp_addextendedproperty, sp_updateextendedproperty and sp_dropextendedproperty and in table-valued function fn_listextendedproperty has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Users are now schema scoped and hence use level0type with value 'SCHEMA' and level1type with value 'USER' for extended properties on USER.
10619 16 Filtered %S_MSG '' cannot be created on table '' because the column '%.*ls' in the filter expression is of a CLR data type. Rewrite the filter expression so that it does not include this column.
28042 16 A corrupted message has been received. The arbitration request header is invalid.
21130 16 Terminating immediate updating or queued updating DELETE trigger because it is not the first trigger to fire. Use sp_settriggerorder procedure to set the firing order for trigger '%s' to first.
5271 10 DBCC %ls could not output results for this command due to an internal failure. Review other errors for details.
7624 16 Full-text catalog '%ls' is in an unusable state. Drop and re-create this full-text catalog.
1731 16 Cannot create the sparse column '' in the table '' because an option or data type specified is not valid. A sparse column must be nullable and cannot have the ROWGUIDCOL, IDENTITY, or FILESTREAM properties. A sparse column cannot be of the following data types: text, ntext, image, geometry, geography, or user-defined type.
22506 16 No data needed to be merged.
12307 15 Default values for parameters in %S_MSG must be constants.
3950 16 Version store scan timed out when attempting to read the next row. Please try the statement again later when the system is not as busy.
21015 16 The replication option '%s' has been set to TRUE already.
5510 15 LOG ON cannot be used for non-FILESTREAM file group '%.*ls'.
12427 16 Cannot perform operation on Query Store while it is enabled. Please turn off Query Store for the database and try again.
6579 16 Alter assembly from '%ls' to '%ls' is not a compatible upgrade.
6976 16 Invalid redefinition of attribute '%s' in type '%s'. Derivation by extension may not redefine attributes.
3800 16 Column name '' is not sufficiently different from the names of other columns in the table ''.
316 16 The index ID %d on table "%.*ls" (specified in the FROM clause) is disabled or resides in a filegroup which is not online.
1090 15 Invalid default for parameter %d.
27148 16 The data type of the parameter does not match the data type of the environment variable.
10322 16 Type not found in database
18305 10 Reason: Attempting to use an NT account name with SQL Server Authentication.
9982 16 Cannot use full-text search in user instance.
12348 16 Max length literals not supported in %S_MSG.
2542 10 DATA pages %.*ls: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) pages.
3171 16 File %ls is defunct and cannot be restored into the online database.
20586 16 (default destination)
9666 10 The %S_MSG endpoint is in disabled or stopped state.
41304 10 The current value of option '' for table '', index '%.*ls' is %d.
13522 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table '%.*ls' has triggers defined. Consider dropping all triggers and trying again.
10769 15 SET options are not supported inside ATOMIC blocks.
5030 16 The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation.
41061 10 Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
548 16 The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database '', replicated table ''%ls%.*ls%ls. If the identity column is automatically managed by replication, update the range as follows: for the Publisher, execute sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange; for the Subscriber, run the Distribution Agent or the Merge Agent.
25626 16 The %S_MSG, "%.*ls", was specified multiple times.
15294 10 The number of orphaned users fixed by adding new logins and then updating users was %d.
10728 15 A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed as the table source of a PIVOT or UNPIVOT operator.
3139 16 Restore to snapshot is not allowed with the master database.
292 16 There is insufficient result space to convert a smallmoney value to %ls.
21105 16 This edition of SQL Server cannot act as a Publisher or Distributor for replication.
14065 16 The @status parameter value must be 'initiated', 'active', 'inactive', or 'subscribed'.
7608 16 An unknown full-text failure (0x%x) occurred during "%hs".
19058 16 The trace status is not valid.
40806 16 The request to retrieve subscription information has timed out. Please try again later.
30040 10 During a full-text crawl of table or indexed view '%ls', an unregistered property, '%ls', was found in batch ID %d. This property will be indexed as part of the generic content and will be unavailable for property-scoped full-text queries. Table or indexed view ID is '%d'. Database ID is '%d'. For information about registering properties and updating the full-text index of a table or indexed view, see the full-text search documentation in SQL Server Books Online. This is an informational message. No user action is necessary.
21137 16 This procedure supports only remote execution of push subscription agents.
14370 16 The @originating_server must be either the local server name or the master server (MSX) name for MSX jobs on a target server (TSX).
6331 16 Primary XML Index '' already exists on column '' on table '%.*ls', and multiple Primary XML Indexes per column are not allowed.
40531 11 Server name cannot be determined. It must appear as the first segment of the server's dns name (servername.%.*ls). Some libraries do not send the server name, in which case the server name must be included as part of the user name (username@servername). In addition, if both formats are used, the server names must match.
40159 16 Database scoping cannot be run inside a transaction.
29207 16 Configuration manager enlistment is ignoring stale message from brick %d due to '%s' mismatch. Expected %I64u but received %I64u
31203 10 Warning Master Merge operation was not done for dbid %d, objid %d, so querying index will be slow. Please run alter fulltext catalog reorganize.
15522 10 Rule unbound from table column.
15504 10 Deleting users except guest and the database owner from the system catalog.
40693 16 The current operation cannot be initiated while a replication operation is in progress. You can rename the database only after the replication operation has stopped.
33057 10 Cryptographic provider is now disabled. However users who have an open cryptographic session with the provider can still use it. Restart the server to disable the provider for all users.
3932 16 The save point name "%.*ls" that was provided is too long. The maximum allowed length is %d characters.
1540 16 Cannot sort a row of size %d, which is greater than the allowable maximum of %d. Consider resubmitting the query using the ROBUST PLAN hint.
27177 16 Environment names must be unique. There is already an environment named '%ls'.
15215 16 Warning: The certificate you created is not yet valid; its start date is in the future.
41415 16 Availability replica does not have a healthy role.
13535 16 Data modification failed on system-versioned table '%.*ls' because transaction time was earlier than period start time for affected records.
251 16 Could not allocate ancillary table for query optimization. Maximum number of tables in a query (%d) exceeded.
28007 16 A corrupted message has been received. The highest seen message number must be greater than the acknowledged message number. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
13038 0 SET option
15539 16 User '%s' cannot be dropped, it can only be disabled. The user is already disabled in the current database.
9645 16 An error occurred in the service broker manager, Error: %i, State: %i.
10138 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '' because its select list does not include a proper use of COUNT_BIG. Consider adding COUNT_BIG() to select list.
11553 16 EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified a non-nullable type for column #%d in result set #%d, and the corresponding value sent at run time was null.
6351 16 The xml schema collection for return parameter of module '%.*ls' has been altered while the batch was being executed. Please re-run the batch.
7725 16 Alter partition function statement failed. Cannot repartition table '' by altering partition function '' because its clustered index '%.*ls' is disabled.
27003 16 Bad token encountered during tokenization.
14639 10 The mail queue was started by login "%s".
6907 16 Namespace URI too long: '%.*ls'.
38001 16 Cannot find the file id %d in the database '%s'.
22932 16 Capture instance name '%s' is invalid. Specify a valid name. See the topic 'Identifiers' in SQL Server Books Online for object name rules.
21234 16 Cannot use the INSERT command because the table has an identity column. The insert custom stored procedure must be used to set 'identity_insert' settings at the Subscriber.
6109 10 SPID %d: transaction rollback in progress. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. Estimated time remaining: %d seconds.
41184 16 Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group '%.*ls'. The availability group configuration has been updated. However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica. The operation has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for more information. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, verify that the local WSFC node is online. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to undo the changes made to the availability group configuration.
30069 11 The full-text filter component '%ls' used to populate catalog '%ls' in a previous SQL Server release is not the current version (component version is '%ls', full path is '%.*ls'). This may cause search results to differ slightly from previous releases. To avoid this, rebuild the full-text catalog using the current version of the filter component.
5071 16 Rebuild log can only specify one file.
35011 16 The @server_name parameter cannot be a relative name.
2543 10 USED pages %.*ls: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) pages.
14887 16 Cannot run the procedure for table '' if migration is not paused. Please set MIGRATION_STATE to PAUSED and retry the operation.
7934 16 DBCC CHECK cannot proceed on database %.*ls because it is a Secondary Replica and either Snapshot creation failed or the WITH TABLOCK option was specified. Secondary Replica databases cannot be exclusively locked for DBCC CHECK. Reason may have been given in previous error.
2754 16 Error severity levels greater than %d can only be specified by members of the sysadmin role, using the WITH LOG option.
2788 16 Synonyms are invalid in a schemabound object or a constraint expression.
14812 16 Cannot enable REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE for table '%.*ls' due to '%ls'. %ls
41350 10 Warning: A memory optimized table with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA was created in a database that is enabled for encryption. The data in the memory optimized table will not be encrypted.
8499 16 The remote service has sent a message body of type '' that does not match the message body encoding format. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
40085 16 The primary partition has lost the quorum. New transactions can not start.
27130 16 Integration Services server was unable to impersonate the caller. Operating system returned error code: %ls.
9227 16 Unmatched quote in notification options identifier string.
7412 16 OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" returned message "%ls".
7713 10 %d filegroups specified after the next used filegroup are ignored.
28397 16 Unable to activate query fragment.
19414 16 An attempt to switch the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster context of Always On Availability Groups to the specified WSFC cluster , '%ls', failed. The cluster context has been switched back to the local WSFC cluster. Check the SQL Server error log for more information. Correct the cause of the error, and repeat the steps for setting up the secondary replicas on the remote WSFC cluster from the beginning.
15239 16 User data type '%s' has no rule.
11260 16 A corrupted message has been received. The certificate issuer name size is %d, however it must be no greater than %d bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
6600 16 XML error: %.*ls
21143 16 The custom stored procedure schema option is invalid for a snapshot publication article.
15081 16 Membership of the public role cannot be changed.
7694 16 Failed to pause catalog for backup. Backup was aborted.
45122 16 '%ls'
47055 10 Reason: VNET Firewall rejected the login due to a the source of a login being outside a VNET
14373 16 Supply either %s or %s to identify the schedule.
14681 16 Cannot perform this procedure when the collector is disabled. Enable the collector and then try again.
18467 14 The login failed for user "". The password change failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL.
5863 16 Could not change the value of the '%.*ls' property. Operating system error %ls
15431 16 You must specify the @rolename parameter.
8980 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Index node page %S_PGID, slot %d refers to child page %S_PGID and previous child %S_PGID, but they were not encountered.
8196 16 Duplicate column specified as ROWGUIDCOL.
9036 10 The source has PERSISTENT_LOG_BUFFER enabled, but the current device is not DAX volume. PERSISTENT_LOG_BUFFER has been set to OFF.
549 16 The collation '' of receiving variable is not equal to the collation '' of column '%.*ls'.
18002 20 Exception happened when running extended stored procedure '' in the library ''. SQL Server is terminating process %d. Exception type: %ls; Exception code: 0x%lx. To generate a minidump, create an xevent session using the dump routine event with the create dump action.
9222 16 Internal query notification table has an outdated schema and the table has been dropped. Query notification cleanup has not been performed for this table.
9435 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, one root element
6368 16 It is not allowed to specify an XSD type for selective XML index '' because the column '' of table '%.*ls' is associated with an XML Schema collection.
18336 10 Reason: Cannot connect with a login that does not specify a share.
9915 10 Reinitialized full-text %ls population for table '%ls' (table ID '%d', database ID '%d') after a temporary failure. Number of documents processed prior to failure: %d, errors encountered: %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
47030 10 Reason: The Feature Switch for this FedAuth protocol is OFF.
2275 16 %sUnterminated XML declaration
21689 16 A NULL @schema value is invalid for add and drop schema filter operations.
13199 10 message timestamp
15034 16 The application role password must not be NULL.
41315 16 Checkpoint operation failed in database '%.*ls'.
10329 16 .Net Framework execution was aborted. %.*ls
7813 16 The parameter PATH must be supplied in its canonical form. An acceptable PATH is '%.*ls'.
3855 10 Attribute (%ls) exists without a row (%ls) in sys.%ls%ls.
14712 16 Only dbo or members of dc_admin can install or upgrade instmdw.sql. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions to perform this operation.
2115 16 Server level event notifications are disabled as the database msdb does not exist.
13279 10 decryption failure (expected: 0x%08x; actual: 0x%08x)
28725 20 Unable to process cancellation request due to resource availability. Retrying...
33214 17 The operation cannot be performed because SQL Server Audit has not been started.
28029 10 Connection handshake failed. Unexpected event (%d) for current context (%d). State %d.
188 15 Cannot specify a log file in a CREATE DATABASE statement without also specifying at least one data file.
578 16 Insert Exec not allowed in WAITFOR queries.
156 15 Incorrect syntax near the keyword '%.*ls'.
45341 16 The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information for '%ls' from server '%ls'. The encountered error message is '%ls'.
46911 16 Procedure expects parameter '%ls' of type '%ls'.
15433 16 Supplied parameter sid is in use.
3628 24 The Database Engine received a floating point exception from the operating system while processing a user request. Try the transaction again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
4113 16 The function '%.*ls' is not a valid windowing function, and cannot be used with the OVER clause.
30007 16 Parameters of dm_fts_index_keywords, dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document, dm_fts_index_keywords_by_property, and dm_fts_index_keywords_position_by_document cannot be null.
18317 10 Reason: The user must change the password, but it cannot be changed with the current connection settings.
5060 10 Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%.
46814 16 %.*ls
908 10 Filegroup %ls in database %ls is unavailable because it is %ls. Restore or alter the filegroup to be available.
26073 16 Failed to clean up event associated with TCP connection, this is most likely because the server was under heavy load. Operating system return code: %#x
20530 10 Run agent.
15475 10 The database is renamed and in single user mode.
576 16 Cannot create a row that has sparse data of size %d which is greater than the allowable maximum sparse data size of %d.
21481 16 Cannot create replication subscription(s) in the master database. Choose another database for creating subscriptions.
21518 10 Replication custom procedures for article '%s':
45036 16 ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %.*ls federation was dropped while the split was still in progress.
21029 16 Cannot drop a push subscription entry at the Subscriber unless @drop_push is 'true'.
17811 10 The maximum number of dedicated administrator connections for this instance is '%ld'
40073 16 Partitioned tables are not supported.
41034 16 Failed to set the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
27140 16 The operation cannot be started because the user is not a member of the database role, '%ls', or the server role, '%ls'. Log in as a member of one of these roles, and then try to start the operation again.
15069 16 One or more users are using the database. The requested operation cannot be completed.
12442 17 Query store flush failed due to internal error.
33011 16 The %S_MSG private key cannot be dropped because one or more entities are encrypted by it.
4063 11 Cannot open database "" that was requested by the login. Using the user default database "" instead.
22567 16 contains one or more articles that use subscription-based or partition-based filtering
10911 16 Requested operation cannot be performed because the resource pool '%.*ls' does not exist.
35314 15 The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column set. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns in the table that does not contain a column set or any sparse columns.
22939 16 The parameter @supports_net_changes is set to 1, but the source table does not have a primary key defined and no alternate unique index has been specified.
12413 16 Cannot process statement SQL handle. Try querying the sys.query_store_query_text view instead.
7327 16 A failure occurred while retrieving parameter information to OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
8105 16 '%.*ls' is not a user table. Cannot perform SET operation.
22549 16 A shared distribution agent (%s) already exists for this subscription.
9983 16 The value '%ls' for the full-text component '%ls' is longer than the maximum permitted (%d characters). Please reduce the length of the value.
3125 16 The database is using the simple recovery model. The data in the backup it is not consistent with the current state of the database. Restoring more data is required before recovery is possible. Either restore a full file backup taken since the data was marked read-only, or restore the most recent base backup for the target data followed by a differential file backup.
19512 16 The requested operation only applies to distributed availability group, and is not supported on the specified availability group '%.*ls'. Please make sure you are specifing the correct availability group name.
10340 16 DROP ASSEMBLY failed. Error code: 0x%x.
12108 16 '%d' is out of range for the database scoped configuration option '%.*ls'. See sp_configure option '%ls' for valid values.
14441 16 Role change succeeded.
18809 16 END_UPDATE log record {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} encountered without matching BEGIN_UPDATE.
14009 11 There are no articles for publication '%s'.
5289 16 Clustered columnstore index '' column '' rowgroup id %d on table '%.*ls' has one or more data values that do not match data values in a dictionary. Restore the data from a backup.
7640 10 Warning: Request to stop tracking changes on table or indexed view '%.*ls' will not stop population currently in progress on the table or indexed view.
41840 16 Could not perform the operation because the elastic pool has reached its quota for in-memory tables. See '' for more information.
35249 16 An attempt to add or join a system database, '%.*ls', to an availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation.
5123 16 CREATE FILE encountered operating system error %ls while attempting to open or create the physical file '%.*ls'.
8031 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %d ("%.*ls"), row %I64d, column %d: The chunking format is incorrect for a large object parameter of data type 0x%02X.
10607 16 The clustered index '' on table '' cannot be disabled because the table has change tracking enabled. Disable change tracking on the table before disabling the clustered index.
40171 16 Table group name (single part name) should not be longer than nvarchar(64).
3017 16 The restart-checkpoint file '%ls' could not be opened. Operating system error '%ls'. Correct the problem, or reissue the command without RESTART.
913 22 Could not find database ID %d. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. Reissue the query once the database is available. If you do not think this error is due to a database that is transitioning its state and this error continues to occur, contact your primary support provider. Please have available for review the Microsoft SQL Server error log and any additional information relevant to the circumstances when the error occurred.
26078 20 Client disconnected during login
21331 16 Cannot copy user script file to the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%ls). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, and that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to write to the snapshot folder and its subdirectories.
41096 10 Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. This is expected if the availability group has been removed from another instance of SQL Server. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
5513 16 The name that is specified for the associated log filegroup for FILESTREAM filegroup '%.*ls' is not valid.
3195 16 Page %S_PGID cannot be restored from this backup set. RESTORE PAGE can only be used from full backup sets or from the first log or differential backup taken since the file was added to the database.
15119 16 Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL.
15307 16 Could not change the merge publish option because the server is not set up for replication.
18052 16 Error: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d.
9521 16 Error processing XML data type. The XML data type instance contains a negative xs:date or xs:dateTime value.
45027 16 %ls operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution.
2284 16 %sThe namespace prefix '%ls' has not been defined
1085 15 '%.*ls' event type does not support event notifications.
25031 10 Monitor and sync replication agent jobs
30084 16 The full-text index cannot be created because filegroup '%.*ls' does not exist or the filegroup name is incorrectly specified. Specify a valid filegroup name.
22561 16 The requested operation failed because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication "%s" to 90RTM.
3113 16 Invalid data was detected.
830 10 stale page (a page read returned a log sequence number (LSN) (%u:%u:%u) that is older than the last one that was written (%u:%u:%u))
930 21 Attempting to reference recovery unit %d in database '%ls' which does not exist. Contact Technical Support.
15387 11 If the qualified object name specifies a database, that database must be the current database.
10054 16 The data value for one or more columns overflowed the type used by the provider.
10637 16 Cannot perform this operation on '%.*ls' with ID %I64d as one or more indexes are currently in resumable index rebuild state. Please refer to sys.index_resumable_operations for more details.
41015 16 Failed to obtain the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node handle (Error code %d) for node '%.*ls'. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster node name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41163 16 An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. Verify that the availability group is in the correct state for the command. If this is a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) availability group, also verify that the WSFC cluster is in the correct state for the command. Then retry the command.
14108 10 Removed %ld history records from %s.
17886 20 The server will drop the connection, because the client driver has sent multiple requests while the session is in single-user mode. This error occurs when a client sends a request to reset the connection while there are batches still running in the session, or when the client sends a request while the session is resetting a connection. Please contact the client driver vendor.
35387 17 TEMPDB ran out of space during spilling. Verify that data is evenly distributed and/or rewrite the query to consume fewer rows. If the issue still persists, consider upgrading to a higher service level objective.
40137 15 Could not refresh options for all scoped databases.
2528 10 DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
23114 16 Sharing violation.
13729 16 Temporal 'GENERATED ALWAYS' column '%.*ls' cannot be altered.
17896 20 The Tabular Data Stream (TDS) version 0x%x of the client library used to recover a dead connection is unsupported or unknown. The server could not recover the connection to the requested TDS version. The connection has been closed. %.*ls
5018 10 The file "%.*ls" has been modified in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started.
7313 16 An invalid schema or catalog was specified for the provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
20064 16 Cannot drop profile. Either it is not defined or it is defined as the default profile.
33524 10 The fn_get_audit_file function is skipping records from ''. You must be connected to database '' to access its audit logs.
34004 16 Execution mode %d is not a valid execution mode.
19202 10 An error occurred while calling CompleteAuthToken for this security context. The operating system error code indicates the cause of failure.
14274 16 Cannot add, update, or delete a job (or its steps or schedules) that originated from an MSX server.
9927 10 Informational: The full-text search condition contained noise word(s).
11210 16 This message has been dropped because the TO service could not be found. Service name: "%.*ls". Message origin: "%ls".
17204 16 %ls: Could not open file %ls for file number %d. OS error: %ls.
17803 20 There was a memory allocation failure during connection establishment. Reduce nonessential memory load, or increase system memory. The connection has been closed.%.*ls
8994 16 Object ID %d, forwarded row page %S_PGID, slot %d should be pointed to by forwarding row page %S_PGID, slot %d. Did not encounter forwarding row. Possible allocation error.
6280 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because table, view or constraint '%s' depends on this assembly. Use WITH UNCHECKED DATA to skip checking for persisted data.
7951 10 Warning: Could not complete filestream consistency checks due to an operating system error. Any consistency errors found in the filestream subsystem will be silenced. Please refer to other errors for more information. This condition is likely transient; try rerunning the command.
494 16 The TABLESAMPLE clause can only be used with local tables.
21796 16 The property "xactsetjobinterval" must be assigned a value greater than or equal to 0.
19117 10 Failed to allocate memory for IP addresses configured for listening. Check for memory-related errors.
16624 16 Cannot create or update sync member because the sync member name '%ls' is invalid.
33054 16 Extensible key management is not supported in this edition of SQL Server.
3313 21 During redoing of a logged operation in database '%.*ls', an error occurred at log record ID %S_LSN. Typically, the specific failure is previously logged as an error in the operating system error log. Restore the database from a full backup, or repair the database.
8028 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d (""): The supplied length is not valid for data type Check the source data for invalid lengths. An example of an invalid length is data of nchar type with an odd length in bytes.
3181 10 Attempting to restore this backup may encounter storage space problems. Subsequent messages will provide details.
10643 16 SNAPSHOT_MATERIALIZATION cannot be set for '' on '' because it is only applicable to clustered indexes on views.
28970 16 Error: cannot update matrix metadata (Loc: %d).
21280 16 Publication '%s' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%s' because it contains one or more articles that have been subscribed to by the same Subscriber database at transaction level.
14862 16 Cannot rename index '%ls'. Indexes on tables with REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option enabled cannot be renamed.
27106 16 Cannot find the parameter '%ls' because it does not exist.
28723 16 Brick was shutdown by administrator request
14212 10 (all jobs)
8623 16 The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information.
11276 16 A corrupted message has been received. The End of Conversation flag has been set on an unsequenced message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
11415 16 Object '%.*ls' cannot be disabled or enabled. This action applies only to foreign key and check constraints.
40164 16 Idempotent flush expects no context transaction.
13291 10 guid
7704 16 The type '%.*ls' is not valid for this operation.
3173 16 The STOPAT clause provided with this RESTORE statement indicates that the tail of the log contains changes that must be backed up to reach the target point in time. The tail of the log for the database "%ls" has not been backed up. Use BACKUP LOG WITH NORECOVERY to back up the log, or use the WITH REPLACE clause in your RESTORE statement to overwrite the tail of the log.
141 15 A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations.
21663 16 Cannot find a valid primary key for the source table [%s].[%s]. A valid primary key is required to publish the table. Add or correct the primary key definition on the source table.
20737 10 Warning: To allow replication of FILESTREAM data to perform optimally and reduce memory utilization, the 'stream_blob_columns' property has been set to 'true'. To force FILESTREAM table articles to not use blob streaming, use sp_changemergearticle to set 'stream_blob_columns' to 'false'.
41830 16 Upgrade of XTP physical database '%.*ls' restarted XTP engine.
28614 16 TCM manager has received a request for re-synchronization from brick id %d and will now restart. Typical causes where restart is necessary are temporary network errors or out of memory conditions. Look for earlier messages in the log on the offending brick for more information.
18486 14 Login failed for user '' because the account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it.
8164 16 An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.
8982 16 Table error: Cross object linkage. Page %S_PGID->next in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, AU ID %I64d (type refers to page %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, AU ID %I64d (type but is not in the same index.
20717 16 sp_addmergelogsettings failed to add log settings. If log settings already exist for this subscription then use sp_changemergelogsettings to change the settings or sp_dropmergelogsettings to remove the settings.
8489 16 The dialog has exceeded the specified LIFETIME.
41154 16 Cannot failover availability group '%.*ls' to this SQL Server instance. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the operation.
35009 16 An invalid value NULL was passed in for @server_type.
989 16 Failed to take the host database with ID %d offline when one or more of its partition databases is marked as suspect.
21573 16 Cannot add a logical record relationship because the foreign key constraint '%s' on table '%s' is defined with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. To add the logical record relationship, first drop the foreign key constraint, and then re-create it without the NOT FOR REPLICATION option.
11401 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '' is %S_MSG, but index '' on indexed view '%.*ls' is %S_MSG.
249 16 The type "%ls" is not comparable. It cannot be used in the %ls clause.
20599 16 Continue on data consistency errors.
4417 16 Derived table '%.*ls' is not updatable because the definition contains a UNION operator.
40092 16 This index %ld state for table %ld does not match the source.
2299 16 %sRequired attribute "%ls" of XSD element "%ls" is missing.
27308 16 SegmentID %d from the archive does not match the segmentID %d from the specified filename on brick %d.
9773 10 The Service Broker in database "%d" is disabled because there is already an enabled Service Broker with the same ID.
11528 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '' in procedure '' does not support metadata discovery.
4942 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '' at ordinal %d in table '' has a different name than the column '' at the same ordinal in table ''.
5064 16 Changes to the state or options of database '%.*ls' cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it.
108 15 The ORDER BY position number %ld is out of range of the number of items in the select list.
123 15 Batch/procedure exceeds maximum length of %d characters.
1458 17 The principal copy of the '%.*ls' database encountered error %d, status %d, severity %d while sending page %S_PGID to the mirror. Database mirroring has been suspended. Try to resolve the error condition, and resume mirroring.
15036 16 The data type '%s' does not exist or you do not have permission.
11108 16 The provider could not support a required property.
5556 16 The database '%.*ls' does not exist or does not support FILESTREAM. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases.
46904 16 Failed to get the computer name. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %ls.
46645 16 Remote Data Archive
9014 21 An error occurred while processing the log for database '%ls'. The log block version %d is unsupported. This server supports log version %d to %d.
1756 10 Skipping FOREIGN KEY constraint '%.*ls' definition for temporary table. FOREIGN KEY constraints are not enforced on local or global temporary tables.
15302 11 Database_Name should not be used to qualify owner.object for the parameter into this procedure.
10227 16 Field "" of type "" cannot be updated because the field is "".
4015 16 Language requested in login '' is not an official name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default instead.
43009 16 Storage in MB %d is below the minimum limit.
2549 10 DBCC: Defrag phase of index '%.*ls' is %d%% complete.
22945 16 Could not add column information to the cdc.index_columns system table for the specified index for source table '%s.%s. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
11215 16 This message could not be delivered because the user with ID %i in database ID %i does not have permission to send to the service. Service name: '%.*ls'.
16931 16 There are no rows in the current fetch buffer.
11606 15 Specifying server name in '%.*ls' is not allowed.
4836 10 Warning: Table "%.*s" is published for merge replication. Reinitialize affected subscribers or execute sp_addtabletocontents to ensure that data added is included in the next synchronization.
6599 16 Found an empty native serialization class '%.*ls'. Empty native serialization classes are not allowed.
1993 16 Cannot partition an index on a table variable or return table definition in table valued function.
21077 10 Deactivated initial snapshot for anonymous publication(s). New subscriptions must wait for the next scheduled snapshot.
41380 21 Databases with a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup are only supported in 64-bit editions of SQL Server.
7931 16 Database error: The FILESTREAM directory ID %.*ls for a partition was seen two times.
41810 16 Stored procedures called from natively compiled triggers do not support statements that output a result set.
33018 16 Cannot remap user to login '%.*s', because the login is already mapped to a user in the database.
9453 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, '?' expected
6963 16 'Default' or 'Fixed' value is longer than allowed, maximum length allowed is 4000 characters : '%s'
599 16 %.*ls: The length of the result exceeds the length limit (2GB) of the target large type.
40641 16 Location '%.*ls' cannot be found.
22108 16 The CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT WITH clause cannot be used with a SELECT statement.
21101 10 The custom command name %s specified for parameter %s will be ignored. A system generated name will be used instead. The publication allows %s and command names need not be specified.
14895 16 Cannot run the procedure for table '' since the max batch ID found in the stage table is different than the max batch ID found in the remote table. Please make sure that you run the same hinted admin query on both tables to bring them in sync.
10314 16 An error occurred in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly id %d. The server may be running out of resources, or the assembly may not be trusted. Run the query again, or check documentation to see how to solve the assembly trust issues. For more information about this error: %.*ls
3264 16 The operation did not proceed far enough to allow RESTART. Reissue the statement without the RESTART qualifier.
26061 10 Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while composing the Service Principal Name (SPN). This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %#x.
20545 10 Default agent profile
7427 10 OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" returned "%ls" for "%ls" during statistics gathering.
35463 10 referenced
28047 10 %S_MSG login attempt failed with error: ''.
829 21 Database ID %d, Page %S_PGID is marked RestorePending, which may indicate disk corruption. To recover from this state, perform a restore.
21214 16 Cannot create file '%s' because it already exists.
13086 0 database collation
8722 15 Cannot execute query. Semantic affecting hint '' appears in the '' clause of object '' but not in the corresponding '' clause. Change the OPTION (TABLE HINTS...) clause so the semantic affecting hints match the WITH clause.
33205 10 Audit event: %s.
15236 16 Column '%s' has no default.
41870 10 Dropped %d Orphan Internal Table(s).
33248 16 The specified value for QUEUE_DELAY is not valid for MDS log target. Specify value higher than 0.
18840 16 Cannot locate database information in the article cache. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, back up the publication database, and then contact Customer Support Services.
1224 16 An invalid application lock resource was passed to %ls.
28044 16 A corrupted message has been received. It is not encrypted and signed using the currently configured endpoint algorithm. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
8379 10 Old style RAISERROR (Format: RAISERROR integer string) will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it to use new style RAISERROR.
5243 16 An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation. Please contact technical support.
21617 16 Unable to run SQL*PLUS. Make certain that a current version of the Oracle client code is installed at the distributor. For addition information, see SQL Server Error 21617 in Troubleshooting Oracle Publishers in SQL Server Books Online.
13082 0 filegroup
19235 10 An unexpected exception was thrown while processing a cryptographic handshake.
15376 16 Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only the SQL Server Express version lets you generate a user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
35371 16 SNAPSHOT isolation level is not supported on a table which has a clustered columnstore index.
3851 10 An invalid row (%ls) was found in the system table sys.%ls%ls.
21676 16 Heterogeneous subscriber '%s' could not add a subscription for heterogeneous publication '%s' because publication sync method is not 'character', 'concurrent_c', or 'database snapshot character'.
12437 17 Query Store global Resource Group cannot be determined.
45102 16 Parameter "%ls" should contain settings for all dimensions.
4844 16 The bulk data source provider string has an unsupported property name (%ls).
14586 16 Only the owner of DTS Package '%s' or a member of the sysadmin role may create new versions of it.
14614 16 %s is not a valid mailserver_type
15063 16 The login already has an account under a different user name.
18373 10 Reason: Database could not accept user connections at this time.
49703 10 Failed to parse server override on server ''. The category name is: '' and the override string is: '%.*ls'.
22863 16 Failed to insert rows into Change Data Capture change tables. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
3067 16 Failed while trying to delete file snapshot %.*ls. Error code %ld.
6955 16 Invalid attribute definition for attribute '%s', attributes type has to be simple type
47014 10 Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId High.
29228 10 Matrix transitioned from state %d to state %d.
13167 16 system
9108 16 This type of statistics is not supported to be incremental.
6212 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because method '' on type '' in assembly '' is storing to a static field. Storing to a static field is not allowed in %.*ls assemblies.
28014 16 The database is in read-only mode.
21728 16 The article can support logical record level conflict detection only if it uses logical record conflict resolution.
45325 16 The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name is null or empty.
40129 16 %S_MSG database link up with the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' encountered the error: %ls.
1032 16 Cannot use the column prefix ''. This must match the object in the UPDATE clause ''.
6205 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because assembly '%.*ls' was compiled with /UNSAFE option, but the assembly was not registered with the required PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE option.
18849 16 Failed to evaluate the filter procedure or computed column. Cannot find the column offset information for column ID %d, rowsetId %I64d. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, back up the publication database and then contact Customer Support Services.
21156 16 The @status parameter value must be 'initiated' or 'active'.
13573 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table '%.*ls' contains overlapping records.
9202 16 The query notification subscription message is invalid.
2293 16 %sChoice cannot be empty unless minOccurs is 0. Location: '%ls'.
10536 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' because the batch or module corresponding to the specified @plan_handle contains more than 1000 eligible statements. Create a plan guide for each statement in the batch or module by specifying a statement_start_offset value for each statement.
8999 10 Database tempdb allocation errors prevent further %ls processing.
6295 16 property of SqlFacetAttribute has an invalid value.
25733 16 Event session "%.*ls" failed to reconcile its runtime state. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause, and correct any associated problems.
22850 16 The threshold value specified for the Change Data Capture cleanup process must be greater than 0. When creating or modifying the cleanup job, specify a positive threshold value. If this error is encountered when executing the sys.sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table stored procedure, reset the threshold value associated with the job to a non-negative value by using the sp_cdc_change_job stored procedure.
15500 10 The dependent aliases were dropped.
8063 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call stream is sending an unlimited length CLR type. Parameter %d ("") is defined as type This type is not supported by down-level clients. Send the serialized data of the large CLR type as varbinary(max), or upgrade the client driver to one that supports unlimited CLR types.
40887 16 Failed to activate database.
9731 16 Dialog security is unavailable for this conversation because there is no security certificate bound to the database principal (Id: %i). Either create a certificate for the principal, or specify ENCRYPTION = OFF when beginning the conversation.
46802 16 Failed to load module for global query.
14547 10 Warning: This change will not be downloaded by the target server(s) until an %s for the job is posted using %s.
15521 10 Columns of the specified user data type had their defaults unbound.
6575 16 Assembly names should be less than %d characters. Assembly name '%.*ls' is too long.
408 16 A constant expression was encountered in the ORDER BY list, position %i.
505 16 The current user account was invoked with SETUSER or SP_SETAPPROLE. Changing databases is not allowed.
21740 16 Oracle subscriber '%s' not found. Loopback support cannot be checked.
19410 16 An attempt to switch the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster context of Always On Availability Groups to a remote WSFC cluster failed. This is because one or more availability replicas hosted by the local instance of SQL Server are currently joined to an availability group on the local WSFC cluster. Remove each of the joined replicas from its respective availability group. Then retry your ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET HADR CLUSTER CONTEXT = '%.*ls' command.
14410 16 You must supply either a plan_name or a plan_id.
5295 16 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE cannot acquire lock on object 'sysallocunits'. Please try again later.
21417 10 Having a queue timeout value of over 12 hours is not allowed.
12623 10 Clone backup succeeded and is stored in %ls.
13034 0 default
6396 16 The number of promoted paths for selective XML index '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum of %d.
13093 0 queue
15451 16 Dropping an encryption from the service master key failed. No encryption by the machine key exists.
872 10 Buffer pool extension is already enabled. No action is necessary.
1843 10 Reverting database '%ls' to the point in time of database snapshot '%ls' with split point LSN %.*ls (0x%ls). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
28962 16 Error: Invalid value for manager name %s specified.
7397 16 Remote function returned varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) or large CLR type value which is not supported.
41316 16 Restore operation failed for database '%.*ls' with internal error code '0x%08lx'.
35339 16 Multiple columnstore indexes are not supported.
20551 10 Profile used by the Windows Synchronization Manager.
28927 16 Configuration manager cannot create agent %d.
5181 16 Could not restart database "%.*ls". Reverting to the previous status.
23102 16 Item does not exist {ItemId: %ls}.
21808 16 For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_info must contain the class name in '%s' that implements the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule interface.
20673 16 A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized filtering.
9719 16 The database for this conversation endpoint is attached or restored.
35450 16 table
277 16 The column "%.*ls" is specified multiple times in the column list of the UNPIVOT operator.
8725 17 Subproc thread aborted during parallel query execution.
9100 23 Possible index corruption detected. Run DBCC CHECKDB.
5183 16 Cannot create the file "%ls". Use WITH MOVE to specify a usable physical file name. Use WITH REPLACE to overwrite an existing file.
33009 16 The database owner SID recorded in the master database differs from the database owner SID recorded in database ''. You should correct this situation by resetting the owner of database '' using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement.
22838 16 All columns of a CDC unique index must be defined as NOT NULL. Index '%s' selected as the CDC unique index for source table '%s.%s' does not meet this requirement. Define all columns of the selected index as NOT NULL or select another unique index as the CDC index and resubmit the request.
20664 16 The Publisher cannot be assigned a new range of identity values, because the values for the identity column's data type have all been used. Change the data type in the identity column.
12703 16 Referenced external data source "%ls" not found.
14257 16 Cannot stop the job "%s" (ID %s) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with a job server by calling sp_add_jobserver.
25703 16 The event session option, "%.*ls", has an invalid value. Correct the value and re-issue the statement.
5027 16 System databases master, model, and tempdb cannot have their logs rebuilt.
47035 10 Reason: Login failed because it was attempting to use integrated authentication, which we do not support.
16942 16 Could not generate asynchronous keyset. The cursor has been deallocated.
10795 15 The variable '%.*ls' was declared as not null, and must be declared with an initial value.
15513 10 The new default has been bound to columns(s) of the specified user data type.
4960 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraint '' in source table '' is NOCHECK constraint but the matching check constraint '' in target table '' is CHECK.
33033 16 Specified key type or option '%S_MSG' is not supported by the provider.
10727 15 A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed on either side of a JOIN or APPLY operator.
13315 10 ROWGUID
9734 16 The length of the private key for the security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %i) is incompatible with the operating system cryptographic service provider. The key length must be a multiple of 64 bytes.
40193 16 The maximum allowed number of database is already paired.
689 16 Operation not allowed because of pending cleanup of online index build. Wait for cleanup to complete and re-run the operation.
40558 16 Error - cannot perform checkpoint on a partition database before loading partition information.
45131 16 Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
25033 16 The distribution database is part of an availability group without a listener. Add a listener to the availability group before adding publication, subscription or distribution.
32014 16 Database %s does not exist as log shipping secondary.
9454 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, no ']]>' in element content
11322 16 Controlling explicit transactions and creating savepoints (BEGIN/SAVE/COMMIT/ROLLBACK TRANSACTION) is not supported inside ATOMIC blocks.
6506 16 Could not find method '%s' for type '%s' in assembly '%s'
40704 16 Invalid element name '' in
33417 16 An invalid path locator caused a FileTable check constraint error. The path locator has a level of %d, which is deeper than the limit of %d supported by FileTable. Reduce the depth of the directory hierarchy.
35296 16 Log backup for database "%.*ls" on secondary replica failed because the new backup information could not be committed on primary database. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
15325 16 The current database does not contain a %s named '%ls'.
9918 10 Warning: Full-text catalog '%ls' uses FAT volume. Security and differential backup are not supported for the catalog.
29220 10 Configuration manager enlistment started.
14563 10 (quit with failure)
45002 16 %ls operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %.*ls is not valid.
2798 16 Cannot create index or statistics '' on table '' because SQL Server cannot verify that key column '%.*ls' is precise and deterministic. Consider removing column from index or statistics key, marking computed column persisted, or using non-CLR-derived column in key.
210 16 Conversion failed when converting datetime from binary/varbinary string.
28701 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: an attempt was made to use channel %d.%d.%I64u in the closed state.
13624 16 Object or array cannot be found in the specified JSON path.
8451 16 The conversation handle '%.*ls' at position %d appears more than once.
5209 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is a dedicated allocation page.
42005 16 Failed to parse XML configuration. Invalid value for attribute '%ls'.
13531 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because column '' does not have the same nullability attribute in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
10649 16 Nonclustered index '' cannot be created on '' that has clustered index '%.*ls' with SNAPSHOT_MATERIALIZATION.
12433 16 Operation failed because Query Store %.*ls is disabled on the server or database you are using. Contact customer support to get this addressed.
291 16 CAST or CONVERT: invalid attributes specified for type '%.*ls'
7714 16 Partition range value is missing.
40081 16 Cardinality of index should not be less then zero.
523 16 A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active.
13079 0 variable assignment
15022 16 The specified user name is already aliased.
12415 16 Failed to add query to Query Store for database ID %d.
13177 16 IL compilation
13386 10 Invalid Argument - Consult EKM Provider for details
15118 16 Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is not complex enough.
15464 16 Unsupported private key format or key length.
5009 16 One or more files listed in the statement could not be found or could not be initialized.
6952 16 Invalid type definition for type '%s', 'minExclusive' must be less than or equal to 'maxExclusive' and less than 'maxInclusive'
11414 10 Warning: Option %ls is not applicable to table %.*ls because it does not have a clustered index. This option will be applied only to the table's nonclustered indexes, if it has any.
11550 16 The metadata could not be determined because remote metadata discovery failed for statement '%.*ls'.
2384 16 %sInvalid element occurrence, element '%ls' was found multiple times in the context of element '%ls'
297 16 The user does not have permission to perform this action.
15258 16 The database must be owned by a member of the sysadmin role before it can be removed.
15592 16 Cannot unset application role because none was set or the cookie is invalid.
11261 16 A corrupted message has been received. The destination certificate serial number size is %d, however it must be no greater than %d bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
136 15 Cannot use a CONTINUE statement outside the scope of a WHILE statement.
1023 15 Invalid parameter %d specified for %ls.
21850 16 The property "%s" cannot be changed to "%s" after the value has already been set to "%s".
13760 16 Accessing history table for memory optimized temporal table using the SERIALIZABLE isolation level is not supported while SYSTEM_VERSIONING is ON.
11711 15 Argument 'AS' cannot be used in an ALTER SEQUENCE statement.
5001 16 User must be in the master database.
40190 16 A context transaction is required.
26048 10 Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [ %s ].
41144 16 The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' is in a failed state. The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %d). To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service or restart the local instance of SQL Server.
20800 16 Cannot reinitialize the article '%s' in subscription '%s:%s' to publication '%s'. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead.
14510 16 Specify a null %s when supplying a @wmi_namespace.
33098 10 Initializing SMK for brickId: %d
1833 16 File '%ls' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation. If the database is participating in an availability group, a dropped file can be reused only after the truncation LSN of the primary availability replica has passed the drop LSN of the file and a subsequent BACKUP LOG operation has completed.
9445 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, well formed check: pes between declarations
4945 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '' does not have the same collation in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
47116 16 The external lease cannot be set on availability group '%.*ls'. External Lease updates are not enabled for this availability group.
35441 10 an internal error occurred
20054 16 Current database is not enabled for publishing.
9335 16 %sThe XQuery syntax '%ls' is not supported.
7666 16 User does not have permission to perform this action.
41868 16 Memory optimized filegroup checks could not be completed because of system errors. See errorlog for more details.
1938 16 Index cannot be created on view '' because the underlying object '' has a different owner.
3101 16 Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.
13210 10 SESSION KEY
17832 20 The login packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls
14094 16 Could not subscribe to article '%s' because heterogeneous Subscriber '%s' does not support the @pre_creation_cmd parameter value 'truncate'.
10531 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' from cache because the user does not have adequate permissions. Grant the VIEW SERVER STATE permission to the user creating the plan guide.
33082 16 Cannot find Cryptographic provider library with guid '%ls'.
15241 16 Usage: sp_dboption [dbname [,optname [,'true' 'false']]]
15243 16 The option '%s' cannot be changed for the master database.
10706 15 Too many expressions are specified in the GROUP BY clause. The maximum number is %d when grouping sets are supplied.
22994 16 The retention value specified for the Change Data Capture cleanup process must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 52594800. When creating or modifying the cleanup job, specify a retention value (in minutes) that is within that range. If this error is encountered when executing the sys.sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table stored procedure, reset the retention value associated with the job to a non-negative value less than 52594800 by using the sp_cdc_change_job stored procedure.
14896 10 Reconciliation proc brought down the local batch ID for the stretch table '' of database '%.*ls' from %I64d to %I64d.
27154 16 The @sensitive parameter is missing. This parameter is used to indicate if the parameter contains a sensitive value.
13043 0 identifier
16615 16 Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the sync interval is invalid.
5325 15 The order of the data in the data file does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the BULK rowset '%.*ls'. The order of the data must match the order specified in the ORDER hint for a BULK rowset. Update the ORDER hint to reflect the order in which the input data is ordered, or update the input data file to match the order specified by the ORDER hint.
49916 10 UTC adjustment: %d:%02u
2357 16 %sA document node may only be replaced with another document node, found '%ls'
2740 16 SET LANGUAGE failed because '%.*ls' is not an official language name or a language alias on this SQL Server.
675 10 Worktable with partition ID %I64d was dropped successfully after %d repeated attempts.
25028 16 Cannot specify 'database_name' when 'all' is set to 1.
9783 10 DNS lookup failed with error: '%.*ls'.
28724 16 Channel close verification
2586 16 Cannot find partition number %ld for index "", table "".
41043 16 For availability group '%.*ls', the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. The binary value should contain a resource ID, a group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group configuration data may be corrupt. If this error persists, you may need to drop and recreate the availability group.
8941 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type, page %S_PGID. Test ( failed. Slot %d, offset 0x%x is invalid.
41862 16 Memory optimized large rows table consistency error detected. Corresponding File %.*ls not found in File Table. Begin Lsn is (%I64d:%hu), End Lsn is (%I64d:%hu).
1056 15 The number of elements in the select list exceeds the maximum allowed number of %d elements.
11707 10 The cache size for sequence object '%.*ls' has been set to NO CACHE.
7887 20 The IPv6 address specified is not supported. Only addresses that are in their numeric, canonical form are supported for listening.
482 16 Non-constant or invalid expression is in the TABLESAMPLE or the REPEATABLE clause.
1448 16 The remote copy of database "%.*ls" does not exist. Check the database name and reissue the command.
7873 16 The endpoint "%.*ls" is a built-in endpoint and cannot be dropped. Use the protocol configuration utilities to ADD or DROP Transact-SQL endpoints.
8391 10 The usage of 2-part names in DROP INDEX is deprecated. New-style syntax DROP INDEX <1p-name> ON {<3p-table-name> <3p-view-name> }
5135 16 The path '%.*ls' cannot be used for FILESTREAM files. For information about supported paths, see SQL Server Books Online.
3642 10 Table '%.*ls'. Segment reads %u, segment skipped %u.
14080 16 The remote server "%s" does not exist, or has not been designated as a valid Publisher, or you may not have permission to see available Publishers.
41345 16 The key size limit of %d bytes for nonclustered indexes on memory optimized tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the index definition.
8025 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): The RPC is marked with the metadata unchanged flag, but data type 0x%02X has a maximum length different from the one sent last time.
41383 16 An internal error occurred while running the DMV query. This was likely caused by concurrent DDL operations. Please retry the query.
29203 16 Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick <%d>.
4328 16 The file "%ls" is missing. Roll forward stops at log sequence number The file is created at log sequence number (LSN), dropped at LSN %.*ls. Restore the transaction log beyond the point in time when the file was dropped, or restore data to be consistent with rest of the database.
7376 16 Could not enforce the remote join hint for this query.
40801 16 Operation ALTER USER WITH LOGIN failed. User provided login does not match the login in the federation root database for the user provided username.
33313 16 An out of memory condition has occurred in the Service Broker transport layer. A service broker connection is closed due to this condition.
13159 16 countersignature
14152 10 Replication-%s: agent %s scheduled for retry. %s
6385 16 The selective XML index '' does not exist on table '' column '%.*ls'.
40077 16 Remote rowset %ls.%ls.%ls column %ld is not found locally.
40086 16 Primary hit an error with this secondary.
22550 16 Cannot drop identity column "%s" from the vertical partition when identityrangemanagementoption is set to auto.
14221 16 This job has one or more notifications to operators other than '%s'. The job cannot be targeted at remote servers as currently defined.
9998 16 The column '%.*ls' cannot be added to a full-text index. Full-text indexes are limited to 1024 columns. When you create a full-text index, add fewer columns.
2513 16 DBCC DBREINDEX cannot be used on memory optimized tables.
40102 16 The partition can not have persisted queues modified in this state.
41032 16 Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry subkey '%.*ls' (Error code %d). The parent key is %sthe cluster root key. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
26023 16 Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ %s <%s> %d]. Tcp port is already in use.
21011 16 Deactivated subscriptions.
11735 16 The target table of the INSERT statement cannot have DEFAULT constraints using the NEXT VALUE FOR function when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
13057 0 a planguide batch
13147 16 password
13587 16 Period column '%.*ls' in a system-versioned temporal table cannot be nullable.
7933 16 Table error: A FILESTREAM directory ID %.*ls exists for a partition, but the corresponding partition does not exist in the database.
41313 16 The C compiler encountered a failure. The exit code was %d.
9619 16 Failed to create remote service binding ''. A remote service binding for service '' already exists.
6844 16 Two (or more) elements named '%.*ls' are of different types and not direct siblings in the same level.
7392 16 Cannot start a transaction for OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
3013 16 %hs is terminating abnormally.
3994 16 User defined routine, trigger or aggregate tried to rollback a transaction that is not started in that CLR level. An exception will be thrown to prevent execution of rest of the user defined routine, trigger or aggregate.
12432 16 Query Store Interval length cannot be changed because an invalid value was provided. Please try again with a valid value (1, 5, 10, 15, 30 & 60).
1839 16 Could not create default data files because the name '%ls' is a reserved device name.
4889 16 Cannot open the file "%ls". A unicode byte-order mark is missing.
40078 16 The persisted queue logging has failed.
33032 16 SQL Crypto API version '%02d.%02d' implemented by provider is not supported. Supported version is '%02d.%02d'.
33327 16 Failed to parse the specified connection string
9210 10 Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog ''. Delivery failed for notification '' because of the following error in service broker: '%.*ls'.
11404 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '' is referenced by %d indexed view(s), but source table '' is only referenced by %d matching indexed view(s). Every indexed view on the target table must have at least one matching indexed view on the source table.
6833 16 Parent tag ID %d is not among the open tags. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires parent tags to be opened first. Check the ordering of the result set.
1123 14 Table error: Page %S_PGID. Unexpected page type %d.
4165 16 The score override argument, if present in one of the subqueries, must be present in all subqueries and must be the same constant and variable.
9327 16 %sAll prolog entries need to end with ';', found '%ls'.
2388 16 %sInvalid element occurrence, element '%ls' has to appear first in the context of '%ls'
544 16 Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table '%.*ls' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
4173 16 "%.*s" is not a valid scoring function name.
33030 16 Cryptographic provider is not available.
35382 16 The specified COMPRESSION_DELAY option value %d is invalid. The valid range for disk-based table is between (0, 10080) minutes and for memory-optimized table is 0 or between (60, 10080) minutes.
45164 16 Invalid number of database copies: '%d'. Only one database copy is currently allowed to be created along with the database creation.
15166 10 Warning: User types created via sp_addtype are contained in dbo schema. The @owner parameter if specified is ignored.
12407 18 The global instance of the the Query Store Manager is not available.
6906 16 XML Validation: Required attribute '%s' is missing. %S_MSG %s
7806 16 The URL specified by endpoint '%.*ls' is already registered to receive requests or is reserved for use by another service.
33513 16 Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed, because the predicate function is not an inline table-valued function. Only inline table-valued functions can be used for security predicates.
26069 10 Started listening on virtual network name '%ls'. No user action is required.
15388 11 There is no user table matching the input name '%s' in the current database or you do not have permission to access the table.
14234 16 The specified '%s' is invalid (valid values are returned by %s).
2504 16 Could not delete the physical file '%ls'. The DeleteFile system function returned error %ls.
2812 16 Could not find stored procedure '%.*ls'.
23207 16 Could not add Share item for '%ls' in Catalog.
21212 16 Cannot copy subscription. Only single file subscription databases are supported for this operation.
21667 16 The index "%s" was not created. The index has a key length of at least %d bytes. The maximum key length supported by SQL Server is %d bytes.
19150 10 Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry.
19450 16 Failed to open a cluster network interface object: '%ls'. The WSFC cluster control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
4038 16 Cannot find file ID %d on device '%ls'.
35215 16 The %ls operation is not allowed on availability replica '%.*ls', because automatic failover mode is an invalid configuration on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. Retry the operation by specifying manual failover mode.
28021 16 One or more messages could not be delivered to the local service targeted by this dialog.
30041 10 The master merge started at the end of the full crawl of table or indexed view '%ls' failed with HRESULT = '0x%08x'. Database ID is '%d', table id is %d, catalog ID: %d.
14889 16 Unable to process DML statement due to an unexpected operator in the migration predicate for table "%.*ls".
8494 16 You do not have permission to access the service '%.*ls'.
10729 15 A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed in a SELECT statement that is not the immediate source of rows for an INSERT statement.
33216 10 SQL Server was started using the -f flag. SQL Server Audit is disabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
35240 16 Database '' cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group ''. This operation is not supported on the primary replica of the availability group.
28017 16 The message has been dropped because the target service broker is unreachable.
21390 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because extended properties are scripted out with the article schema creation script.
15223 11 Error: The input parameter '%s' is not allowed to be null.
13033 0 view
3078 16 The file name "%ls" is invalid as a backup device name for the specified device type. Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid file name and device type.
314 16 Cannot use GROUP BY ALL with the special tables INSERTED or DELETED.
14908 16 Cannot set REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE to OFF from ON. To retrieve remote data and turn off remote data archive, set REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE (MIGRATION_STATE = INBOUND). To turn off REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE without retrieving remote data, set REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE = OFF_WITHOUT_DATA_RECOVERY.
11740 16 NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used in a default constraint if ROWCOUNT option has been set, or the query contains TOP or OFFSET.
8384 10 Use of space as a separator for table hints is a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future version. Use a comma to separate individual table hints.
9950 10 Informational: Full-text catalog health monitor reported a failure for catalog '%ls' ('%d') in database '%ls' ('%d'). Reason code: %d. Error: %ls. The catalog is corrupted and all in-progress populations will be stopped. Use rebuild catalog to recover the failure and start population from scratch.
5055 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify file '%.*ls'. The file is read-only.
21633 16 The publication '%s' could not be added because non-SQL Server Publishers only support the @sync_method parameter values "character" or "concurrent_c".
15150 16 Cannot %S_MSG the %S_MSG '%.*ls'.
14598 16 Cannot drop the Local, Repository, or LocalDefault DTS categories.
6281 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because only users with ALTER ANY SCHEMA permissions can use WITH UNCHECKED DATA.
7340 16 Cannot create a column accessor for OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
28088 16 The activated task was aborted due to an error (Error: %i, State %i). Check ERRORLOG or the previous "Broker:Activation" trace event for possible output from the activation stored procedure.
21391 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 2000 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because it contains schema-only articles.
20577 10 No entries were found in msdb..sysreplicationalerts.
20723 16 Computed column "%s" can only be added to publication after its depending object "%s" is added.
17196 10 Preparing for eventual growth to %d GB with Hot Add Memory.
9752 10 %S_MSG connection was refused. The user account of the remote server is not permitted to log in to this SQL Server: User account: '', IP address: '%.hs'.
3805 10 Warning: Index "" on table ""."" might be corrupted because it references computed column "" containing a non-deterministic conversion from string to date. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE to verify index. Consider using explicit CONVERT with deterministic date style such as 121. Computed column indexes referencing non-deterministic expressions can't be created in 90 compatibility mode. See Books Online topic "Creating Indexes on Computed Columns" for more information.
4017 16 Neither the language requested in 'login' nor user default language is an official language name on this SQL Server. Using server-wide default %.*ls instead.
4957 16 '%ls' statement failed because the expression identifying partition number for the %S_MSG '%.*ls' is not of integer type.
32007 16 Database %s is not ONLINE.
33297 16 Cannot create %S_MSG. The %S_MSG cannot be empty.
29707 16 Failed to publish LWFG to GDMA LWFG buffer.
45335 16 Server type '%ls' is invalid.
21653 16 The database management system (DBMS) %s %s does not exist. Verify the supported DBMS and versions by querying msdb.dbo.MSdbms.
21776 16 Failed to generate published column bitmap for article '%s'.
19049 16 File '%.*ls' either does not exist or there was an error opening the file. Error = '%ls'.
20659 11 The value of IDENT_CURRENT ("%s") is greater than the value in the max_used column of the MSmerge_identity_range system table.
7980 10 Oldest distributed LSN : (%d:%d:%d)
4035 10 Processed %I64d pages for database '%ls', file '%ls' on file %d.
30119 16 Invalid CM brick GUID.
32053 16 The server name, given by '@@servername', is currently null.
22956 16 Could not obtain the minimum LSN of the change table associated with capture instance '%s' from function 'sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
41636 16 Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') is unable to enqueue a work item for the database restart of '%ls' database (ID %d). The administrator may have exhausted all available resources. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
8179 16 Could not find prepared statement with handle %d.
2008 16 The object '%.*ls' is not a procedure so you cannot create another procedure under that group name.
2235 16 %sAn argument list was applied to a non-function term.
28942 16 Error reading configuration file. (Reason=%d).
29224 10 Configuration manager enlistment sent reply to brick <%d>.
17143 16 %s: Could not set Service Control Status. Operating system error = %s.
9695 16 Could not allocate enough memory to start the Service Broker task manager. This message is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages, and address the underlying problem.
40545 20 The service is experiencing a problem that is currently under investigation. Incident ID: %ls. Code: %d
21666 16 Cannot specify more than %d column names for the index or primary key because this exceeds the maximum number of columns supported by SQL Server. %d columns were specified.
21789 16 Failure to set the Oracle Xact batching enabled flag for publisher '%s'.
8543 10 Unable to commit a prepared transaction from the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Shutting down server to initiate resource manager (RM) recovery. When the RM recovers, it will query the transaction manager about the outcome of the in-doubt transaction, and commit or roll back accordingly.
28601 16 The Transaction Coordination Manager has encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d and is shutting down. This is a serious error condition, which may prevent further transaction processing. Examine previously logged messages to figure out the cause for this unexpected failure. Depending on the failure condition, the Transaction Coordination Manager might be restarted automatically.
21052 16 Cannot write to the message queue for the queued updating subscription. Ensure that Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator is running, and that the subscription is active and initialized. If the subscription uses Microsoft Message Queueing, ensure the proper permissions are set on the queue.
11032 16 The table was in immediate-update mode, and deleting a single row caused more than one row to be deleted in the data source.
41041 16 SQL Server instance to cluster node map entry cannot be found for the SQL Server instance '' and group ID ''. The specified SQL Server instance name is invalid, or the corresponding registry entry does not exist. Verify the SQL Server instance name and retry the operation.
35302 15 The statement failed because specifying sort order (ASC or DESC) is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Create the columnstore index without specifying a sort order.
22991 16 The value specified for the parameter @maxtrans must be greater than 0.
29246 16 Configuration manager reconfiguration failed due to error %d, state %d, severity %d.
41661 16 There are no waiters on the DataLossEvent for Fabric Service '%ls' (partition ID '%ls').
22104 16 A table returned by the CHANGETABLE function must be aliased.
15442 10 Database is no longer enabled for merge publications.
17163 10 SQL Server is starting at high priority base (=13). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
14224 10 Warning: The server name given is not the current MSX server ('%s').
9441 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, incorrect xml declaration syntax
10081 16 The rowset uses integrated indexes and there is no current index.
3170 16 The STANDBY filename is invalid.
33512 16 Binding for the non-schema bound security predicate on object '%.*ls' failed with one or more errors, indicating the schema of the predicate function has changed. Update or drop the affected security predicates.
12980 16 Supply either %s or %s to identify the log entries.
7998 16 Checking identity information: current identity value '%.hs', current column value '%.hs'.
40911 16 Server '%.*ls' is not the secondary in the Disaster Recovery Configuration and cannot initiate a failover
35289 16 Failed to send request for file '' to the '' primary database for the local secondary database. Resuming the database will be retried automatically.
21049 16 The login '%s' does not have access permission on publication '%s' because it is not in the publication access list.
13541 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because history table '%.*ls' contains invalid records with end of period set before start.
8120 16 Column '' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
8460 16 The conversation endpoint with ID '%ls' and is_initiator: %d is referencing the invalid conversation handle '%ls'.
11211 16 This message has been dropped because the user does not have permission to access the target database. Database ID: %d. Message origin: &quot;%ls&quot;.
2297 16 %sElement <%ls> is not valid at location '%ls'.
3050 16 SQL Server could not send the differential information for database file '%ls' of database '%ls\%ls' to the backup application because the differential information is too large to fit in memory, and an attempt to use a temporary file has failed.
20509 16 Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values cannot be updated at the Subscriber.
15664 16 Cannot set key '%ls' in the session context. The key has been set as read_only for this session.
7352 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" supplied inconsistent metadata. The object "%ls" was missing the expected column "%ls".
2256 16 %sSyntax error near '%ls', expected a "node test".
3413 21 Database ID %d. Could not mark database as suspect. Getnext NC scan on sys.databases.database_id failed. Refer to previous errors in the error log to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
479 16 Invalid ROWS value or REPEATABLE seed "%I64d" in the TABLESAMPLE clause for table "%.*ls". The value or seed must be greater than 0.
891 10 Buffer pool extension is not supported on %ls platform.
21607 16 sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher was unable to obtain publisher information for Oracle publisher '%s'. sp_refresh_heterogeneous_publisher may only be called to refresh Oracle publishers currently defined at the distributor.
18303 10 Reason: Failed to unprotect memory containing sensitive information.
11715 15 No properties specified for ALTER SEQUENCE.
12501 16 Different number of columns in CREATE TABLE and SELECT query.
13268 10 resource pool
14375 16 More than one schedule named "%s" is attached to job "%s". Use "sp_update_schedule" to update schedules.
3247 16 The volume on device '%ls' has the wrong media sequence number (%d). Remove it and insert volume %d.
40569 16 Database copy failed. Target database has become unavailable. Please drop target database and try again.
28055 16 The certificate '%.*ls' is not valid for endpoint authentication. The certificate must have a private key encrypted with the database master key and current UTC date has to be between the certificate start date and the certificate expiration date.
18361 10 Reason: Could not find a user matching the name provided. [Database: '%.*ls']
15303 11 The "user options" config value (%d) was rejected because it would set incompatible options.
14220 10 second
8608 16 The query could not be completed due to an online index build operation and must be recompiled.
10125 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "" because it uses aggregate "". Consider eliminating the aggregate, not indexing the view, or using alternate aggregates. For example, for AVG substitute SUM and COUNT_BIG, or for COUNT, substitute COUNT_BIG.
7721 16 Duplicate range boundary values are not allowed in partition function boundary values list. The boundary value being added is already present at ordinal %d of the boundary value list.
7737 16 Filegroup is of a different filegroup type than the first filegroup in partition scheme
3243 16 The media family on device '%ls' was created using Microsoft Tape Format version %d.%d. SQL Server supports version %d.%d.
31013 16 Invalid tuning option specified for auto indexing.
28079 10 Connection handshake failed. The received SSPI packet is not of the expected direction. State %d.
45126 16 Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
18483 16 Could not connect to server '' because '' is not defined as a remote login at the server. Verify that you have specified the correct login name. %.*ls.
9647 16 Received a malformed message from the network. Unable to retrieve a broker message attribute from a message destined for database ID %d. This may indicate a network problem or that another application connected to the Service Broker endpoint.
33112 10 Beginning database encryption scan for database '%.*ls'.
46828 16 The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
5829 16 The specified user options value is invalid.
7223 10 Warning: Enabling 'remote proc trans' is not supported on this instance. Defaulting to disabled.
2376 16 %sOperand of a single numeric type expected
3445 21 File '%ls' is not a valid undo file for database '%.*ls (database ID %d). Verify the file path, and specify the correct file.
30024 16 The fulltext stoplist '%.*ls' already exists in the current database. Duplicate stoplist names are not allowed. Rerun the statement and specify a unique stoplist name.
9502 16 The string literal provided for the argument %d of the '%.*ls' method must not exceed %d bytes.
9971 10 Warning: No appropriate filter for embedded object was found during full-text index population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d'), full-text key value '%ls'. Some embedded objects in the row could not be indexed.
5836 16 Lightweight pooling is not supported on this platform or in this edition of SQL Server.
6531 16 %ls failed because the function '%ls' of class '%ls' of assembly '%.*ls' takes one or more parameters but CLR Triggers do not accept parameters.
30099 17 Fulltext internal error
28714 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: an attempt was made to communicate with Brick %d which is no longer online or have been reconfigured.
41816 16 The parameter '' for procedure '' cannot be NULL.
6609 16 Invalid data type for the column "%ls". Allowed data types are CHAR/VARCHAR, NCHAR/NVARCHAR, TEXT/NTEXT, and XML.
7856 16 XML parameters do not support non-unicode element or attribute values.
2263 16 %sThere is no element named "%ls:%ls" in the type "%ls".
5503 10 Unable to find entry in sys.database_files for FILESTREAM file '%.*ls'.
33423 16 Invalid FileTable path name or format.
21277 16 Cannot publish the source object '%ls'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view schema only" or "indexed view logbased") can be used only for indexed views. Either specify a value of "view schema only" for the @type parameter, or modify the view to be schema bound with a unique clustered index.
22844 16 The '%s' option must be either 1 or 0.
15097 16 The size associated with an extended property cannot be more than 7,500 bytes.
13602 16 The FOR JSON clause is not allowed in a %ls statement.
7972 10 UID (user ID) : %d
40011 16 Replicated target table %ld is not found.
28613 10 Transaction Coordination Agent is active. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
20060 16 Compatibility level cannot be smaller than 60.
15516 10 The new rule has been bound to column(s) of the specified user data type.
12017 10 The spatial index is disabled or offline
6550 16 %s failed because parameter counts do not match.
2258 16 %sThe position may not be specified when inserting an attribute node, found '%ls'
4424 16 Joined tables cannot be specified in a query containing outer join operators. View or function '%.*ls' contains joined tables.
4900 16 The ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed for table '%.*ls'. It is not possible to switch the partition of a table that has change tracking enabled. Disable change tracking before using ALTER TABLE SWITCH.
14230 10 SP_POST_MSX_OPERATION: %ld %s download instruction(s) posted.
7415 16 Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider '%ls' has been denied. You must access this provider through a linked server.
2281 16 %sCannot construct DTDs in XQuery
35480 16 stop
45023 16 %ls cannot be called on %S_MSG.
21825 16 Can not drop constraints in the same DDL statement which drops columns from table %s because the table is published, please use separate DDL statement.
9220 10 Query notification dialog on conversation handle '%.*ls' closed due to an unknown service broker error.
10900 16 Failed to configure resource governor during startup. Check SQL Server error log for specific error messages or check the consistency of master database by running DBCC CHECKCATALOG('master').
3280 16 Backups on raw devices are not supported. '%ls' is a raw device.
31004 16 Could not create DTA directory for saving tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
27156 16 The Integration Services server property, '%ls', cannot be found. Check the name of the property and try again.
20643 16 Cannot change the value of validate_subscriber_info for publication '%s' because the publication has active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to change the value and reinitialize all active subscriptions.
15334 10 The %S_MSG has a private key that is protected by a user defined password. That password needs to be provided to enable the use of the private key.
11610 16 There is not enough memory to build the project.
2592 10 Repair: The %ls index successfully rebuilt for the object "" in database "".
963 10 Warning: Database "%.*ls" was marked suspect because of actions taken during upgrade. See errorlog or eventlog for more information. Use ALTER DATABASE to bring the database online. The database will come online in restricted_user state.
5502 16 The FILESTREAM container is inaccessible.
40907 16 Servers involved in a Disaster Recovery Configuration cannot reside in the same location
33131 16 Principal '%ls' was not unique.
25743 16 The event '%.*ls' is not available for Azure SQL Database.
21403 10 The 'max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots' publication property must be greater than or equal to zero.
6274 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the serialization format of type '%s' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change serialization formats.
49812 10 EnableForceNoBackupDeactivation is not enabled: Server '', Database ''
14393 16 Only owner of a job or members of role sysadmin or SQLAgentOperatorRole can start and stop the job.
9696 16 Cannot start the Service Broker primary event handler. This error is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error log for additional messages, and address this underlying problem.
6235 16 Data serialization error. Length (%d) is less than fixed length (%d) for type '%.*ls'.
7871 16 The clause "%.*ls" is not valid for this endpoint type.
41178 16 Cannot drop availability group '%.*ls' from this SQL Server instance. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if necessary.
33128 16 Encryption failed. Key uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this key switch to a lower db compatibility level.
43016 16 The value '' for configuration '' is not valid. The allowed values are '%.*ls'.
13231 10 remap
9239 16 Internal query notifications error: The garbage collector corrected an inconsistency.
4156 16 The target of nested insert, nested update, or nested delete must be of type multiset.
40903 20 The server '%.*ls' is currently busy. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
22975 16 Source table '%s' contains one of the following reserved column names: $start_lsn, __$end_lsn, $seqval, $operation, and $update_mask. To enable Change Data Capture for this table, specify a captured column list and ensure that these columns are excluded from the list.
29222 16 Configuration manager enlistment did not receive enlistment messages
13378 10 Fulltext Query Max Keys
8983 10 File %d. Extents %I64d, used pages %I64d, reserved pages %I64d, mixed extents %I64d, mixed pages %I64d.
9527 16 In the XML content that is supplied for the column set '', the sqltypes:scale attribute value on the element '' is out of range. The valid range for the scale is from 0 to the specified precision.
6350 16 The definition for xml schema collection '%.*ls' has changed.
3221 16 The ReadFileEx system function executed on file '%ls' only read %d bytes, expected %d.
1485 10 Database mirroring has been enabled on this instance of SQL Server.
1835 16 Unable to create/attach any new database because the number of existing databases has reached the maximum number allowed: %d.
33445 16 The database '%.*s' is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access.
45181 16 Resource with the name '%ls' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
21741 16 Unable to retrieve distributor information from Oracle publisher '%s'. Bi-directional publishing requires Oracle publisher to exist before the Oracle subscriber.
3978 16 Beginning a new transaction after rollback to save point is not allowed.
14701 10 Disk Usage
14075 16 The Publisher could not be created at this time.
8690 16 Query cannot be compiled because USE PLAN hint conflicts with hint %ls. Consider removing hint %ls.
9221 10 Query notification delivery could not get dialog endpoint for dialog ''. Delivery failed for notification '' because of the following error in service broker '%.*ls'.
9823 16 COMPRESS builtin failed.
11295 10 Endpoint configuration change detected. Service Broker manager and transport will now restart.
3412 10 Warning: The server instance was started using minimal configuration startup option (-f). Starting an instance of SQL Server with minimal configuration places the server in single-user mode automatically. After the server has been started with minimal configuration, you should change the appropriate server option value or values, stop, and then restart the server.
1406 16 Unable to force service safely. Remove database mirroring and recover database "%.*ls" to gain access.
45324 16 The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.
21852 16 Peer-to-peer publications do not support %s. Article "%s" currently has %s. This must be changed to continue.
19131 10 Unable to open Dedicated Administrator Connection configuration key in registry.
10915 16 The operation could not be completed. Altering '%.*ls' %S_MSG is not allowed.
3404 10 Failed to check for new installation or a renamed server at startup. The logic for this check has failed unexpectedly. Run setup again, or fix the problematic registry key.
40188 16 Failed to update database "%.*ls" because it is switched to read-only to enforce disaster recovery RPO.
41340 16 The transaction executed too many insert, update, or delete statements in memory optimized tables. The transaction was terminated.
33090 10 Attempting to load library '%.*ls' into memory. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
19061 16 Cannot remove SPID trace column.
20610 16 Cannot run '%s' when the Log Reader Agent is replicating the database.
14060 16 Subscriber parameters specifying provider properties must be NULL for SQL Server subscribers.
7108 22 Database ID %d, page %S_PGID, slot %d, link number %d is invalid. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE.
2591 16 Cannot find a row in the system catalog with the index ID %d for table "%.*ls".
13714 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because column '' does not have the same ANSI trimming semantics in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
6309 16 XML well-formedness check: the data for node '%.*ls' contains a character (0x%04X) which is not allowed in XML.
5333 16 The identifier '%.*ls' cannot be bound. Only source columns and columns in the clause scope are allowed in the 'WHEN NOT MATCHED' clause of a MERGE statement.
39093 16 'PREDICT' function does not take parameters of varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) type except for 'MODEL' parameter.
21517 10 Replication custom procedures will not be scripted for article '%s' because the auto-generate custom procedures schema option is not enabled.
15450 10 New language inserted.
14567 10 (below normal)
8549 10 GetWhereaboutsSize call failed: %ls
9660 16 The %s of route '%.*ls' must be less than %d characters long.
7656 16 Full-text index for table or indexed view '%.*ls' cannot be populated because the database is in single-user access mode.
4831 10 Bulk load: DataFileType was incorrectly specified as widechar. DataFileType will be assumed to be char because the data file does not have a Unicode signature.
41211 16 A semantic language statistics database is already registered.
37103 16 Internal job account error occurred : '%.*ls'.
22962 16 Two capture instances already exist for source table '%s.%s'. A table can have at most two capture instances. If the current tracking options are not appropriate, disable change tracking for the obsolete instance by using sys.sp_cdc_disable_table and retry the operation.
47203 16 Procedure expects atleast '%u' parameters and '%u' max.
14538 10 SSIS package execution subsystem
5208 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is a work file page.
35505 15 RESUMABLE
45331 16 The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is not supported for a '%ls' database.
21279 16 The 'schema_option' property for a merge article cannot be changed after a snapshot is generated for the publication. To change the 'schema_option' property of this article the corresponding merge publication must be dropped and re-created.
14684 16 Caught error#: %d, Level: %d, State: %d, in Procedure: %s, Line: %d, with Message: %s
6556 16 %s failed because it could not find type '%s' in assembly '%s'.
40552 16 The session has been terminated because of excessive transaction log space usage. Try modifying fewer rows in a single transaction.
30080 16 The full-text population on table '%ls' cannot be started because the full-text catalog is importing data from existing catalogs. After the import operation finishes, rerun the command.
39013 16 SQL Server encountered error 0x%x while communicating with the '%s' runtime. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
21768 16 When executing sp_adddistributor for a remote Distributor, you must use a password. The password specified for the @password parameter must be the same when the procedure is executed at the Publisher and at the Distributor.
18346 10 Reason: Failed to determine database name from a given file name while revalidating the login on the connection.
21075 10 The initial snapshot for publication '%s' is not yet available.
15165 16 Could not find object '%ls' or you do not have permission.
15435 10 Database successfully published.
2711 16 The definition of object "" in the resource database contains the non-ASCII character "".
41120 16 Failed to start task to process a down notification for the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node (SQL OS error: %d). Possible causes are no worker threads are available or there is insufficient memory. Check the state of the local WSFC node. If this problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
32029 10 Log shipping backup agent [%s] has verified log backup file '%s.wrk' and renamed it as '%s.trn'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
35340 16 LOB columns are disabled in columnstore.
21086 16 The retention period for the distribution database must be greater than the retention period of any existing non-merge publications.
13796 16 Temporal application time period without overlaps can be defined only on a primary key or a unique constraint.
8457 16 The message received was sent by the initiator of the conversation, but the message type '%.*ls' is marked SENT BY TARGET in the contract.
4837 16 Cannot bulk copy into a table "%.*s" that is enabled for immediate-updating subscriptions.
41501 16 Failed to register client (ID %ls) with asynchronous operations administrator. A client with this ID has already been registered. Check that the specified client ID is correct, then retry the operation. To re-register a client, the client must first be deregistered.
20548 10 Slow link agent profile.
13264 10 predicate source
14608 16 Either %s or %s parameter needs to be supplied
11255 16 A corrupted message has been received. The encryption flag is set, however the message body, MIC or salt is missing. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
680 10 Error [%d, %d, %d] occurred while attempting to drop allocation unit ID %I64d belonging to worktable with partition ID %I64d.
1709 16 Cannot use TEXTIMAGE_ON when a table has no text, ntext, image, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), non-FILESTREAM varbinary(max), xml or large CLR type columns.
3979 16 The TM request is longer than expected. The request is not processed.
4197 16 An internal query compilation error occurred during binding.
25731 16 Execution of event session state change request failed on remote brick. Event session name: "%.*ls". Refer to previous errors to identify the cause, and correct any associated problems.
19463 16 The WSFC cluster network interface control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
14883 16 Stretch remote table creation failed without specific exception.
12003 16 Could not find spatial tessellation scheme '' for column of type Specify a valid tessellation scheme name in your USING clause.
13098 0 thread
7691 16 Access is denied to full-text log path. Full-text logging is disabled for database '%ls', catalog '%ls' (database ID '%d', catalog ID '%d').
3188 10 The backup set was written with damaged data by a BACKUP WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR.
21179 16 Invalid @dts_package_location parameter value. Valid options are 'Distributor' or 'Subscriber'.
22113 16 %S_MSG is not allowed because the table is being tracked for change tracking.
19230 10 Failed to allocate a packet for a network write during a cryptographic handshake.
20809 16 Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical publication names on each publisher. The distribution agent for publication [%s].[%s].[%s] is attempting to synchronize articles that exist in publication [%s].[%s].[%s].
15502 10 Setting database owner to SA.
9016 21 An error occurred while processing the log for database '%.*ls'. The log block could not be decrypted.
876 10 Failed to startup resilient buffer pool extension of size %I64d MB on path "%.*ls".
1752 16 Column '' in table '' is invalid for creating a default constraint.
29210 16 Configuration manager enlistment encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d while sending enlistment reply to brick <%lu>. Enlistment reply not sent! Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this error.
21171 16 Could not find package '%s' in msdb at server '%s'.
8531 16 The operating system kernel transaction manager failed to create the enlistment: 0x%08x.
10301 16 Assembly '' references assembly '', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: %s). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request.
3133 16 The volume on device "%ls" is sequence number %d of media family %d, but sequence number %d of media family %d is expected. Check that the device specifications and loaded media are correct.
14857 16 The procedure %ls does not accept the %ls parameter if the database is enabled for REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE.
15043 16 You must specify 'REPLACE' to overwrite an existing message.
15437 10 Database successfully published using merge replication.
8985 16 Could not locate file '' for database '' in sys.database_files. The file either does not exist, or was dropped.
10793 16 Both an index and a PRIMARY KEY constraint have been defined inline, with the definition of column '', table ''. Defining both an index and a PRIMARY KEY constraint inline with the column definition is not allowed.
1476 16 Database mirroring timeout value %d exceeds the maximum value 32767.
33013 16 A %S_MSG by %S_MSG '%.*s' does not exist.
42018 16 Remote transaction has been doomed and cannot commit.
21426 16 No shared agent subscription exists for publication '%s' and the subscriber/subscriber database pair '%s'/'%s'.
13136 0 Average wait time (ms)
13900 16 Identifier '%.*ls' in a MATCH clause could not be bound.
8658 17 Cannot start the columnstore index build because it requires at least %I64d KB, while the maximum memory grant is limited to %I64d KB per query in workload group '%ls' (%ld) and resource pool '%ls' (%ld). Retry after modifying columnstore index to contain fewer columns, or after increasing the maximum memory grant limit with Resource Governor.
10780 16 There is no primary key in the referenced table '' that matches the referencing column list in the foreign key ''. Foreign keys in memory-optimized tables must reference primary keys.
1707 16 Cannot specify TEXTIMAGE_ON filegroup for a partitioned table.
28002 16 Cannot start service broker manager. Operating system error: %ls.
30026 16 The search property list '%.*ls' already exists in the current database. Duplicate search property list names are not allowed. Rerun the statement and specify a unique name for the search property list. For a list of the search property lists on the current database, use the sys.registered_search_property_lists catalog view.
45042 16 Federation root database options cannot be changed.
6623 16 Column '%ls' contains an invalid data type. Valid data types are char, varchar, nchar, and nvarchar.
2372 16 %sMetadata attribute '@%ls:%ls' may not be used with '%ls'
4164 16 A GROUP BY clause in a PROB_MATCH query can only have key columns, and needs to include all the key columns.
4961 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Column '' in table '' is nullable and it is not nullable in '%.*ls'.
26012 16 The server has attempted to initialize SSL encryption when it has already been initialized. This indicates a problem with SQL Server. Contact Technical Support.
20626 16 Filter '%s' already exists in publication '%s'. Specify a unique name for the @filtername parameter of sp_addmergefilter.
10321 16 Method name '%.*ls' is invalid for UserDefinedType method call.
3149 16 The file or filegroup "%ls" is not in a valid state for the "Recover Data Only" option to be used. Only secondary files in the OFFLINE or RECOVERY_PENDING state can be processed.
4623 16 The all permission has been deprecated and is not available for this class of entity
40577 16 The constraint '%ls' is not supported in a federated database.
22574 16 contains one or more articles that use vertical partitioning
18836 16 %s, ti: {RowsetId %I64d, {TextTimeStamp %I64d, {RowId {PageId %ld, FileId %u}, SlotId %d}}, coloffset %ld, textInfoFlags 0x%x, textSize %I64d, offset %I64d, oldSize %I64d, newSize %I64d}.
21126 16 Pull subscriptions cannot be created in the same database as the publication.
15507 16 A key required by this operation appears to be corrupted.
8461 23 An internal service broker error detected. Possible database corruption. Run DBCC CHECKDB.
8934 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). The high key value on page %S_PGID (level %d) is not less than the low key value in the parent %S_PGID, slot %d of the next page %S_PGID.
452 16 COLLATE clause cannot be used on user-defined data types.
33088 16 The algorithm: %.*ls is not supported for EKM operations by SQL Server
13156 16 receive message acknowledgement
3909 16 Session binding token is invalid.
985 10 Successfully installed the file '%ls' into folder '%ls'.
4144 16 The hint '%.*ls' is not allowed when inserting into remote tables.
40863 16 Connections to this database are no longer allowed.
21834 16 The primary key for '%s.%s' has %d columns. SQL Server supports a maximum of %d columns. Redefine the primary key so that it has no more than the maximum number of columns.
13022 0 statistics option
2628 16 String or binary data would be truncated in table '', column ''. Truncated value: '%.*ls'.
4627 16 Cannot grant, deny, or revoke the connect database permission to application roles.
27111 16 Cannot find the reference '%I64d' because it is not part of the project or you do not have sufficient permissions.
46907 16 Unable to delete registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
49804 10 Database cannot be deactivated: Server '', Database '', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
18369 10 attach
13288 10 cryptographic provider DLL path
8995 16 System table '%.*ls' (object ID %d, index ID %d) is in filegroup %d. All system tables must be in filegroup %d.
1222 16 Lock request time out period exceeded.
40024 16 The last committed CSN (%d, %I64d) was not found in the log. The last seen CSN was (%d, %I64d).
40607 16 Windows logins are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
37106 16 The database '' on server '' is in use by job account '%.*ls'. The database cannot be deleted or renamed while associated with a job account.
21647 16 The Oracle Publisher support package could not be loaded. Drop the replication administrative user schema and re-create it; ensure it is granted the documented permissions.
15231 16 The argument specified for the '%ls' parameter of stored procedure '%ls' is not valid. Valid arguments are 'ON', 'OFF', 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'.
7354 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" supplied invalid metadata for column "%ls". %ls
4127 16 At least one of the arguments to COALESCE must be an expression that is not the NULL constant.
4845 16 The bulk data source provider string has a syntax error near character position %d. Expected '%lc', but found '%lc'.
27143 16 Cannot access the operation with ID, '%I64d'. Verify that the user has appropriate permissions.
14527 16 Job "%s" cannot be used by an alert. It should first be associated with a server by calling sp_add_jobserver.
8958 10 %ls is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC %ls (%ls%ls%ls).
9121 10 Verified integrity of statistics '%.*ls'.
11015 16 The column was skipped when setting data.
1977 16 Could not create %S_MSG '' on table ''. Only XML Index can be created on XML column '%.*ls'.
4946 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '' does not have the same persistent attribute in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
20689 16 The check for a Publisher needing a new identity range allocation failed on table %s. This check occurs every time the Merge Agent and Snapshot Agent run. Rerun the Merge Agent or Snapshot Agent.
21090 16 Cannot upgrade merge replication metadata. Attempt the upgrade again by running the Merge Agent for the Subscriber or by running the Snapshot Agent for the Publisher.
6861 16 Empty root tag name can't be specified with FOR XML.
3106 16 The filegroup "%ls" is ambiguous. The identity in the backup set does not match the filegroup that is currently defined in the online database. To force the use of the filegroup in the backup set, take the database offline and then reissue the RESTORE command.
4976 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '' has a check constraint '' on an XML column, but the source table '%.*ls' does not have an identical check constraint.
27207 16 Failed to locate one or more variables in the environment '%ls'.
21376 11 Could not open database %s. Replication settings and system objects could not be upgraded. If the database is used for replication, run sp_vupgrade_replication in the [master] database when the database is available.
14877 16 Not all rows needed to reconcile with the remote data are available locally for table '%ls'. Needed batch ID : %I64d, Available batch ID : %I64d.
14525 16 Only members of sysadmin role are allowed to update or delete jobs owned by a different login.
8357 16 Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) failed to send event. This may be due to low resource conditions. The same send failure may not be reported in the future.
10718 15 Query hints are not allowed in nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statements.
6877 16 Empty namespace prefix is not allowed in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause.
4506 16 Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name '' in view or function '' is specified more than once.
6348 16 Specified collection '%.*ls' cannot be created because it already exists or you do not have permission.
25634 16 The dispatch latency specified is below the minimum size.
25739 16 Failed to start event session '%.*ls' because required credential for writing session output to Azure blob is missing.
27236 16 Failed to delete customized logging level '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to delete customized logging level.
12344 16 Only natively compiled modules can be used with %S_MSG.
13764 16 Online alter column is not supported for system-versioned temporal table '%.*ls'.
14003 16 You must supply a publication name.
9657 23 The structure of the Service Broker transmission work-table in tempdb is incorrect or corrupt. This indicates possible database corruption or hardware problems. Check the SQL Server error log and the operating system error log for information on possible hardware problems. Restart SQL Server to rebuild tempdb.
5544 10 FILESTREAM: effective level = %d (remote access enabled), configured level = %d, file system access share name = '%.*ls'.
959 20 The resource database version is %d and this server supports version %d. Restore the correct version or reinstall SQL Server.
41192 17 Creating and scheduling a worker task for Always On Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %d). Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved. Reduce the memory or thread count on the instance of SQL Server to allow new threads to get scheduled. If new tasks are scheduled the problem might resolve itself. However, if the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.
32001 10 Log shipping backup log job for %s.
18301 10 Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided.
14706 10 Server Activity - DMV Snapshots
13732 16 Temporal 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS %ls' column '%.*ls' has invalid data length.
14035 16 The replication option '%s' of database '%s' has already been set to true.
923 14 Database '%.*ls' is in restricted mode. Only the database owner and members of the dbcreator and sysadmin roles can access it.
40662 16 An internal error was encountered when processing the restore request. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
21216 16 Publisher '%s', publisher database '%s', and publication '%s' are not valid synchronization partners.
13089 0 message type
13318 10 encrypted value
5095 16 A database or filegroup cannot be set to read-only mode when any files are subject to a RESTORE PAGE operation. Complete the restore sequence involving file "%ls" before attempting to transition to read-only.
35313 15 The statement failed because specifying FILESTREAM_ON is not allowed when creating a columnstore index. Consider creating a columnstore index on columns without filestream data and omit the FILESTREAM_ON specification.
21260 16 Schema replication failed because database '%s' on server '%s' is not the original Publisher of table '%s'.
14056 16 The subscription could not be dropped at this time.
6577 16 CREATE TYPE failed because type '%s' does not conform to CLR type specification due to interface '%s'.
1949 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '%.*ls'. The function '%s' yields nondeterministic results. Use a deterministic system function, or modify the user-defined function to return deterministic results.
4195 16 The reference to column "%.*ls" is not allowed in an argument to the NTILE function. Only references to columns at an outer scope or standalone expressions and subqueries are allowed here.
33508 16 Column '%.*ls' cannot be passed as a parameter for a BLOCK security predicate because the column definition contains an expression using a window function. Modify the BLOCK security predicates for this view to not use this column.
25003 16 Upgrade of the distribution database MSmerge_subscriptions table failed. Rerun the upgrade procedure in order to upgrade the distribution database.
49927 10 An error occurred while setting the server administrator (SA) password: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
20521 16 sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: must be a member of the db_owner or sysadmin roles.
12409 17 Query Store cannot create system task
13149 16 end dialog
13229 10 enable
8162 16 The formal parameter "%.*ls" was not declared as an OUTPUT parameter, but the actual parameter passed in requested output.
9201 10 %d active query notification subscription(s) in database '' owned by security identification number '' were dropped.
46504 15 External option '%S_MSG' is not valid. Ensure that the length and range are appropriate.
18850 16 Unexpected %s log record encountered, last FILESTREAMInfo node processed : {%d, {{%I64d, %I64d}, %I64d, %I64d, %d, %d}, %d, %ld, %I64d, %I64d, %I64d, %I64d, {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, %d, {{%I64d, %I64d}, %I64d, %I64d, %d, %d}, {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}}
19216 10 QueryContextAttributes succeeded but did not retrieve the received Service Principal Name (SPN).
14504 16 '%s' is the fail-safe operator. You must make another operator the fail-safe operator before '%s' can be dropped.
10304 16 Failed to enter Common Language Runtime (CLR) with HRESULT 0x%x. This may due to low resource conditions.
7677 16 Column "%.*ls" is not full-text indexed.
27119 16 Failed to encrypt the project named '%ls'. The symmetric key may have been deleted. Delete the project and deploy it again.
19243 10 SSPI structures too large for encryption.
15344 16 Ownership change for %S_MSG is not supported.
5861 16 A %S_MSG with id %d does not exist on this system. Use sys.dm_os_schedulers to locate valid %S_MSGs for this system.
952 16 Database '%.*ls' is in transition. Try the statement later.
36001 16 %s '%s' already exists in the database.
21051 16 Could not subscribe because non-SQL Server Subscriber '%s' does not support custom stored procedures.
14628 16 The format of the parameter @attachments is incorrect. The file names must be separated by a semicolon ";".
2101 14 Cannot %S_MSG a server level %S_MSG for user '%.*ls' since there is no login corresponding to the user.
107 15 The column prefix '%.*ls' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
40134 16 get_new_rowversion() can only be used in an active transaction.
40143 16 The replica that the data node hosts for the requested partition is not primary.
41206 10 An ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot remove the 'STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS' option from the last column in the index that has the option set when a "WITH NO POPULATION" clause is specified. Remove the "WITH NO POPULATION" clause.
33316 16 Failed to reset encryption while performing redirection.
20719 16 sp_changemergelogsettings failed to update log settings. Check the parameter values.
8381 10 SQLOLEDB is no longer a supported provider. Please use SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI) for ad hoc connection to SQL Server.
10936 16 Resource ID : %d. The %ls limit for the elastic pool is %d and has been reached. See '' for assistance.
3755 16 Cannot drop a database with file snapshots on it. Please detach the database instead of dropping or delete the file snapshots and retry the drop.
179 15 Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.
1533 20 Cannot share extent %S_PGID. The correct extents could not be identified. Retry the transaction.
41078 16 Failed to delete the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls', because a registry entry with the specified name does not exist. Check that the registry value name is correct, and retry the operation.
35446 16 clause
15175 16 Login '%s' is aliased or mapped to a user in one or more database(s). Drop the user or alias before dropping the login.
18266 10 Database file was backed up. Database: %s, creation date(time): %s(%s), file list: (%s), pages dumped: %I64d, number of dump devices: %d, device information: (%s). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
3051 16 BACKUP LOG was unable to maintain mirroring consistency for database '%ls'. Database mirroring has been suspended.
5287 10 DBCC THROWERROR bypass exception. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
25717 16 The operating system returned error %ls while reading from the file '%s'.
28920 16 Configuration manager agent cannot send reported error to configuration manager due to error %d, state %d, severity %d.
21550 16 Before you drop the column from the publication, all computed columns that depend on column '%s' must be dropped.
21009 16 The specified filter procedure is already associated with a table.
14835 16 Cannot de-authorize database '%.*ls' because it is already disconnected from the remote database.
13769 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed for table '' because '' with REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE enabled cannot be used as a history table when a finite retention period is specified.
2020 16 The dependencies reported for entity "%.*ls" might not include references to all columns. This is either because the entity references an object that does not exist or because of an error in one or more statements in the entity. Before rerunning the query, ensure that there are no errors in the entity and that all objects referenced by the entity exist.
32004 10 Log shipping backup log job step.
18348 10 Reason: Failed to store database name and collation while revalidating the login on the connection. Check for previous errors.
14440 16 Could not set single user mode.
5192 16 Maximum allowed file size is %I64dGB.
5519 16 A database must have primary FILESTREAM log filegroup and log file in order for it to contain other FILESTREAM filegroups.
40040 16 Failed to initiate VDI Client for physical seeding.
27043 16 Could not lookup object_id. Null command object provided.
13006 16 server principal
13915 16 Cannot create a node or edge table as an external table.
10740 15 A search property list statement must end with a semicolon (;).
3016 16 Backup of file '%ls' is not permitted because it contains pages subject to an online restore sequence. Complete the restore sequence before taking the backup, or restrict the backup to exclude this file.
28028 10 Connection handshake failed. Could not send a handshake message because the connection was closed by peer. State %d.
28938 10 Configuration manager agent has started.
10783 16 The body of a natively compiled module must be an ATOMIC block.
6362 16 Alter schema collection cannot be performed because the current schema has a lax wildcard or an element of type xs:anyType.
1964 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls". The view contains an imprecise constant.
4119 16 Default values cannot be assigned to property setters of columns with a CLR type.
18827 16 The Log Reader Agent scanned to the end of the log before processing all transactions in the hash table. %d transactions in the hash table, %d transactions processed, end of log LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Back up the publication database and contact Customer Support Services.
19116 10 Unable to obtain list size for IP addresses configured for listening in registry.
20092 16 Table '%s' into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data is currently being upgraded or initialized for merge replication. On the publisher data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes and snapshot has successfully run. On subscriber data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes or the initial snapshot has been successfully applied and it has synchronized with the publisher.
17164 10 SQL Server detected %d sockets with %d cores per socket and %d logical processors per socket, %d total logical processors; using %d logical processors based on SQL Server licensing. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
13058 0 geometry or geography
13259 10 event object
9224 10 Query notification delivery could not access database with id %d. Delivery failed for notification '%.*ls'.
2706 11 Table '%.*ls' does not exist.
32042 16 The alert for 'unsent log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
22836 16 Could not update the metadata for database %s to indicate that a Change Data Capture job has been added. The failure occurred when executing the command '%s'. The error returned was %d: '%s'. Use the action and error to determine the cause of the failure and resubmit the request.
17550 10 DBCC TRACEON %d, server process ID (SPID) %d. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
1848 16 Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) failed to create an auto-recovered snapshot of database '%ls' for online DBCC check.
3217 16 Invalid value specified for %ls parameter.
5142 16 Failed to lock lease renewal manager. Lock Mode: %.*ls.
40900 16 The service tier for an elastic pool cannot be changed.
41167 16 An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica '' in availability group ''. The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are correct, then retry the command.
27135 16 The database, '%ls', already exists. Rename or remove the existing database, and then run SQL Server Setup again.
29242 16 Configuration manager activation failed.
8415 16 The activated task was aborted because the invoked stored procedure '%ls' did not issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK on one or more transactions that it begun.
9765 10 An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found has no associated private key.
11433 15 '' with %S_MSG option is not suppported on %S_MSG ''.
4176 16 Too many parameters were specified for FULLTEXTTABLE of type "Simple". The maximum number of parameters is %d.
5161 16 An unexpected file id was encountered. File id %d was expected but %d was read from "%.*ls". Verify that files are mapped correctly in sys.master_files. ALTER DATABASE can be used to correct the mappings.
35218 16 An error occurred while trying to set the initial Backup LSN of database '%.*ls'. Primary database is temporarily offline due to restart or other transient condition. Retry the operation.
18351 10 Reason: Client impersonation failed.
10612 16 Filtered %S_MSG '' cannot be created on table '' because the column '%.*ls' in the filter expression is compared with a constant that cannot be converted to the data type of the column. Rewrite the filter expression so that it does not include this comparison.
11422 10 An ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement was executed on database '', table '' by hostname '', host process ID %d with target table '' using the WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY options with MAX_DURATION = %d and ABORT_AFTER_WAIT = BLOCKERS. Blocking user sessions will be killed after the max duration of waiting time.
139 15 Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.
22931 16 Source table '%s.%s' does not exist in the current database. Ensure that the correct database context is set. Specify a valid schema and table name for the database.
14897 16 Cannot run the procedure for table '' since it is not stretched.
12331 15 DDL statements ALTER, DROP and CREATE inside user transactions are not supported with %S_MSG.
13612 16 Cannot convert a string value found in the JSON text to binary value because it is not Base64 encoded.
8317 16 Cannot query value '%ls' associated with registry key 'HKLM\%ls'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
8953 10 Repair: Deleted off-row data column with ID %I64d, for object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) on page %S_PGID, slot %d.
6825 16 ELEMENTS option is only allowed in RAW, AUTO, and PATH modes of FOR XML.
21833 16 An error occurred when creating a trace event at Oracle publisher '%s'. The trace event could not be posted.
6285 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because the source assembly is, according to MVID, identical to an assembly that is already registered under the name "%.*ls".
40636 16 Cannot use reserved database name '%.*ls' in this operation.
33449 10 FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. This might limit the usability of FILESTEAM File I/0 access after an availability group failover. Therefore, we recommend that you create a listener for each availability group. For information about how to create an availability group listener, see SQL Server Books Online.
22963 16 Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
19134 10 No or more than one dynamic TCP/IP port is configured for Dedicated Administrator Connection in registry settings.
15256 16 Usage: sp_certify_removable [,'auto']
7359 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" reported a change in schema version between compile time ("%ls") and run time ("%ls") for table "%ls".
7414 16 Invalid number of parameters. Rowset '%ls' expects %d parameter(s).
175 15 An aggregate may not appear in a computed column expression or check constraint.
282 10 The '%.*ls' procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of 0 will be returned instead.
4921 16 ALTER TABLE failed because trigger '' does not belong to table ''.
17146 10 SQL Server is allowing new connections in response to 'continue' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
13085 0 function
10748 15 There are multiple FORCESEEK hints specified on the same table or view. Remove the extra FORCESEEK hints and resubmit the query.
5591 16 FILESTREAM feature is disabled.
6336 16 Maximum size of primary index of table '%.*ls' is %d bytes. CREATE XML INDEX requires that such size should be limited to %d bytes
7333 16 Cannot fetch a row using a bookmark from OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
40065 16 CSN vector can be reinitialized only with initial or invalid CSN. The new CSN is (%d,%I64d), the current CSN is (%d,%I64d).
32055 16 There was an error configuring the remote monitor server.
45221 10 An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
21380 16 Cannot add timestamp column without forcing reinitialization. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force reinitialization.
21012 16 Cannot change the 'allow_push' property of the publication to "false". There are push subscriptions on the publication.
14719 16 "%s" has not been granted permission to use proxy.
14828 16 Cannot perform 'CREATE INDEX' on view '' because it references table '' with REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE enabled.
1445 10 Bypassing recovery for database '%ls' because it is marked as an inaccessible database mirroring database. A problem exists with the mirroring session. The session either lacks a quorum or the communications links are broken because of problems with links, endpoint configuration, or permissions (for the server account or security certificate). To gain access to the database, figure out what has changed in the session configuration and undo the change.
1505 16 The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name '' and the index name ''. The duplicate key value is %ls.
5149 16 MODIFY FILE encountered operating system error %ls while attempting to expand the physical file '%ls'.
5182 10 New log file '%.*ls' was created.
5285 16 Nonclustered columnstore index '' on table '' has a missing dictionary on column id %d and rowgroup id %d. Drop and recreate the nonclustered columnstore index.
35412 16 CloudDB Async Transport
46703 16 Conversion error while attempting conversion between IPC blob parameter.
14870 16 REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE_OVERRIDE hint is not allowed inside a user transaction.
10005 16 The provider did not support an interface.
2572 16 DBCC cannot free DLL '%.*ls'. The DLL is in use.
23116 16 Inconsistent StreamSize and/or AllocationSize data {ItemId: %ls}.
20029 16 The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not disable database for publishing.
15436 10 Database successfully enabled for subscriptions.
12310 15 Common Table Expressions (CTE) are not supported with %S_MSG.
10742 15 The offset specified in a OFFSET clause may not be negative.
3919 16 Cannot enlist in the transaction because the transaction has already been committed or rolled back.
595 16 Bulk Insert with another outstanding result set should be run with XACT_ABORT on.
40618 16 The firewall rule name cannot be empty.
40892 16 Cannot connect to database when it is paused.
41832 16 Index '' cannot be created on table '', because at least one key column is stored off-row. Index key columns memory-optimized tables must fit within the %d byte limit for in-row data. Simplify the index key or reduce the size of the columns to fit within %d bytes.
19138 10 An error occurred while obtaining or using the certificate for SSL. Check settings in Configuration Manager.
13570 16 The use of replication is not supported with system-versioned temporal table '%s'
2797 16 The default schema does not exist.
40074 16 Partition key is not found is the target rowset or is nullable or not part of index keys.
29279 16 Configuration manager could not read metadata necessary for its operation from the master database.
20718 16 Log settings do not exist for subscriber server '%s', subscriber db '%s', webserver '%s'. Use sp_addmergelogsettings to add the settings.
14594 10 DTS Package
8175 10 Could not find table %.*ls. Will try to resolve this table name later.
11006 16 Could not convert the data type because of a sign mismatch.
259 16 Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.
35270 10 Received a corrupt FileStream transport message. The '%ls' message section is invalid.
35344 16 MERGE clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because two nonempty partitions containing a columnstore index cannot be merged. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on the source table to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION MERGE operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table.
22960 16 Change data capture instance '%s' has not been enabled for the source table '%s.%s'. Use sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture to verify the capture instance name and retry the operation.
25715 16 The predicate on event "%ls" is invalid. Operator '%ls' is not defined for type "%ls", %S_MSG: "%.*ls".
12608 16 Specified clone database name '%.*ls' already exists.
41305 17 The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.
30074 17 The master merge of full-text catalog '%ls' in database '%.*ls' was cancelled.
27146 16 Cannot access the package or the package does not exist. Verify that the package exists and that the user has permissions to it.
41854 16 Memory optimized file consistency error detected. An in use file with FileId %.*ls is referenced by the Checkpoint File Table but is not accounted for in the Storage Interface.
45125 16 Parameter "%ls" cannot be empty or null.
20525 10 Table '%s' might be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %s, expected %s). Checksum values (actual: %s, expected: %s).
13035 0 rule
13298 16 name
13745 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because column '' does not use identical encryption in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
35428 16 query hint
37010 16 The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled.
29264 16 Configuration manager brick down notification failed.
46521 15 Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider upgrading the service tier or performance level of the database.
15438 10 Database is already online.
9686 16 The conversation endpoint with handle '%ls' has been dropped.
6813 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and/or NMTOKENS in column name '%.*ls'.
40506 16 Specified SID is invalid for this version of SQL Server.
7619 16 The execution of a full-text query failed. "%ls"
7659 16 Cannot activate full-text search for table or indexed view '%.*ls' because no columns have been enabled for full-text search.
4081 16 The parameter '%.*ls' was deduced to be a table-valued parameter, which cannot be sent by client driver versions earlier than SQL Server 2008. Please resubmit the query using a more recent client driver.
27024 16 Cannot write at negative index position. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
20681 10 Cannot specify a value of 1, 2, or 3 for the parameter @partition_options because publication "%s" has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM.
17058 16 initerrlog: Could not open error log file '%s'. Operating system error = %s.
12804 16 Feature or option "%ls" breaches containment in a contained database. Please see Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases.
14172 10 Slow merge over dialup connection
9458 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, redeclared prefix
4503 16 Could not create schemabound %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it references an object in another database.
4859 16 Line %d in format file "%ls": required attribute "%ls" is missing.
8963 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). The off-row data node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d has type %d. It cannot be placed on a page of type %d.
6502 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
6739 16 XQuery: SQL type '%s' is not supported in XQuery.
33007 16 Cannot encrypt symmetric key with itself.
30004 16 A fulltext system view or stvf cannot open user table object id %d.
20625 16 Cannot create the merge replication publication access list (PAL) database role for publication '%s'. This role is used by replication to control access to the publication. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to create roles in the publication database.
15230 16 Error starting user instance. Error code: %d.
2273 16 %sUnterminated CDATA section
27224 16 The parameter value cannot be changed after the execution has been started.
28389 16 Target with the clone address: IdxId %d, DbFragId %d, RowsetId 0x%016I64X is not found at brick %d. Possibly caused by invalid IDs or by an inconsistency between the IDs and the fragmentation function.
3754 16 TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed. Index '' uses partition function '', but table '' uses non-equivalent partition function ''. Index and table must use an equivalent partition function.
5144 10 Autogrow of file '' in database '' was cancelled by user or timed out after %d milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size.
27002 16 A null or invalid SqlCommand object was supplied to Fuzzy Lookup Table Maintenance by SQLCLR. Reset the connection.
28503 11 The specified index Id is not valid.
21325 16 Could not find the Snapshot Agent ID for the specified publication.
8115 16 Arithmetic overflow error converting %ls to data type %ls.
5069 16 ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
40158 16 Could not change database collation for database id %d.
25656 16 Error validating action. %ls
28394 16 The query plan uses the feature '%.*ls' which is unexpected with clone address syntax.
14542 16 It is invalid for any TSQL step of a multiserver job to have a non-null %s value.
9530 16 In the XML content that is supplied for the column set column ', the '' attribute on the element '%.*ls' is not valid. Remove the attribute.
6505 16 Could not find Type '%s' in assembly '%s'.
3182 16 The backup set cannot be restored because the database was damaged when the backup occurred. Salvage attempts may exploit WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR.
1456 16 The ALTER DATABASE command could not be sent to the remote server instance '%.*ls'. The database mirroring configuration was not changed. Verify that the server is connected, and try again.
1461 10 Database mirroring successfully repaired physical page %S_PGID in database "%.*ls" by obtaining a copy from the partner.
3930 16 The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.
21289 16 Either the snapshot files have not been generated or they have been cleaned up.
21342 16 @dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be a non-empty string while @use_ftp is 'true'.
21643 16 The value specified for the parameter '%s' must be MSSQLSERVER, ORACLE, or ORACLE GATEWAY.
18309 10 Reason: Password validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.
14020 16 Could not obtain the column ID for the specified column. Schema replication failed.
8724 15 Cannot execute query. Table-valued or OPENROWSET function '%.*ls' cannot be specified in the TABLE HINT clause.
6905 16 XML Validation: Attribute '%s' is not permitted in this context. %S_MSG %s
3969 16 Distributed transaction is not supported while running SQL Server internal query. Check your logon trigger definition and remove any distributed transaction usage if any. If this error is not happening during logon trigger execution, contact production support team.
35490 16 memory optimized tables that have max length columns
29315 16 OS user does not have the required privileges to start the remote service on brick %d.
15214 16 Warning: The certificate you created is expired.
17136 10 Clearing tempdb database.
17156 16 initeventlog: Could not initiate the EventLog Service for the key '%s', last error code is %d.
6327 16 The specified xml schema collection ID is not valid: %d
6965 10 XML Validation: Invalid content. Expected element(s): %s. Found: element '%s' instead. %S_MSG %s.
40019 16 The partition key column '' of table '*ls' is nullable or does not match the partition key type defined in the table group.
21371 10 Could not propagate the change on publication '%s' to Active Directory.
21696 16 The stored procedure only applies to Oracle Publishers. The Publisher '%s' is a %s Publisher.
18204 16 %s: Backup device '%s' failed to %s. Operating system error %s.
12025 10 Could not find required binary spatial method in a condition
2703 16 Cannot use duplicate column names in the partition columns list. Column name '%.*ls' appears more than once.
125 15 Case expressions may only be nested to level %d.
29245 16 Configuration manager cannot quiesce the agents.
14502 16 The @target_name parameter must be supplied when specifying an @enum_type of 'TARGET'.
8054 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %d ("%.*ls"), row %I64d, column %d: Data type 0x%02X (user-defined table type) has invalid ordering and uniqueness metadata specified.
41375 16 A binding has been created. Take database '' offline and then bring it back online to begin using resource pool ''.
41628 10 Drop database Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the SQL error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
15013 10 Table '%s': No columns without statistics found.
15062 16 The guest user cannot be mapped to a login name.
17159 10 The server is idle. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
12303 15 The 'number' clause is not supported with %S_MSG.
14284 16 Cannot specify a job ID for a new job. An ID will be assigned by the procedure.
2544 10 RSVD pages %.*ls: changed from (%I64d) to (%I64d) pages.
447 16 Expression type %ls is invalid for COLLATE clause.
672 10 Failed to queue cleanup packets for orphaned rowsets in database "%.*ls". Some disk space may be wasted. Cleanup will be attempted again on database restart.
3968 10 Snapshot isolation or read committed snapshot is not available in database '%.*ls' because SQL Server was started with one or more undocumented trace flags that prevent enabling database for versioning. Transaction started with snapshot isolation will fail and a query running under read committed snapshot will succeed but will resort back to lock based read committed.
19415 16 Failed to process the registry key value '%.*ls' (Windows error code: %d), which holds the name of the remote Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. For more information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation. Correct the cause of this error, and repeat the steps for setting up the secondary replicas on the remote WSFC cluster from the beginning.
12008 16 Table '%.*ls' does not have a clustered primary key as required by the %S_MSG index. Make sure that the primary key column exists on the table before creating a %S_MSG index.
12825 16 The database cannot be contained; this functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server.
40083 16 Corrupted CSN vector.
35471 10 Partition metadata not found
45006 16 The federation key value is out of bounds for this member.
21384 16 The specified subscription does not exist or has not been synchronized yet.
6847 16 The column '%.*ls' is of type sql_variant, which is not supported in attribute-centric FOR XML, with XML Schema.
3999 17 Failed to flush the commit table to disk in dbid %d due to error %d. Check the errorlog for more information.
5102 22 Attempted to open a filegroup for the invalid ID %d in database "%.*ls".
20015 16 Could not remove directory '%ls'. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory.
21071 10 Cannot reinitialize article '%s' in subscription '%s:%s' to publication '%s' (subscribed with the 'no sync' option).
15219 16 Cannot change the owner of an indexed view.
8528 16 The commit of the Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM) transaction failed: %d.
2328 16 %sSchema namespace '%ls' doesn't match directive's '%ls'
1053 15 For DROP STATISTICS, you must provide both the object (table or view) name and the statistics name, in the form "objectname.statisticsname".
33254 16 This operation cannot be performed in the master database.
41860 16 Memory optimized file consistency error detected. A presumably unused file with FileId %.*ls was found in the Checkpoint File Table.
49810 10 Workflow failed due to throttling: Server '', Database ''
19106 10 Unable to trim spaces in an IP address. Check TCP/IP protocol settings.
13260 10 event predicate comparator
10338 16 Verification of assembly failed. Could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
986 10 Couldn't get a clean bootpage for database '%.*ls' after %d tries. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
30091 10 A request to start a full-text index population on table or indexed view '' is ignored because a population is currently paused. Either resume or stop the paused population. To resume it, use the following Transact-SQL statement: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON RESUME POPULATION. To stop it, use the following statement: ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON %.*ls STOP POPULATION.
20597 10 Dropped %d anonymous subscription(s).
14671 16 Cannot update the name or the parameters of the collection item '%s' in the active collection set '%s'. Stop the collection set and then try to update the collection item again.
12312 15 Partition functions are not supported with %S_MSG.
6372 16 The same path expression cannot be mapped twice using SQL data types for selective XML index '%.*ls'.
3076 16 File Snapshot Backup is only permitted with a single backup device and no additonal mirrored devices.
1469 16 Database "%.*ls" is an auto-close database on one of the partnerswhich is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group.
5045 16 The %S_MSG already has the '%ls' property set.
41408 16 In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.
33079 16 Cannot bind a default or rule to the CLR type '%s' because an existing sparse column uses this data type. Modify the data type of the sparse column or remove the sparse designation of the column.
35431 10 SCHEDULER
18763 16 Commit record {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} reports oldest active LSN as (0:0:0).
19234 10 The connection was closed while waiting for network IO during a cryptographic handshake.
13720 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because column '' does not have the same column set property in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
10127 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls" because it contains one or more subqueries. Consider changing the view to use only joins instead of subqueries. Alternatively, consider not indexing this view.
7311 16 Cannot obtain the schema rowset "%ls" for OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.
3126 16 The file "%ls" was not relocated using a relative path during the RESTORE step. A relative location is required when restoring a database from a standalone instance to a matrix instance. Use the WITH MOVE option to specify a relative location for the file.
315 16 Index "" on table "" (specified in the FROM clause) is disabled or resides in a filegroup which is not online.
33232 16 You may not add a role to Sysadmin.
41864 16 Checkpoint %I64d has a file %.*ls which has a watermark (%I64d) larger than the more recent checkpoints watermark (%I64d).
42027 16 Initialization of the Active Directory Function pointers failed.
21278 16 Cannot publish the source object '%ls'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view logbased") requires that the view be schema bound with a unique clustered index. Either specify a value of "view schema only" for the @type parameter, or modify the view to be schema bound with a unique clustered index.
13173 16 master key
14287 16 The '%s' supplied has an invalid %s.
14819 20 Stretch operation failed due to an internal error.
17312 16 SQL Server is terminating a system or background task %s due to errors in starting up the task (setup state %d).
12330 15 Truncation of character strings with an SC collation is not supported with %S_MSG.
12418 16 Mutually incompatible options for both database state change and for Query Store given in ALTER DATABASE statement.
13111 0 generic waitable object
40008 16 Replication target database is not found.
28911 10 Configuration manager agent enlistment succeeded. Manager accepted brick <%d> join request.
14579 10 Automatically starts when SQLServerAgent starts.
8190 16 Cannot compile replication filter procedure without defining table being filtered.
3002 16 Cannot BACKUP or RESTORE a database snapshot.
3120 16 This backup set will not be restored because all data has already been restored to a point beyond the time covered by this backup set.
1086 16 The FOR XML and FOR JSON clauses are invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator. To work around, wrap the SELECT containing a set operator using derived table or common table expression or view and apply FOR XML or FOR JSON on top of it.
1499 16 Database mirroring error: status %u, severity %u, state %u, string %.*ls.
4816 16 Invalid column type from bcp client for colid %d.
13503 16 System-versioned table cannot have more than one 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END' column.
10786 16 The ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command failed because it contained multiple MODIFY REPLICA options: %ls. Enter a separate ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP ... MODIFY REPLICA command for each replica option that you want to modify.
3752 16 The database '%.*ls' is currently joined to an availability group. Before you can drop the database, you need to remove it from the availability group.
29275 16 Component %s from brick %d reported that the component %s in brick %d is in a suspicious state because of the error: %d, severity: %d, state: %d, description: '%s'. Additional description provided was: '%s'.
21203 10 Duplicate rows found in %s. Unique index not created.
21407 16 Cannot create the subscription. If you specify a value of "initialize with backup" for the @sync_type parameter, you must subscribe to all articles in the publication by specifying a value of "all" for the @article parameter.
20726 16 Failed to change the dynamic snapshot location in one or more dynamic snapshot jobs for the given publication.
15182 16 Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb.
17148 10 SQL Server is terminating in response to a 'stop' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
13725 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because column '' does not have the same masking functions in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
11225 16 This message could not be delivered because the message type name could not be found. Message type name: '%.*ls'.
41303 16 The bucket count for a hash index must be a positive integer not exceeding %d.
27316 16 Device name '%.*ls' is not a valid MOVE target of a Matrix Restore command. Retry the command using a valid relative path name.
28946 16 Error reading matrix.xsd schema configuration file. (Reason=%d).
21112 16 '%s' is not a valid parameter for the Log Reader Agent.
14688 16 A collection set cannot start when SQL Server Agent is stopped. Start SQL Server Agent.
11268 16 A corrupted message has been received. The salt size is %d, however it must be %d bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
11274 16 A corrupted message has been received. A sequence number is larger than allowed. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
3279 16 Access is denied due to a password failure
27124 16 Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation with ID '%I64d' is not valid or is not running.
9663 16 The system object cannot be modified.
11100 16 The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with other properties or requirements.
1946 16 Operation failed. The index entry of length %d bytes for the index '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum length of %d bytes for %S_MSG indexes.
907 16 The database "%ls" has inconsistent database or file metadata.
4138 16 Conflicting locking hints are specified for table "%.*ls". This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view.
5176 10 To allow recovery to succeed, the log file '%.*ls' has been expanded beyond its maximum size. After recovery completes, you should either increase the size of the log file in the database or schedule more frequent backups of the log (under the full or bulk-logged recovery model).
5322 16 An aggregate function is not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
11732 16 The requested range for sequence object '%.*ls' exceeds the maximum or minimum limit. Retry with a smaller range.
8128 10 Using '%s' version '%s' to execute extended stored procedure '%s'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
9683 16 The conversation group '%ls' is referencing the missing service with ID %d.
260 16 Disallowed implicit conversion from data type %ls to data type %ls, table '', column ''. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
805 10 restore pending
31005 16 Could not create DTA tuning option file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
33274 16 The version was not created for the key '%.*ls' because there are no available version IDs. Drop and recreate the key.
12704 16 Bad or inaccessible location specified in external data source "%ls".
3140 16 Could not adjust the space allocation for file '%ls'.
362 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because the name '' in the FORCESEEK hint on table or view '' did not match the key column names of the index '%.*ls'.
1121 17 Space allocator cannot allocate page in database %d.
1450 16 The ALTER DATABASE command failed because the worker thread cannot be created.
1488 16 Database "%.*ls" database is in single user mode which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. Set database to multi-user mode, and retry the operation.
1714 16 Alter table failed because unique column IDs have been exhausted for table '%.*ls'.
5113 10 The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure.
33099 16 You cannot add server-scoped catalog views, system stored procedures, or extended stored procedures to a database audit specification in a user database. Instead add them to a database audit specification in the master database.
21255 16 Column '%s' already exists in table '%s'.
14703 10 Disk Usage - Log Files
15045 16 The logical name cannot be NULL.
10532 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' because the batch or module specified by @plan_handle does not contain a statement that is eligible for a plan guide. Specify a different value for @plan_handle.
3431 21 Could not recover database '%.*ls' (database ID %d) because of unresolved transaction outcomes. Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transactions were prepared, but MS DTC was unable to determine the resolution. To resolve, either fix MS DTC, restore from a full backup, or repair the database.
41425 16 Data synchronization state of availability database is not healthy.
21719 10 The Subscriber '%s':'%s' was not marked for reinitialization at the Publisher because the subscription is either anonymous or not valid. Verify that valid values were specified for the @subscriber and @subscriber_db parameters of sp_reinitmergesubscription.
12705 16 Referenced external data source "%ls" type is "%ls". Please use BLOB_STORAGE type to reference Azure Blob Storage locations.
8681 17 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during processing. [%ls]
40640 20 The server encountered an unexpected exception.
32021 10 Log shipping alert job schedule.
14886 16 Cannot set the rpo duration for database '%.*ls' because REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE is not enabled on the database.
15227 16 The database '%s' cannot be renamed.
8432 16 The message cannot be sent because the message type '%.*ls' is marked SENT BY TARGET in the contract, however this service is an Initiator.
5576 10 FILESTREAM feature is enabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
4060 11 Cannot open database "%.*ls" requested by the login. The login failed.
41419 16 Data synchronization state of some availability database is not healthy.
27162 16 The property, '%ls', cannot be changed because the Integration Services database is not in single-user mode. In Management Studio, in the Database Properties dialog box, set the Restrict Access property to single-user mode. Then, try to change the value of the property again.
14122 16 The @article parameter value must be 'all' for immediate_sync publications.
14546 16 The %s parameter is not supported on Windows 95/98 platforms.
9534 16 In the query/DML operation involving column set '', conversion failed when converting from the data type '%ls' to the data type '%ls' for the column ''. Please refer to the Books-on-line for more details on providing XML conversion methods for CLR types.
3458 16 Recovery cannot scan database "%.*ls" for dropped allocation units because an unexpected error has occurred. These allocation units cannot be cleaned up.
1063 16 A filegroup cannot be added using ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE. Use ALTER DATABASE ADD FILEGROUP.
3957 16 Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%.*ls' because the database did not allow snapshot isolation when the current transaction started. It may help to retry the transaction.
29211 16 Configuration manager enlistment is ignoring request from invalid brick id <%d>.
46813 16 %.*ls
12441 10 Query store is initializing.This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
9910 10 Warning: Error occurred during full-text %ls population for table or indexed view '%ls', database '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d'). Error: %ls.
5022 16 Log file '%ls' for this database is already active.
32052 16 Parameter '%s' cannot be null or empty. Specify a value for the named parameter and retry the operation.
21297 16 Invalid resync type. No validation has been performed for this subscription.
19486 16 The configuration changes to the availability group listener were completed, but the TCP provider of the instance of SQL Server failed to listen on the specified port [%.*ls:%d]. This TCP port is already in use. Reconfigure the availability group listener, specifying an available TCP port. For information about altering an availability group listener, see the "ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP (Transact-SQL)" topic in SQL Server Books Online.
20028 16 The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not enable database for publishing.
15398 11 Only objects in the master database owned by dbo can have the startup setting changed.
16617 16 Sync group '%ls' is not ready to update sync schema because there are some ongoing operations on the sync group.
17167 10 Support for distributed transactions was not enabled for this instance of the Database Engine because it was started using the minimal configuration option. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
1902 16 Cannot create more than one clustered index on %S_MSG ''. Drop the existing clustered index '' before creating another.
40593 16 Extended event session '%ls' returned error '%ls'.
29258 16 Configuration manager cannot cannot deliver shutdown ack to leaving bricks.
41662 16 Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') hit exception while running async tasks in Generic Subscriber.
46511 15 EXTERNAL %S_MSG with id %d cannot be found.
46811 16 An unexpected error with code 0x%x occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation.
21616 16 Cannot find column [%s] in the article. Verify that the column exists in the underlying table, and that it is included in the article.
20669 16 Object referenced by the given @article or @artid '%s' could not be found.
8310 16 Cannot create (or open) named file mapping object '%ls'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
21650 16 The value specified for @rowcount_only for the article '%s' is not 1. For an article in a publication from a non-SQL Server Publisher, 1 is the only valid setting for this parameter.
18326 10 Reason: Failed to open the database for this login while revalidating the login on the connection.
17118 10 Database Instant File Initialization: %S_MSG. For security and performance considerations see the topic 'Database Instant File Initialization' in SQL Server Books Online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
11039 16 DBPROP_CHANGEINSERTEDROWS was VARIANT_FALSE and the insertion for the row has been transmitted to the data source.
4868 16 The bulk load failed. The codepage "%d" is not installed. Install the codepage and run the command again.
40810 16 More than one row found in sys.dm_operation_status table for database '' and operation ''.
33171 16 Only active directory users can impersonate other active directory users.
28555 10 DVM failed to handle matrix reconfiguration. {error_code: %d, state: %d}
19422 16 The renewal of the lease between availability group '%.*ls' and the Windows Server Failover Cluster failed because SQL Server encountered Windows error with error code ('%d').
20573 10 Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure
13626 16 Openjson cannot have more than %d columns in with clause.
7878 16 This "%.*ls ENDPOINT" statement is not supported on this edition of SQL Server.
1806 16 CREATE DATABASE failed. The default collation of database '' cannot be set to ''.
35456 10 it is involved in a mirroring pair. Consider disabling mirroring, changing the setting, then re-establishing mirroring
45116 16 Cannot delete a setting without a successor assigned for deprecation.
7697 10 Warning: Full-text index on table or indexed view '' in database '' has been changed after full-text catalog files backup. A full population is required to bring full-text index to a consistent state.
2700 16 There are too many statements in the batch; the maximum number is %d
40153 16 The current database has been shutdown. The current database has been switched to master.
21108 16 This edition of SQL Server does not support transactional publications.
3161 16 The primary file is unavailable. It must be restored or otherwise made available.
4163 16 A GROUP BY clause is required in a PROB_MATCH query.
33433 10 Unable to perform the Filetable lost update recovery for database id %d.
46805 16 Conversion error while constructing the GlobalQuery request.
21794 16 The value specified for the @propertyname parameter is not valid. Use one of the following values: %s.
20069 16 Cannot validate a merge article that uses looping join filters.
2399 16 %sAn attribute cannot have a value of type '%ls', a simple type was expected
45029 16 %ls operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes.
21268 10 Cannot change the parameter %s while there are subscriptions to the publication.
13084 0 write
1741 16 Cannot create the sparse column set '' in the '' table because the table contains one or more encrypted sparse columns.
33318 16 The redirect request contains invalid string or redirect handler failed to handle the request
47021 10 Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Heap object.
49957 10 The default language (LCID %d) failed to be set for engine and full-text services.
7802 16 Functions that have a return type of "%.*ls" are unsupported through SOAP invocation.
3022 10 This backup is a file backup of read-write data from a database that uses the simple recovery model. This is only appropriate if you plan to set the filegroup to read-only followed by a differential file backup. Consult Books Online for more information on managing read-only data for the simple recovery model. In particular, consider how partial backups are used.
475 16 Invalid SAMPLE clause. Only table names in the FROM clause of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries may be sampled.
18381 10 Reason: The logical master database was not found.
12808 16 The option '%.*ls' cannot be set on a database while containment is being set to NONE.
13021 0 offset option
14070 16 Could not update the distribution database subscription table. The subscription status could not be changed.
9962 16 Failed to move full-text catalog from '%ls' to '%ls'. OS error '%ls'.
10627 16 Column '' cannot be part of the distribution key of the index '' because the column is not part of the unique index key. Distribution key columns for a unique index must be part of the index key.
11412 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '' does not have the same sparse storage attribute in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
4340 16 The point-in-time clause of this RESTORE statement is restricted for use by RESTORE LOG statements only. Omit the clause or use a clause that includes a timestamp.
5029 10 Warning: The log for database '%.*ls' has been rebuilt. Transactional consistency has been lost. The RESTORE chain was broken, and the server no longer has context on the previous log files, so you will need to know what they were. You should run DBCC CHECKDB to validate physical consistency. The database has been put in dbo-only mode. When you are ready to make the database available for use, you will need to reset database options and delete any extra log files.
40038 16 Can not get ack to rollback replication message.
30070 10 During the database upgrade, the full-text word-breaker component '%ls' that is used by catalog '%ls' was successfully verified. Component version is '%ls'. Full path is '%.*ls'. Language requested is %d. Language used is %d.
28060 16 The AES encryption algorithm is only supported on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 or later versions.
14815 16 File error during REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE operation. GetLastError = %d (%ls).
13391 10 Location:
7007 16 OPENXML encountered unknown metaproperty '%.*ls'.
677 10 Unable to drop worktable with partition ID %I64d after repeated attempts. Worktable is marked for deferred drop. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
39096 16 Execution failed because its WITH clause specified different output columns from what 'PREDICT' function tries to return. The schema returned by 'PREDICT' function is '%ls'.
40306 16 Cannot create an index %ld on object %ld.
33328 16 Redirector lookup failed with error code: %x
35489 16 Upgrade of Hekaton database
45035 16 Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE.
14004 16 %s must be in the current database.
14037 16 The replication option '%s' of database '%s' has been set to false.
8669 16 The attempt to maintain the indexed view "%.*ls" failed because it contains an expression on aggregate results, or because it contains a ranking or aggregate window function. Consider dropping the clustered index on the view, or changing the view definition.
40138 16 Query references entities from multiple partitions.
28068 16 A corrupted message has been received. The envelope payload is bigger than the message. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
28727 20 Unable to process incoming message due to resource availability.
21784 16 You must specify a non-NULL value for the @rowfilter parameter.
21831 16 The %s already exists. Use '%s' to change any settings/properties.
20668 16 Not enough range available to allocate a new range for a subscriber.
6269 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the user-defined aggregate "%s" does not exist or is not correctly defined in the updated assembly.
1971 16 Cannot disable index '' on table ''. Permission denied to disable foreign key '' on table '' that uses this index.
667 16 The index "" for table "" (RowsetId %I64d) resides on a filegroup ("%.*ls") that cannot be accessed because it is offline, is being restored, or is defunct.
4504 16 Could not create %S_MSG '' because CLR type '' does not exist in the target database '%.*ls'.
40928 16 Create or update Failover Group operation successfully completed; however, some of the databases could not be added to or removed from Failover Group: '%.*ls'
33051 16 Invalid algorithm id: %d. Provider error code: %d. (%S_MSG)
33220 16 Audit actions at the server scope can only be granted when the current database is master.
33312 10 The wait for querying proxy routes failed or was aborted.
22964 16 LSN %s, specified as the new low end point for change table cleanup must represent the start_lsn value of a current entry in the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table. Choose an LSN value that satisfies this requirement.
21259 16 Invalid property value '%s'. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid parameters for sp_changemergearticle.
278 16 The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be used in a GROUP BY clause.
17405 24 An image corruption/hotpatch detected while reporting exceptional situation. This may be a sign of a hardware problem. Check SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log for details.
14297 16 Cannot enlist into the local machine.
8689 16 Database '%.*ls', specified in the USE PLAN hint, does not exist. Specify an existing database.
10009 16 The provider did not give any information about the error.
10520 16 Cannot create plan guide '%.*ls' because @type was specified as '%ls' and a non-NULL value is specified for the parameter '%ls'. This type requires a NULL value for the parameter. Specify NULL for the parameter, or change the type to one that allows a non-NULL value for the parameter.
11109 16 The provider does not support an index scan on this data source.
27231 16 Failed to deploy packages. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '%I64d'.
41811 16 XTP physical database was stopped while processing log record ID %S_LSN for database '%.*ls'. No further action is necessary.
21669 16 Column [%s] cannot be published because it uses an unsupported data type [%s]. View supported data types by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings.
4416 16 UNION ALL view '%.*ls' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.
5260 16 Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls): At least one record on page %S_PGID contains versioning information, but the VERSION_INFO bit in the page header is not set.
28051 10 Could not save a dialog session key. A master key is required in the database to save the session key.
11725 15 An expression that contains a NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be passed as an argument to an aggregate.
7880 10 SQL Server has successfully finished closing sessions and connections.
3292 16 A failure occurred while attempting to execute Backup or Restore with a URL device specified. Consult the operating system error log for details.
21723 16 The value specified for the @pubid parameter of procedure '%s' is not valid or is NULL. Verify that the Merge Agent is running correctly. Reinitalize the subscription if the problem persists.
15434 16 Could not drop login '%s' as the user is currently logged in.
8360 16 SQL Trace failed to send event notification. This may be due to low resource conditions. The same send failure may not be reported in the future.
35348 16 The statement failed because table '%.*ls' uses vardecimal storage format. A columnstore index cannot be created on a table using vardecimal storage. Consider rebuilding the table without vardecimal storage.
19507 16 Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%.*ls'. There is an already existing distributed availability group on top of the same replicas.
21136 16 Detected inconsistencies in the replication agent table. The specified job ID corresponds to multiple entries in '%ls'.
14852 16 Cannot query table '%.*ls' because data reconciliation is in progress. This is part of the automatic recovery process for a remote data archive enabled table. You may check the status of this operation in sys.remote_data_archive_tables.
17069 10 %s
8906 16 Page %S_PGID in database ID %d is allocated in the SGAM %S_PGID and PFS %S_PGID, but was not allocated in any IAM. PFS flags '%hs'.
9980 16 Variable parameters can not be passed to fulltext predicates: contains, freetext and functions: containstable, freetexttable applied to remote table.
7324 16 A failure occurred while setting parameter properties with OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
7349 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" could not set the range for table "%ls" because of column "%ls". %ls
7657 10 Warning: Table or indexed view '%.*ls' has full-text indexed columns that are of type image, text, or ntext. Full-text change tracking cannot track WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT operations performed on these columns.
4828 16 Cannot bulk load. Invalid destination table column number for source column %d in the format file "%s".
40044 16 Corrupted fixed size data. Actual remaining bytes %d, expected %d bytes.
40654 16 Specified subregion '%.*ls' is invalid.
15232 16 A certificate with name '%s' already exists or this certificate already has been added to the database.
15594 16 The password is already provisioned for the database '%.*ls'
14397 16 Only members of sysadmin server role can start/stop multi-server jobs
11266 16 A corrupted message has been received. The encrypted session key size is %d, however it must be %d bytes. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
46719 16 Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. This error can occur if more than one SqlConnection is used within the scope of a System.Transactions.Transaction.
21205 16 The subscription cannot be attached because the publication does not allow subscription copies to synchronize changes.
21813 16 Can not disable trigger %s on table %s because it is required by updatable publication.
7703 16 Can not create RANGE partition function with multiple parameter types.
7706 16 Partition function '%ls' is being used by one or more partition schemes.
28703 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: no enabled channel maps for component %d found.
14713 21 A management data warehouse cannot be installed to SQL Server Express Edition.
13903 16 Edge table '%.*ls' used in more than one MATCH pattern.
10311 10 AppDomain %i (%.*ls) is marked for unload due to memory pressure.
5305 16 The rowdump and lockres columns are only valid on tables and indexed views on which the NOEXPAND hint is specified.
40803 16 The server '%.*ls' has reached its quota of (%d) premium databases.
31009 16 Could not set limits on DTA job object when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
27163 16 The value for the Integration Services server property, '%ls', is not valid. In Management Studio, in the Integration Services Properties dialog box, enter a valid value for this property.
11524 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '' in procedure '' causes indirect recursion.
6378 16 Table '%.*ls' needs to have a clustered primary key with less than %d columns in it in order to create a selective XML index on it.
7627 16 Cannot create the full-text catalog in the directory "%.*ls" for the clustered server. Only directories on a disk in the cluster group of the server can be used.
4349 16 The log in this backup set begins at LSN, which is too recent to apply to the database. This restore sequence needs to initialize the log to start at LSN Reissue the RESTORE LOG statement using an earlier log backup.
4449 16 Using defaults is not allowed in views that contain a set operator.
40132 16 Before dropping a table group, you have to delete all the partitions.
40711 16 Rule name '%.*ls' does not exist.
30034 16 Full-text stoplist '%.*ls' cannot be dropped because it is being used by at least one full-text index. To identify which full-text index is using a stoplist: obtain the stoplist ID from the stoplist_id column of the sys.fulltext_indexes catalog view, and then look up that stoplist ID in the stoplist_id column of the sys.fulltext_stoplists catalog view. Either drop the full-text index by using DROP FULLTEXT INDEX or change its stoplist setting by using ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX. Then retry dropping the stoplist.
20649 16 Publications enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions do not support %s. Please change the '%s' parameter value.
14692 16 Insufficient priveleges to start collection set: '%s'. Only a member of the 'sysadmin' fixed server role can start a collection set without a SQL Server Agent proxy. Attach a SQL Server Agent proxy to the collection set before retrying.
1915 16 Cannot alter a non-unique index with ignore_dup_key index option. Index '%.*ls' is non-unique.
41095 10 Always On: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group '%.*ls' to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL Server. The WSFC resource state indicates that the local availability replica is the primary replica, but the local replica is not in the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
33127 16 The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more databases to encrypt a Database Encryption Key.
28040 10 A corrupted message has been received. The adjacent error message header is invalid.
22811 16 The roundtrip time-out must be greater than 0.
11705 16 The minimum value for sequence object '%.*ls' must be less than its maximum value.
13028 0 index
10731 15 A nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement is not allowed inside another nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
41199 16 The specified command is invalid because the Always On Availability Groups %ls feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.
35212 16 The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d synchronous-commit availability replicas in availability group '%.*ls'. Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to the asynchronous-commit availability mode, and retry the operation.
29266 16 Configuration manager reconfig enable step failed.
13179 16 DDL operations
9925 16 Rebuild full-text catalog '%ls' failed: Full-text catalog is read-only.
235 16 Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.
556 16 INSERT EXEC failed because the stored procedure altered the schema of the target table.
20556 10 Heartbeats detected for all running replication agents.
243 16 Type %.*ls is not a defined system type.
4440 16 UNION ALL view '' is not updatable because a primary key was not found on table ''.
15061 16 The add device request was denied. A physical device named "%s" already exists. Only one backup device may refer to any physical device name.
8316 16 Cannot open registry key 'HKLM\%ls'. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
9415 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, well formed check: no '<' in attribute value
9728 16 Cannot find the security certificate because the lookup database principal ID (%i) is not valid. The security principal may have been dropped after the conversation was created.
10784 16 The WITH clause of BEGIN ATOMIC statement must specify a value for the option '%ls'.
6903 16 XML Validation: Invalid definition for type '%ls'. SQL Server does not currently support inclusion of ID, QName, or list of QName among the member types of a union type.
6007 10 The SHUTDOWN statement cannot be executed within a transaction or by a stored procedure.
7615 16 A CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate can only operate on one table or indexed view. Qualify the use of * with a table or indexed view name.
4819 16 Cannot bulk load. The bulk data stream was incorrectly specified as sorted or the data violates a uniqueness constraint imposed by the target table. Sort order incorrect for the following two rows: primary key of first row: %s, primary key of second row: %s.
5120 16 Unable to open the physical file "%.*ls". Operating system error %d: "%ls".
49955 10 Environment Variable Startup Parameters:%.*ls
21416 10 Property '%s' of article '%s' cannot be changed.
22920 16 The named capture instance %s does not exist for database %s.
15057 16 List of %s name contains spaces, which are not allowed.
16956 10 The created cursor is not of the requested type.
8188 16 There is already a SQL type for assembly type "" on assembly "". Only one SQL type can be mapped to a given assembly type. CREATE TYPE fails.
1717 16 FILESTREAM_ON cannot be specified together with a partition scheme in the ON clause.
1765 16 Foreign key '' creation failed. Only NO ACTION and CASCADE referential delete actions are allowed for referencing computed column ''.
4525 16 Cannot use hint '%ls' on view '%.*ls' that has snapshot materialization before the view is refreshed.
30123 16 Drop existing matrix configuration failed during execution of stored procedure '%s'.
21752 16 The current user %s does not have SELECT permission on the table %s. The user must have SELECT permission to retrieve rows at the Subscriber that have updates pending in the queue.
18322 10 Reason: Access to server validation failed while revalidating the login on the connection.
14662 10 mailitem_id on conversation %s was not found in the sysmail_send_retries table. This mail item will not be sent.
8429 16 The conversation endpoint is not in a valid state for SEND. The current endpoint state is '%ls'.
8726 16 Input parameter of %.*ls function must be a constant.
6632 16 Invalid data type for the column "%ls". CLR types cannot be used in an OpenXML WITH clause.
3148 16 This RESTORE statement is invalid in the current context. The 'Recover Data Only' option is only defined for secondary filegroups when the database is in an online state. When the database is in an offline state filegroups cannot be specified.
1065 15 The NOLOCK and READUNCOMMITTED lock hints are not allowed for target tables of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statements.
5221 10 %.*ls: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %d:%d from a dropped allocation unit could not be moved.
19458 16 The WSFC nodes that host the primary and secondary replicas belong to different subnets. DHCP across multiple subnets is not supported for availability replicas. Use the static IP option to configure the availability group listener.
14659 16 Failed to retrieve VerSpecificRootDir for syssubsystems population.
12601 16 DBCC CLONEDATABASE is not allowed within a transaction.
9206 16 The query notification subscription "%ld" cannot be deleted because it does not exist or it has already been fired.
2283 16 %sThe character '%c' may not be part of an entity reference
1446 10 The "%.*ls" server instance is already acting as the witness.
28915 16 Configuration manager agent encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d while updating brick <%lu> incarnation to %I64u. Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this error.
29268 16 Configuration manager reconfig retire step failed.
21672 16 The login '%s' has insufficient authorization to execute this command.
14869 16 Must be DB OWNER to use the REMOTA_DATA_ARCHIVE_OVERRIDE hint.
14562 10 (quit with success)
8541 10 System process ID %d tried to terminate the distributed transaction with Unit of Work ID %ls. This message occurs when the client executes a KILL statement on the distributed transaction.
6364 16 ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. Revalidation of XML columns in table '' did not succeed due to the following reason: ''. Either the schema or the specified data should be altered so that validation does not find any mismatches.
1791 16 A DEFAULT constraint cannot be created on the column '' in the table '' because the column is a sparse column or sparse column set. Sparse columns or sparse column sets cannot have a DEFAULT constraint.
40063 16 Replica is not found.
41851 16 Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segment definition ordering does not match the (strict) logical ordering. Older Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d. Newer Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
20704 16 The datatype of the identity column of table '%s' is tinyint. tinyint does not have enough numbers available for merge auto identity range. Change the identity column to have a larger datatype and add the merge article with merge auto identity range management.
13751 16 Temporal application time column '%.*ls' has invalid data type. Allowed data types are datetime2, smalldatetime, datetimeoffset, date and datetime.
8358 16 Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) failed to send event. Event message size exceeds limit. The same send failure may not be reported in the future.
7937 16 Columnstore index has one or more missing column segments. Please run DBCC CHECKDB for more information.
3234 16 Logical file '%.*ls' is not part of database '%ls'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.
1729 16 Cannot create table '' because the partitioning column '' uses a FILESTREAM column.
40707 16 Invalid index value '' in
9318 16 %sSyntax error at source character '0x%02x' near '%ls', expected string literal.
9621 16 An error occurred while processing a message in the Service Broker and Database Mirroring transport: error %i, state %i.
10736 15 A full-text stoplist statement must be terminated by a semi-colon (;).
1912 16 Could not proceed with index DDL operation on %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it conflicts with another concurrent operation that is already in progress on the object. The concurrent operation could be an online index operation on the same object or another concurrent operation that moves index pages like DBCC SHRINKFILE.
45308 16 Recommended action '' was not found for advisor ''
45337 16 The planned failover operation has rolled back because database '%ls' could not be synchronized with its remote partner. This may be due to a service outage, or to a high volume of write traffic. Consider using forced failover.
15282 10 A key with name '%.*ls' or user defined unique identifier already exists or you do not have permissions to create it.
17810 20 Could not connect because the maximum number of '%ld' dedicated administrator connections already exists. Before a new connection can be made, the existing dedicated administrator connection must be dropped, either by logging off or ending the process.%.*ls
8952 16 Table error: table '%ls' (ID %d). Index row in index '%ls' (ID %d) does not match any data row. Possible extra or invalid keys for:
5703 10 Changed language setting to %.*ls.
2333 16 %sInvalid source character 0x%02x
1720 16 Cannot drop FILESTREAM filegroup or partition scheme since table '%.*ls' has FILESTREAM columns.
5077 16 Cannot change the state of non-data files or files in the primary filegroup.
40072 16 Corrupted rowset metadata sequence.
19479 16 The WSFC cluster network control API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
14810 16 The database option REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE is already enabled on database '%s'.
7424 10 OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" returned "%ls" with data type "%ls", which should be type "%ls".
3031 16 Option '%ls' conflicts with option(s) '%ls'. Remove the conflicting option and reissue the statement.
40515 16 Reference to database and/or server name in '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
27261 16 There is no Scale Out Master installed.
28004 16 This message could not be delivered because the '%S_MSG' action cannot be performed in the '%.*ls' state.
19130 10 Unable to open SQL Server Network Interface library configuration key in registry for Dedicated Administrator Connection settings.
13743 16 %ld is not a valid value for system versioning history retention period.
11293 16 This forwarded message has been dropped because a transport is shutdown.
7923 10 Table %.*ls Object ID %ld.
33310 16 Local cluster name can be set only once.
18762 16 Invalid begin LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for commit record {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Check DBTABLE.
9608 16 The conversation priority with ID %d is referencing the missing service contract with ID %d.
2554 16 The index "" (partition %ld) on table "" cannot be reorganized because the filegroup is read-only.
33148 16 The user name for a windows login has to be identical to the login name.
22987 16 Change Data Capture population failed writing blob data for one or more large object columns. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. Check the physical and virtual memory settings on the server and examine memory usage to see if another application is consuming excessive memory.
14822 16 '%s' is not a valid option for the @mode parameter. Enter 'ALL', 'LOCAL_ONLY' or 'REMOTE_ONLY'.
5057 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify file '%.*ls' because it is offline.
40923 16 The database '%.*ls' is a secondary in an existing geo-replication relationship and cannot be added to the Failover Group
40929 16 The source database '%ls.%ls' cannot have higher edition than the target database '%ls.%ls'. Upgrade the edition on the target before upgrading source.
22827 16 Peer-to-peer conflict detection alert
9332 16 %sSyntax error near '%ls', expected 'where', '(stable) order by' or 'return'.
9412 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, '>' expected
9732 10 Error during startup, shutdown or update of cluster proxy route manager.
6117 16 There is a connection associated with the distributed transaction with UOW %s. First, kill the connection using KILL SPID syntax.
6516 16 There is no collection '' in metadata ''.
6917 16 XML Validation: Element '%ls' may not have xsi:nil="true" because it was not defined as nillable or because it has a fixed value constraint. %S_MSG %ls
7201 17 Could not execute procedure on remote server '%.*ls' because SQL Server is not configured for remote access. Ask your system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server to allow remote access.
603 21 Could not find an entry for table or index with object ID %d (partition ID %I64d) in database %d. This error can occur if a stored procedure references a dropped table, or metadata is corrupted. Drop and re-create the stored procedure, or execute DBCC CHECKDB.
4881 10 Note: Bulk Insert through a view may result in base table default values being ignored for NULL columns in the data file.
33324 16 Failed to parse the redirect info string
18325 10 Reason: Failed to attach the specified database while revalidating the login on the connection.
9770 10 Locating routes and security information via the Broker Configuration Service.
9953 16 The path '%.*ls' has invalid attributes. It needs to be a directory. It must not be hidden, read-only, or on a removable drive.
35361 16 The statement failed. A clustered columnstore index cannot be created over referencing column '' on table ''.
29212 16 Configuration manager enlistment encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d while updating brick <%lu> incarnation to %I64u. Enlistment request from brick is not processed. Examine previous logged messages to determine cause of this error.
18306 10 Reason: An error occurred while evaluating the password.
15174 16 Login '%s' owns one or more database(s). Change the owner of the database(s) before dropping the login.
15665 16 The value was not set for key '%ls' because the total size of keys and values in the session context would exceed the 1 MB limit.
12011 16 The value of parameter '%.*ls' of CREATE %S_MSG must be less than %d.
6239 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because type "" in assembly "" has an invalid custom attribute "%.*ls".
3136 16 This differential backup cannot be restored because the database has not been restored to the correct earlier state.
33096 10 A generic failure occurred during Service Master Key encryption or decryption.
25704 16 The event session has already been stopped.
27013 16 Tokenizer object has no delimiter set. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
28016 16 The message has been dropped because the service broker in the target database is unavailable: '%S_MSG'.
46902 10 Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services.
12358 15 Enabling CDC creates database triggers on ALTER TABLE and DROP TABLE. Hence, these DDL statements are not supported with %S_MSG on CDC enabled databases. Other DDL triggers not related to CDC may also be blocking this operation.
8038 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %d ("%.*ls"), row %I64d, column %d: Data type 0x%02X has an invalid precision or scale.
6380 16 Path ''. Multiple values found when SINGLETON option is specified for selective XML index ''.
39038 16 The function PREDICT expects parameter 'PARAMETERS' of type ntext/nchar/nvarchar.
21861 16 The current operation was aborted because it would deactivate an article in a publication for which a snapshot was being generated.
21874 16 The stored procedure %s must be run from a distirbution database. The current database %s is not a distribution database.
20609 16 Cannot attach subscription file '%s'. Make sure that it is a valid subscription copy file.
15534 16 Cookie generation failed in the '%ls' statement.
13610 16 The argument %d of the "%.*ls" must be a string literal.
11511 16 The metadata could not be determined because the statement '' in procedure '' is not compatible with the statement '%.*ls' in the main batch.
5553 16 SQL Server internal error. FILESTREAM manager cannot continue with current command.
1900 16 Cannot create a clustered index with a predicate clause. Filtered clustered indexes are not supported.
2361 16 %sThe base type of an XSD extension or restriction type must be a simple type.
2517 16 Bulk-logging has been turned on for database %.*ls. To ensure that all data has been secured, run backup log operations again.
14368 16 Schedule "%s" was not deleted because it is being used by at least one other job. Use "sp_detach_schedule" to remove schedules from a job.
2102 16 Cannot %S_MSG %S_MSG '' since there is no user for login '' in database '%.*ls'.
5103 16 MAXSIZE cannot be less than SIZE for file '%ls'.
28043 16 A corrupted message has been received. The arbitration response header is invalid.
13920 16 Identifier '%.*ls' in a MATCH clause is used with a JOIN clause or APPLY operator. JOIN and APPLY are not supported with MATCH clauses.
8425 16 The service contract '%.*ls' is not found.
10008 16 The provider terminated the operation.
948 20 The database '%.*ls' cannot be opened because it is version %d. This server supports version %d and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
4502 16 View or function '%.*ls' has more column names specified than columns defined.
33413 16 The option '%.*ls' can only be specified once in a statement. Remove the duplicate option from the statement.
41867 16 Consistency errors detected in the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. See preceding error messages for details. Consult for details on how to recover from the errors.
46649 16 hours
21313 10 Subscriber partition validation expression must be NULL for static publications.
11718 15 NEXT VALUE FOR function does not support an empty OVER clause.
12429 16 The Query Store in database has an invalid structure for internal table, possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency.
8302 10 CREATE RULE and DROP RULE will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using CREATE RULE and DROP RULE in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use check constraints instead, which are created using the CHECK keyword of CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE.
9786 10 Cannot retrieve user name from security context. Error: '%.*ls'. State: %hu.
4016 16 Language requested in 'login' is not an official name on this SQL Server. Using user default instead.
35479 16 start
41839 16 Transaction exceeded the maximum number of commit dependencies and the last statement was aborted. Retry the statement.
19063 16 Not enough memory was available for trace.
15229 16 The argument specified for the "%.*ls" parameter of stored procedure sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format is not valid. Valid arguments are 'ON' or 'OFF'.
14068 16 The subscription status of the object could not be changed.
14532 16 Supply both %s and %s, or none of them.
8905 16 Extent %S_PGID in database ID %d is marked allocated in the GAM, but no SGAM or IAM has allocated it.
844 10 Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch -- type %d, bp %p, page %d:%d, stat %#x, database id: %d, allocation unit id: %I64d%ls, task 0x%p : %d, waittime %d seconds, flags 0x%I64x, owning task 0x%p. Continuing to wait.
1003 15 Line %d: %ls clause allowed only for %ls.
1779 16 Table '%.*ls' already has a primary key defined on it.
19156 10 Failed to allocate memory for SSPI listening structures. Check for memory-related errors.
15072 16 Usage: sp_addremotelogin remoteserver [,loginname [,remotename]]
3802 10 Warning: The constraint "" on ""."%.*ls" may be impacted by the collation upgrade. Disable and enable WITH CHECK.
4342 16 Point-in-time recovery is not possible unless the primary filegroup is part of the restore sequence. Omit the point-in-time clause or restore the primary filegroup.
40511 16 Built-in function '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
45199 16 This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Please wait several minutes for the log backup to complete and retry the command.
12004 16 Could not find the default spatial tessellation scheme for the column '' on table ''. Make sure that the column reference is correct, or specify the extension scheme in a USING clause.
1419 16 The remote copy of database "%.*ls" cannot be opened. Check the database name and ensure that it is in the restoring state, and then reissue the command.
41152 16 Failed to create availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
47001 10 Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when creating instance of Passport.RPS COM Object.
14040 16 The server '%s' is already a Subscriber.
9710 16 The conversation endpoint with ID '%ls' and is_initiator: %d is referencing the invalid conversation group '%ls'.
9948 10 Warning: Full-text catalog path '%ls' is invalid. It exceeds the length limit, or it is a relative path, or it is a hidden directory, or it is a UNC PATH. The full-text catalog cannot be attached, rebuild the catalog to resolve it.
11010 16 The user did not have permission to write to the column.
21355 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because merge metadata cleanup task is performed.
13244 10 SELECT
14276 16 '%s' is a permanent %s category and cannot be deleted.
6371 16 The same name cannot be assigned to more than one path for selective XML index '%.*ls'.
40619 16 The edition '' does not support the database data max size ''.
46501 15 External table references '%S_MSG' that does not exist.
12417 15 Only one Query Store option can be given in ALTER DATABASE statement.
13230 10 disable
13403 10 The ability to use string literals as column aliases will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Use AS clause instead.
3289 16 A Backup device of type URL was specified without a Credential, Backup/Restore operation cannot proceed.
4993 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '' has different setting for Large Value Types Out Of Row table option as compared to table ''.
14281 10 Warning: The @new_owner_login_name parameter is not necessary when specifying a 'DELETE' action.
41186 16 Availability group '%.*ls' cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. The availability group is still being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, and then retry the operation.
30047 16 The user does not have permission to stoplist ''.
14541 16 The version of the MSX (%s) is not recent enough to support this TSX. Version %s or later is required at the MSX.
8012 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): Data type 0x%02X (sql_variant) has an invalid precision or scale for type-specific metadata.
6635 16 The compressed showplan xml stream is corrupted.
15377 16 Failed to configure user instance on startup. Error adding user to sysadmin role.
1969 16 Default FILESTREAM filegroup is not available in database '%.*ls'.
617 20 Descriptor for object ID %ld in database ID %d not found in the hash table during attempt to unhash it. A work table is missing an entry. Rerun the query. If a cursor is involved, close and reopen the cursor.
855 10 Uncorrectable hardware memory corruption detected. Your system may become unstable. Please check the operating system error log for more details.
1773 16 Foreign key '' has implicit reference to object '' which does not have a primary key defined on it.
4177 16 The FROM clause of a PROB_MATCH query must consist of a single derived table.
5024 16 No entry found for the primary log file in sysfiles1. Could not rebuild the log.
35426 16 system column
29802 16 GDM failed to allocate message via communication stack API.
21269 16 Cannot add a computed column or a timestamp column to a vertical partition for a character mode publication.
2779 16 The %S_MSG '%.*ls' is an auto-drop system object. It cannot be used in queries or DDL.
5246 16 Repair operations cannot be performed on the MSSQLSYSTEMRESOURCE database. Consult Books Online topic "Resource Database" for more information.
22105 16 Change tracking is not enabled on table '%.*ls'.
19232 10 Failed to initialize an object to perform a cryptographic handshake.
845 17 Time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type %d for page %S_PGID, database ID %d.
21233 16 Threshold value must be from 1 through 100.
10763 15 GROUP BY clause can only contain one query hint. Remove the extra hints and re-run the query.
3131 10 The file "%ls" is selected. At the time of backup it was known by the name "%ls". RESTORE will continue operating upon the renamed file.
13312 10 column encryption key
287 16 The %ls statement is not allowed within a trigger.
41067 16 Cannot drop the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group (ID or name '%.*ls') at this time. The WSFC group is not in a state that could accept the request. Please wait for the WSFC group to enter a terminal state and then retry the operation. For information about this error, see error code 5023 in "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
23573 16 Cannot change ContainerId when replacing item.
21339 10 Warning: the publication uses a feature that is only supported only by subscribers running '%s' or higher.
18596 16 %.*ls cannot start because your system is low on memory.
9926 10 Informational: MS Search stop limit reached. The full-text query may have returned fewer rows than it should.
11512 16 The metadata could not be determined because the statement '' in procedure '' is not compatible with the statement '' in procedure ''.
2627 14 Violation of %ls constraint ''. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ''. The duplicate key value is %ls.
22559 16 The status of the schema change must be "active" or "skipped".
2516 16 Repair has invalidated the differential bitmap for database %.*ls. The differential backup chain is broken. You must perform a full database backup before you can perform a differential backup.
27214 16 The data flow task GUID '%ls' and the data flow path ID string already exist for the execution ID %I64d. Provide a data flow task GUID and a data flow path ID string that are not in the catalog.execution_data_taps view.
41814 16 The procedure '%.*ls' cannot be called from a user transaction.
22802 16 Starting the Change Data Capture Cleanup Agent job using low watermark %s.
15009 16 The object '%s' does not exist in database '%s' or is invalid for this operation.
17129 10 initconfig: Warning: affinity specified is not valid. Defaulting to no affinity. Use ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET PROCESS AFFINITY to configure the system to be compatible with the CPU mask on the system. You can also configure the system based on the number of licensed CPUs.
3172 16 Filegroup %ls is defunct and cannot be restored into the online database.
3986 19 The transaction timestamps ran out. Restart the server.
40036 16 Can not perform replica operation because this node is not the secondary for this partition.
19420 10 The availability group '%.*ls' is being asked to stop the lease renewal because the availability group is going offline. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
9215 16 Query notification delivery failed to encode message. Delivery failed for notification '%.*ls'.
6819 16 The FOR XML clause is not allowed in a %ls statement.
3759 16 constraint '' cannot be dropped when WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY clause is used.
3951 16 Transaction failed in database '%.*ls' because the statement was run under snapshot isolation but the transaction did not start in snapshot isolation. You cannot change the isolation level of the transaction to snapshot after the transaction has started unless the transaction was originally started under snapshot isolation level.
33319 16 The redirector returned lookup failure
29273 16 Error: cannot bump Configuration manager manager major version (Loc: %d).
21246 16 This step failed because table '%s' is not part of any publication.
21386 16 Schema change failed on object '%s'. Possibly due to active snapshot or other schema change activity.
28902 16 Cannot create configuration manager agent enlistment thread.
21192 16 MSrepl_tran_version column is a predefined column used for replication and can be only of data type uniqueidentifier
15265 16 An unexpected error has occurred in the processing of the security descriptor string '%s'.
13554 16 Memory-optimized table '%.*ls' cannot contain system-time PERIOD.
11508 16 The undeclared parameter '%.*ls' is used more than once in the batch being analyzed.
1753 16 Column '' is not the same length or scale as referencing column '' in foreign key '%.*ls'. Columns participating in a foreign key relationship must be defined with the same length and scale.
1822 16 The database must be online to have a database snapshot.
5078 16 Cannot alter database options for "%ls" because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT.
46820 16 %.*ls
14285 16 Cannot add a local job to a multiserver job category.
8714 16 Polybase Error: Failed to convert external data format to SQL Server internal format.
9606 16 The conversation priority with ID %d has been dropped.
2212 16 %sInvalid source character '%c' (0x%02x) found in an identifier near '%ls'.
21306 16 The copy of the subscription could not be made because the subscription to publication '%s' has expired.
21764 16 Cannot create the publication. Specifying a value of 'msmq' for the parameter @queue_type is supported only on Microsoft Windows NT platforms. Specify a value of 'sql' for this parameter.
14682 16 The state of the collection set has changed, but it will not start or stop until the collector is enabled.
15304 16 The severity level of the '%s' version of this message must be the same as the severity level (%ld) of the us_english version.
14419 16 The specified @backup_file_name is not a database backup.
9007 10 Cannot shrink log file %d (%s) because requested size (%dKB) is larger than the start of the last logical log file.
21167 16 The specified job ID does not represent a %s agent job for any push subscription in this database.
9744 16 The %s of route "%.*ls" is not a valid address.
351 16 Column, parameter, or variable : Cannot find data type
40507 16 '%.*ls' cannot be invoked with parameters in this version of SQL Server.
40652 16 Cannot move or create server. Subscription '%.*ls' will exceed server quota.
30090 10 A new instance of the full-text filter daemon host process has been successfully started.
33280 16 Cannot create encrypted column '%.*ls' because type '%ls' is not supported for encryption.
33415 16 FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME '%.s' attempting to be set on database '%.s' is not unique in this SQL Server instance. Provide a unique value for the database option FILESTREAM DIRECTORY_NAME to enable non-transacted access.
22110 16 The number of columns specified in the CHANGETABLE(VERSION ...) function does not match the number of primary key columns for table '%.*ls'.
20687 16 Parameter '%s' must be NULL when this procedure is not being run from a '%s' database.
7652 16 A full-text index for table or indexed view '%.*ls' has already been created.
27232 16 Failed to create customized logging level '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to create customized logging level.
47048 10 Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
21736 16 Unable to relocate the article log table to a different tablespace. Verify that the replication administrative user login can connect to the Oracle Publisher using SQL*PLUS. If you can connect, but the problem persists, it might be caused by insufficient permissions or insufficient space in the tablespace; check for any Oracle error messages.
14118 16 A stored procedure can be published only as a 'serializable proc exec' article, a 'proc exec' article, or a 'proc schema only' article.
10344 16 Internal table access error: failed to access the Trusted Assemblies internal table with HRESULT: 0x%x. Contact Customer Support Services.
1834 16 The file '%ls' cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database '%.*ls'.
4068 20 sp_resetconnection was sent as part of a remote procedure call (RPC) batch, but it was not the last RPC in the batch. This connection will be terminated.
4439 16 Partitioned view '' is not updatable because the source query contains references to partition table ''.
41639 16 Could not retrieve remote replica configuration for database '%ls' (URI: '%ls').
20711 16 The dynamic filters property for publication '%s' has been incorrectly set. Use sp_changemergepublication to reset the value to true if the publication uses parameterized filters and false if it does not.
16614 16 Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because database '%ls' is invalid.
13140 0 Average execution time (ms)
3505 14 Only the owner of database "%.*ls" or someone with relevant permissions can run the CHECKPOINT statement.
5141 16 Failed to lock credential manager. Lock Mode: %.*ls.
27123 16 The operation cannot be started by an account that uses SQL Server Authentication. Start the operation with an account that uses Integrated Authentication.
28380 16 Index with the specified Id (%d) in the clone address syntax cannot be found.
41640 10 Database '%ls' encountered a transient error (error code: 0x%08X) while performing task '%ls'. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about the errors that were encountered. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
21827 16 The %s parameters have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the '%s' documentation.
33517 16 The column '' of the object '' is encrypted. The currently installed edition of SQL Server does not support encrypted columns. Either remove the encryption from the column or upgrade the instance of SQL Server to a version that supports encrypted columns.
35383 16 The use of user-defined functions is not allowed in default constraints when adding columns to a columnstore index.
26018 10 A self-generated certificate was successfully loaded for encryption.
28949 16 Error during configuration check (Function:%s, result: 0x%08lx).
15160 16 Cannot issue impersonation token from non-primary impersonation context or for non-Windows user.
12832 16 The database '' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the schema bound %S_MSG '' depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%.*ls', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
14135 16 There is no subscription on Publisher '%s', publisher database '%s', publication '%s'.
3110 14 User does not have permission to RESTORE database '%.*ls'.
41003 16 Failed to obtain the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ID (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
14633 16 The database name "%s" specified in @execute_query_database is invalid. There is no database by that name.
8962 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). The off-row data node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d has incorrect node type %d.
9403 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, unrecognized input signature
6839 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT does not support XMLTEXT field on tag '%.*ls' that has IDREFS or NMTOKENS fields.
7977 10 Start time : %.*ls
41604 16 The transport subscriber failed to process the configuration change replica event (partition ID %ls). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
8907 16 The spatial index, XML index or indexed view '%.*ls' (object ID %d) contains rows that were not produced by the view definition. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. For more information about troubleshooting DBCC errors on indexed views, see SQL Server Books Online.
6947 16 XML Validation: Multiple ID attributes found on a single element. %S_MSG %s
3406 10 %d transactions rolled forward in database '%.*ls' (%d:%d). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41334 16 The code generation directory cannot be created or set up correctly.
18363 10 Reason: An error occurred while evaluating the password. [Database: '%.*ls']
20528 10 Log Reader Agent startup message.
18059 16 The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then tried to reset the connection under its impersonated security context. This scenario is not supported. See "Impersonation Overview" in Books Online.
9653 16 The signature of activation stored procedure '%.*ls' is invalid. Parameters are not allowed.
11410 16 Cannot modify the column '' in the table '' to a sparse column because the column has a default or rule bound to it. Unbind the rule or default from the column before designating the column as sparse.
862 10 Attempt to disable buffer pool extension when in state %ls is not allowed.
1797 16 Sparse column '' cannot be used to federate the table ''.
4830 10 Bulk load: DataFileType was incorrectly specified as char. DataFileType will be assumed to be widechar because the data file has a Unicode signature.
40718 16 one of inputtype, isnull and format attributes is required in %.*ls.
14518 16 Cannot delete proxy (%d). It is used by at least one jobstep. Change this proxy for all jobsteps by calling sp_reassign_proxy.
6261 16 The CLR type referenced by column "" of table variable "" has been dropped during the execution of the batch. Run the batch again.
2343 16 %sUnterminated text section - missing `
3858 10 The attribute (%ls) of row (%ls) in sys.%ls%ls has an invalid value.
41357 16 Tables with MEMORY_OPTIMIZED=ON can only be created in 64-bit installations of SQL Server.
27049 16 Reference table (or internal copy) missing integer identity column. Error tolerant index is probably corrupt.
10146 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on the view '%.*ls' because it uses the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function.
11202 16 This message has been dropped because the FROM service name exceeds the maximum size of %d bytes. Service name: "%.*ls". Message origin: "%ls".
1706 16 The system table '%.*ls' can only be created or altered during an upgrade.
40104 16 Only sysadmin can execute this stored procedure '%.*ls'.
49942 16 Internal error occurred initializing user-specified certificate configuration. Error code [%08X].
21372 16 Cannot drop filter '%s' from publication '%s' because its snapshot has been run and this publication could have active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to reinitialize all subscriptions and drop the filter.
21538 16 Table '%s' cannot have table '%s' as a parent in a logical record relationship because it already has a different parent table. A logical record relationship allows only one parent table for a given child table.
15106 16 Usage: sp_bindrule rulename, objectname [, 'futureonly']
13049 0 built-in function name
5539 16 The ROWGUIDCOL column associated with the FILESTREAM being used is not visible where method %ls is called.
1828 16 The logical file name "%.*ls" is already in use. Choose a different name.
4919 16 PERSISTED attribute cannot be altered on column '%.*ls' because this column is not computed.
22538 16 Only replication jobs or job schedules can be added, modified, dropped or viewed through replication stored procedures.
8649 17 The query has been canceled because the estimated cost of this query (%d) exceeds the configured threshold of %d. Contact the system administrator.
3028 10 The restart-checkpoint file '%ls' was corrupted and is being ignored. The RESTORE command will continue from the beginning as if RESTART had not been specified.
183 15 The scale (%d) for column '%.*ls' must be within the range %d to %d.
1762 16 Cannot create the foreign key "%.*ls" with the SET DEFAULT referential action, because one or more referencing not-nullable columns lack a default constraint.
1770 16 Foreign key '' references invalid column '' in referenced table '%.*ls'.
1842 16 The file size, max size cannot be greater than 2147483647 in units of a page size. The file growth cannot be greater than 2147483647 in units of both page size and percentage.
4019 16 Language requested in login '%.*ls' is not an official language name on this SQL Server. Login fails.
46618 16 HADOOP
8655 16 The query processor is unable to produce a plan because the index '' on table or view '' is disabled.
7316 16 Cannot use qualified table names (schema or catalog) with the OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" because it does not implement required functionality.
3208 16 Unexpected end of file while reading beginning of backup set. Confirm that the media contains a valid SQL Server backup set, and see the console error log for more details.
32013 16 A log shipping entry already exists for secondary database %s.
18311 10 Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.
13392 10 Location relative to the specified target node:
7854 16 The URL value specified for the "%.*ls" parameter is too long.
29269 16 Configuration manager cannot start non-registered manager %d.
15028 16 The server '%s' already exists.
15667 16 Reset session context is not allowed when a another batch is active in session.
14442 16 Role change failed.
9769 10 Insufficient memory prevented the Service Broker/Database Mirroring Transport Manager from starting.
10791 15 Hash indexes are permitted only in memory optimized tables.
11304 10 Failed to record outcome of a local two-phase commit transaction. Taking database offline.
7355 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The name was changed at execution time.
33170 16 SID option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
21243 16 Publisher '%s', publication database '%s', and publication '%s' could not be added to the list of synchronization partners.
19055 16 Filters with the same event column ID must be grouped together.
20081 16 Publication property '%s' cannot be NULL.
15585 10 The current master key cannot be decrypted. The error was ignored because the FORCE option was specified.
9791 10 The broker is disabled in the sender's database.
6214 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because assembly "%.*ls" has an unmanaged entry point.
1847 16 The current version of the operating system doesn't support auto-recovered Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) snapshots.
1965 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls". The view contains an imprecise arithmetic operator.
40595 16 Extended event session '%ls' has been altered.
14199 10 The specified job '%s' is not created for maintenance plans. Verify that the job has at least one step calling xp_sqlmaint.
8965 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). The off-row data node at page %S_PGID, slot %d, text ID %I64d is referenced by page %S_PGID, slot %d, but was not seen in the scan.
9401 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, unrecognized encoding
1410 16 The remote copy of database "%.*ls" is already enabled for database mirroring.
4983 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '' has an XML or spatial index '' on it. Only source table can have XML or spatial indexes in the ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement.
5044 10 The %S_MSG '%.*ls' has been removed.
40581 16 Logically filtered secondaries are only supported if the secondary is a forwarder.
16954 16 Executing SQL directly; no cursor.
12309 15 Statements of the form INSERT...VALUES... that insert multiple rows are not supported with %S_MSG.
8515 20 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) global state is not valid.
10908 16 Attribute '' with value of %u is less than attribute '' with value of %u.
41348 16 MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroups cannot be used with the FILESTREAM_ON clause. Specify a FILESTREAM filegroup.
28066 16 A corrupted message has been received. The security dialog message header is invalid. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
28718 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: pipeline %hs received message (classId %d, sequenceId %d) from the expired age %d (last acceptable age %d).
21217 10 Publication of '%s' data from Publisher '%s'.
8135 16 Table level constraint or index does not specify column list, table '%.*ls'.
9501 16 XQuery: Unable to resolve sql:variable('%.*ls'). The variable must be declared as a scalar TSQL variable.
10027 16 Command was not prepared.
11205 16 This message has been dropped because the TO service name is missing. The message origin is "%ls".
11258 16 A corrupted message has been received. The MIC size is %d, however it must be no greater than %d bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
6874 16 Empty URI is not allowed in WITH XMLNAMESPACES clause.
47000 10 Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when fetching CLSID of RPS ProgID.
20675 16 The identity range values cannot be NULL.
14197 10 Value of %s parameter should be in the set %s
40567 16 Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
4826 16 Cannot bulk load. Invalid column length for column number %d in the format file "%s".
30079 10 The full text query ignored UNKNOWN in the OPTIMIZE FOR hint.
46653 16 years
18228 10 Tape mount request on drive '%s' is cancelled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
13020 0 option
13608 16 Property cannot be found on the specified JSON path.
14580 10 job
189 15 The %ls function requires %d to %d arguments.
237 16 There is insufficient result space to convert a money value to %ls.
41179 16 Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group '%.*ls' from this instance of SQL Server. The availability group is currently being created. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. Wait for the current operation to complete, and then retry the command if necessary.
33116 16 CREATE/ALTER/DROP DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY failed because a lock could not be placed on database '%.*ls'. Try again later.
43013 16 The value for configuration '%.*ls' cannot be empty.
12334 15 The aggregate functions MIN and MAX used with binary and character string data types is not supported with %S_MSG.
186 15 Data stream missing from WRITETEXT statement.
47058 10 Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup while looking up the IPv4 Allow All rule.
12351 15 Only natively compiled functions can be called with the EXECUTE from inside a natively compiled function.
8551 16 CoCreateGuid failed: %ls.
10631 16 Index '%.*ls' could not be created or rebuilt. A unique or clustered index on a federated table must contain the federated column.
1474 16 Database mirroring connection error %d '' for ''.
33213 16 All actions in an audit specification statement must be at the same scope.
33287 16 Cannot drop column encryption key '' because the key is referenced by column '*ls'.
45138 16 The destination database name '%ls' already exists on the server '%ls'.
45166 16 Database '' was successfully, but some properties could not be displayed.
42003 16 Failed to parse XML configuration. A required attribute '%ls' is missing.
21694 16 %s cannot be null or empty when %s is set to 0 (SQL Server Authentication). Specify a login or set security mode to 1 (Integrated Authentication).
15257 16 The database that you are attempting to certify cannot be in use at the same time.
13327 10 external library
8017 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): Data type 0x%02X has an invalid precision or scale.
10068 16 The consumer could not delete the row. A deletion is pending or has already been transmitted to the data source.
2730 11 Cannot create procedure '' with a group number of %d because a procedure with the same name and a group number of 1 does not currently exist in the database. Must execute CREATE PROCEDURE '';1 first.
25037 16 The @subscriber parameter must be either @@SERVERNAME or listener name of the availability group that the subscriber database is part of.
45218 16 @encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must be specified if @encryption_algorithm is not set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
16011 16 The data masking function for column '%.*ls' is too long.
16630 16 Cannot create sync member '%ls' because the database '%ls' provided is already added as a sync member.
13583 16 Cannot add UNIQUE KEY constraint to a temporal history table '%.*ls'.
6918 16 XML Validation: Element '%s' must not have character or element children, because xsi:nil was set to true. %S_MSG %s
2337 16 %sThe target of 'replace' must be at most one node, found '%ls'
40149 16 The database does not host any partitions.
27129 16 The folder '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to change it.
22118 16 Cannot enable change tracking on table '%.*ls'. Change tracking is not supported when the primary key contains encrypted columns.
14505 16 Specify a null %s when supplying a performance condition.
2511 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Keys out of order on page %S_PGID, slots %d and %d.
4846 16 The bulk data provider failed to allocate memory.
33094 10 An error occurred during Service Master Key %S_MSG
14206 10 0..n seconds
8493 16 The alter of service '%.*ls' must change the queue or at least one contract.
8602 16 Indexes used in hints must be explicitly included by the index tuning wizard.
9767 16 The security certificate bound to database principal (Id: %i) has been disabled for use with BEGIN DIALOG. See the Books Online topics "Certificates and Service Broker" for an overview and "ALTER CERTIFICATE (Transact-SQL)" for syntax to make a certificate ACTIVE FOR BEGIN_DIALOG.
3961 16 Snapshot isolation transaction failed in database '%.*ls' because the object accessed by the statement has been modified by a DDL statement in another concurrent transaction since the start of this transaction. It is disallowed because the metadata is not versioned. A concurrent update to metadata can lead to inconsistency if mixed with snapshot isolation.
5119 16 Cannot make the file "%.*ls" a sparse file. Make sure the file system supports sparse files.
18599 16 could not find the specified named instance ( - error %d. Please specify the name of an existing instance on the invocation of sqlservr.exe.\n\nIf you believe that your installation is corrupt or has been tampered with, uninstall then re-run setup to correct this problem.
40053 16 Attempt to replicate a non-replicated system table %ld.
40057 16 Table is not enabled for replication.
40844 16 Database '%ls' on Server '%ls' is a '%ls' edition database in an elastic pool and cannot have a replication relationship.
28019 16 System error %d occurred while creating a new message element GUID for this forwarded message.
20611 16 Cannot add the article. Publications that allow transformable subscriptions with Data Transformation Services (DTS) can only include tables and indexed views that are published as tables.
6365 16 An XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted.
6869 16 Attempt to redefine namespace prefix '%.*ls'
46704 16 Large object column support in SQL Server Parallel DataWarehouse server is limited to only nvarchar(max) data type.
16202 16 Keyword or statement option '' is not supported on the '' platform.
13582 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because table '%.*ls' has a FOREIGN KEY with cascading DELETE or UPDATE.
8539 10 The distributed transaction with UOW %ls was forced to commit. MS DTC became temporarily unavailable and forced heuristic resolution of the transaction. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
6104 16 Cannot use KILL to kill your own process.
6255 16 %s failed because type "%s" does not conform to the %s specification: missing custom attribute "%.*ls".
6547 16 An error occurred while getting method, property or field information for "%ls" of class "%ls" in assembly "%.*ls".
7720 16 Data truncated when converting range values to the partition function parameter type. The range value at ordinal %d requires data truncation.
669 22 The row object is inconsistent. Please rerun the query.
13157 16 terminate conversation
13569 16 Cannot create a trigger on a system-versioned temporal table '%.*ls'.
6613 16 Specified value '%ls' already exists.
15339 10 Creating '%s'.
12630 16 VERIFY_CLONE option cannot be specified together with SERVICEBROKER option.
142 15 Incorrect syntax for definition of the '%ls' constraint.
13763 16 Cannot query temporal table '%.*ls' because this operation is currently not available.
3107 16 The file "%ls" is ambiguous. The identity in the backup set does not match the file that is currently defined in the online database. To force the use of the file in the backup set, take the database offline and then reissue the RESTORE command.
40097 16 The begin transaction message was not found when scanning persisted replication queue.
23588 16 Container ids must be the same.
15276 16 Cannot provision master key passwords for system databases.
13740 16 The row size limit of %d bytes for memory optimized system versioned tables has been exceeded. Please simplify the table definition.
6873 16 Redefinition of 'xsi' XML namespace prefix is not supported with ELEMENTS XSINIL option of FOR XML.
27019 16 Could not initialize from metadata contained in Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
12606 16 Failed to set snapshot database name.
4992 16 Cannot use table option LARGE VALUE TYPES OUT OF ROW on a user table that does not have any of large value types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml or large CLR type columns in it. This option can be applied to tables having large values computed column that are persisted.
6518 16 Could not open system assembly ''%.*ls'': %ls.
43011 16 '%.*ls' is not a valid version.
3150 10 The master database has been successfully restored. Shutting down SQL Server.
1732 16 Cannot create the sparse column set '' in the table '' because a table cannot have more than one sparse column set. Modify the statement so that only one column is specified as COLUMN_SET FOR ALL_SPARSE_COLUMNS.
7346 16 Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls". %ls
8026 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): The RPC is marked with the metadata unchanged flag, but data type 0x%02X has an actual length different from the one sent last time.
2524 16 Cannot process object ID %ld (object "%.*ls") because it is a Service Broker queue. Try the operation again with the object ID of the corresponding internal table for the queue, found in sys.internal_tables.
17891 10 Resource Monitor (0x%lx) Worker 0x%p appears to be non-yielding on Node %ld. Memory freed: %I64d KB. Last wait: %ls. Last clerk: type %ls, name %ls. Approx CPU Used: kernel %I64d ms, user %I64d ms, Interval: %I64d.
5312 16 The input to the function 'ntile' cannot be bound.
40874 16 The DTUs (%d) for the elastic pool does not belong to the specified values for service tier '%.*ls'.
15383 16 Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled. Use sp_configure 'user instances enabled' to generate user instances.%.*ls
3819 10 Warning: The check constraint "" on ""."" was disabled and set as not trusted because the implementation of "" have changed.
1122 14 Table error: Page %S_PGID. Test (%ls) failed. Address 0x%x is not aligned.
39042 16 %s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the library source parameter %d is not a valid expression.
29601 16 SM force closing channel to recover after errors
49926 10 Server setup is starting
6866 16 Use of a system reserved XML schema URI is not allowed.
47044 10 Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
15439 10 Database is now online.
16619 16 Cannot update sync schema because some tables are missing in database '%ls'.
4352 16 RESTORE LOG is not supported from this data backup because file '%ls' is too old. Use a regular log backup to continue the restore sequence.
10624 16 The CREATE INDEX or REBUILD INDEX statement failed for index '' on table '' because a distribution policy cannot be specified for system databases.
7867 15 An invalid sqlCollationVersion was specified for parameter "%.*ls".
40208 16 Corrupted received message format.
21698 16 The parameter '%s' is no longer supported.
20005 18 %ls: Cannot convert parameter %ls: Resulting colv would have too many entries.
11555 15 The parameter '%.*ls' has been declared as NOT NULL. NOT NULL parameters are only supported with natively compiled modules, except for inline table-valued functions.
18815 16 Expecting %I64d bytes of data, but only %I64d were found in the transaction log. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
240 16 Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column "" of recursive query "".
14091 16 The @type parameter passed to sp_helpreplicationdb must be either 'pub' or 'sub'.
11608 15 Creating temporary stored procedures is not allowed.
10611 16 Filtered %S_MSG '' cannot be created on table '' because the column '' in the filter expression is compared with a constant of higher data type precedence or of a different collation. Converting a column to the data type of a constant is not supported for filtered %S_MSG. To resolve this error, explicitly convert the constant to the same data type and collation as the column ''.
25633 16 The buffer size specified exceeds the maximum size.
15347 16 Cannot transfer an object that is owned by a parent object.
2359 16 %sThe target of '%ls' may not be a constructed node
33146 10 The database '%.*ls' is offline. The credential was created but SQL Server is unable to determine if the credential can decrypt the database master key.
15348 16 Cannot transfer a schemabound object.
35294 16 Log backup for database "%.*ls" on a secondary replica failed because a synchronization point could not be established on the primary database. Either locks could not be acquired on the primary database or the database is not operating as part of the availability replica. Check the database status in the SQL Server error log of the server instance that is hosting the current primary replica. If the primary database is participating in the availability group, retry the operation.
35469 16 Failed to get Partition DB attributes
28716 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: too many concurrent operations.
18323 10 Reason: Failed to open the specified database while revalidating the login on the connection.
17060 10 %s
485 16 Views and inline functions cannot return xml columns that are typed with a schema collection registered in a database other than current. Column "" is typed with the schema collection "", which is registered in database "%.*ls".
33326 16 Forwarder disconnected during redirection
29265 16 Configuration manager reconfig announce step failed.
13925 16 Cannot drop or disable index or constraint '%.s' because the last unique index or constraint on '%.s' cannot be dropped or disabled.
45151 16 Changing value(s) '%ls' for entity '%ls' not supported.
20677 11 Cannot add article "%s" with automatic identity range management. The article is already published in a transactional publication with automatic identity range management.
20708 10 An article is not allowed to be part of a logical record when it has a custom business logic resolver.
18803 16 The topic %.*ls is not a supported help topic. To see the list of supported topics, execute the stored procedure sp_replhelp N'helptopics'.
14696 16 Cannot update or delete a system collection set, or add new collection items to it.
14606 16 %s id is not valid
43004 16 '%.*ls' is not a valid firewall rule name because it contains invalid characters.
1071 16 Cannot specify a JOIN algorithm with a remote JOIN.
4521 16 Cannot use object '%.*ls' with autodrop object attribute in schemabinding expressions because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes.
10630 16 The index distribution policy is invalid. The policy must be set to HASH, NONE, or REPLICATE. Distribution columns cannot be specified when the distribution policy is set to NONE or REPLICATE.
7882 16 OUTPUT was requested for parameter '%.*ls', which is not supported for a WEBMETHOD with FORMAT=NONE.
35012 16 You cannot add a shared registered server with the same name as the Configuration Server.
22967 16 Could not create a clustered index for table dbo.systranschemas in database '%s'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
16935 16 No parameter values were specified for the sp_cursor-%hs statement.
5269 16 Check terminated. The transient database snapshot for database '%.*ls' (database ID %d) has been marked suspect due to an IO operation failure. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details.
2277 16 %sA tag name may not contain the character '%c'
31006 16 Could not write DTA tuning option to file when invoking DTA for auto indexing.
19478 16 Failed to find a multi-string property (property name '%ls') of the WSFC resource with name or ID '%.*ls'. The system error code is %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
13130 16 nonclustered index
8948 16 Database error: Page %S_PGID is marked with the wrong type in PFS page %S_PGID. PFS status 0x%x expected 0x%x.
7895 14 Only a system administrator can specify a custom WSDL stored procedure on the endpoint.
7994 10 DBCC CheckDatabase on resource database will be skipped because user '%.*ls' does not have permission.
46513 15 A sharding column name must be provided when using SHARDED distribution.
12617 16 File path of the database is not supported.
5319 16 Aggregates are not allowed in a WHEN clause of a MERGE statement.
8419 16 Both the error code and the description must be provided for END CONVERSATION WITH ERROR. Neither value can be NULL.
41700 16 System views related to Windows Fabric partitions and replicas are not available at this time, because replica manager has not yet started. Wait for replica manager to start, then retry the system view query.
434 16 Function '%ls' is not allowed in the OUTPUT clause.
33221 16 You can only create audit actions on objects in the current database.
17150 10 Lock partitioning is enabled. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
18227 10 Unnamed tape (family ID %d, sequence %d, media_set_guid %s) is mounted on tape drive '%s'. This is an informational message only. No user action required.
12611 16 Failed to get database registration attributes.
33257 16 Cannot drop an audit store URL that is not configured for this database audit.
18842 16 Failed to retrieve the oldest active log sequence number (LSN) from a commit record. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication.
40535 16 Properties for schema scope '%.*ls' already exist.
21336 16 Warning: column '%s' does not exist in the vertical partition.
1925 16 Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index by using the DROP_EXISTING option. To change the index type from clustered to nonclustered, delete the clustered index, and then create a nonclustered index by using two separate statements.
40018 16 Partition key value is outside of the valid partition key range.
11901 16 Column '' is a federated column, while referencing column '' in foreign key '%.*ls' is not.
35226 16 Could not process the operation. Always On Availability Groups has not started because the instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation.
19402 16 A duplicate availability replica '' was specified in the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST for availability replica ''. Inspect the replica list that you specified in your command, and remove the duplicate replica name or names from the list. Then retry the command.
10923 16 %ls failed. The resource governor is not available in this edition of SQL Server. You can manipulate resource governor metadata but you will not be able to apply resource governor configuration. Only Enterprise edition of SQL Server supports resource governor.
7330 16 Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
7801 15 The required parameter %.*ls was not specified.
21321 16 The parameter @dynamic_snapshot_location cannot be an empty string.
8554 20 IIDFromString failed for %hs, (%ls).
23201 16 Share '%ls' does not exist in Catalog.
20696 16 The object %s is marked as shipped by Microsoft (ms_shipped). It cannot be added as an article for merge replication.
13380 10 Success - Consult EKM Provider for details
9245 16 During the last time interval %d query notification errors were suppressed.
25038 16 User needs to have VIEW SERVER STATE permission to assign @subscriber as the listener name of the availability group.
13218 10 STATEMENT
35328 15 ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %S_MSG option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild the columnstore index without specifying the %S_MSG option.
27116 16 Conversion failed while performing encryption.
29208 16 Cannot commit metadata change '%s' for brick id %d.
21317 10 A push subscription to the publication '%s' already exists. Use sp_mergesubscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions.
5003 16 Database mirroring cannot be enabled while the database has offline files.
7816 15 A duplicate parameter was specified, '%.*ls'.
33084 16 The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. Symmetric keys created from an EKM provider are opened automatically for principals who can successfully authenticate with the cryptographic provider.
27259 16 Failed to enable worker agent because current SQL Server edition only support limited number of worker agents.
20807 16 No peers were found for %s:%s:%s. If you encounter this error when executing the stored procedure sp_requestpeerresponse, verify that subscriptions have been created before attempting to call the procedure again. If you encounter this error in other circumstances, contact Customer Support Services.
13301 16 IV(Initialization Vector) length
1982 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '' because the view references non-deterministic or imprecise member function '' on CLR type '%.*ls'. Consider removing reference to the function or altering the function to behave in a deterministic way. Do not declare a CLR function that behaves non-deterministically to have IsDeterministic=true, because that can lead to index corruption. See Books Online for details.
35304 15 The statement failed because a clustered columnstore index cannot be created on a table that has a nonclustered index. Consider dropping all nonclustered indexes and trying again.
19112 10 Unable to retrieve TCP/IP protocol 'Enabled' registry setting.
15113 16 Too many failed login attempts. This account has been temporarily locked as a precaution against password guessing. A system administrator can unlock this login with the UNLOCK clause of ALTER LOGIN.
8651 17 Could not perform the operation because the requested memory grant was not available in resource pool '%ls' (%ld). Rerun the query, reduce the query load, or check resource governor configuration setting.
9727 16 Dialog security is not available for this conversation because there is no remote service binding for the target service. Create a remote service binding, or specify ENCRYPTION = OFF in the BEGIN DIALOG statement.
27138 16 The input parameter cannot be null. Provide a valid value for the parameter.
21842 16 %s can only be specified/changed for heterogeneous publications when %s is set to %s.
22507 16 Uploading data changes to the Publisher.
17110 10 Registry startup parameters: %.*ls
1798 16 Federated tables cannot be created in a non-federated database.
10332 16 Assembly "" was built using version of the .NET Framework. SQL Server currently uses version %s.
41011 16 Failed to take the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) group offline (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster group name is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
7809 10 Cannot find the object '%.*ls', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
6530 16 Cannot perform alter on '%.*ls' because it is an incompatible object type.
29401 16 Prism operation failed due to error code %d.
19501 16 None of the specified availability groups exist locally. Please check your DDL and make sure there is one availability group exist locally.
29241 16 Configuration manager initialization failed.
1230 16 An invalid database principal was passed to %ls.
3936 16 The transaction could not be committed because an error occurred while tyring to flush FILESTREAM data to disk. A file may have been open at commit time or a disk I/O error may have occurred. '%.*ls' was one of the one or more files involved. ErorrCode: 0x%x
10713 15 A MERGE statement must be terminated by a semi-colon (;).
46917 16 An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
19215 10 A memory allocation failed while validating the received Service Principal Name (SPN).
11297 16 A corrupted message has been received. The private variable data segment offset is incorrect.
27028 16 Invalid Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt.
20059 16 The @profile_type must be 0 (System) or 1 (Custom)
4885 16 Cannot open file "%ls". Login using integrated authentication is required.
41407 16 Some availability replicas are not synchronizing data.
35312 15 The statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be created on a column with filestream data. Consider creating a nonclustered columnstore index on a subset of columns that does not include any columns with filestream data.
13526 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because column '' does not have the same collation in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
1534 20 Extent %S_PGID not found in shared extent directory. Retry the transaction. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.
8109 16 Attempting to add multiple identity columns to table '%.*ls' using the SELECT INTO statement.
11522 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '' in procedure '' uses an undeclared parameter in a context that affects its metadata.
40818 16 The replication operation on database '%ls' failed because there are alter operations pending on the database. Try again after the pending operations have completed.
28943 16 Error reading configuration file. Column %s not defined.
11800 16 RESTORE WITH SNAPSHOTRESTOREPHASE=2 for database '%ls' failed because an earlier RESTORE WITH SNAPSHOTRESTOREPHASE=1 may have failed as a result of a network error. Retry the restore operation through SQL Writer after addressing any network issues and making sure that SQL Server is running.
4344 16 RESTORE PAGE is not allowed on read-only databases or filegroups.
14014 16 The synchronization method (@sync_method) must be '[bcp] native', '[bcp] character', 'concurrent', 'concurrent_c', 'database snapshot', or 'database snapshot character'.
5129 10 The log cannot be rebuilt when the primary file is read-only.
8041 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Table-valued parameter %d ("%.*ls"), row %I64d, column %d: Data type 0x%02X (CLR type) has an invalid database specified.
43019 16 The source '' for configuration '' is not valid.
21382 16 Cannot drop filter '%s' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and invalidate the existing snapshot.
22568 16 contains one or more articles which will not compensate for errors
17188 16 SQL Server cannot accept new connections, because it is shutting down. The connection has been closed.%.*ls
4604 16 There is no such user or group '%.*ls' or you do not have permission.
8979 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Page %S_PGID is missing references from parent (unknown) and previous (page %S_PGID) nodes. Possible bad root entry in system catalog.
8981 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). The next pointer of %S_PGID refers to page %S_PGID. Neither %S_PGID nor its parent were encountered. Possible bad chain linkage.
10635 16 An online operation cannot be performed for '%.*ls' because the index contains column of large object type, and in the same transaction there are update operations before this online operation. Put the online operation outside the transaction or put it before any updates in the transaction.
40070 16 CSN mismatch detected. The local CSN is (%d,%I64d), the remote CSN is (%d,%I64d).
33309 10 Cannot start cluster endpoint because the default %S_MSG endpoint configuration has not been loaded yet.
40310 16 Converting a clustered index into a heap is not supported.
3429 10 Recovery could not determine the outcome of a cross-database transaction %S_XID, named '', in database '' (database ID %d:%d). The coordinating database (database ID %d:%d) was unavailable. The transaction was assumed to be committed. If the transaction was not committed, you can retry recovery when the coordinating database is available.
13709 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because table '' has %d columns and table '' has %d columns.
10920 16 Cannot %S_MSG user-defined function '%.*ls'. It is being used as a resource governor classifier.
1994 16 Cannot create or update statistics on view "%.*ls" because both FULLSCAN and NORECOMPUTE options are required.
30124 16 An error occurred while updating the CM metadata to remove a brick.
41657 16 Database '%ls' (ID %d) of Windows Fabric partition '%ls' (partition ID '%ls') failed the call to UseDB.
18371 10 Reason: The password hash is from an unsupported version of SQL Server. Reset the password or recreate the login.
15293 10 Barring a conflict, the row for user '%s' will be fixed by updating its link to a new login.
1710 10 Cannot use alias type with rule or default bound to it as a column type in table variable or return table definition in table valued function. Type '%.*ls' has a %S_MSG bound to it.
8174 16 Schema lock with handle %d not found.
40068 16 Idempotent mode has been used on an unknown transaction.
40884 16 New service level objective '%.*ls' has (%d) physical databases and it is not compatible with current service level objective which has (%d) physical databases.
10108 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls" because it references a SQL Server internal table.
3411 21 Configuration block version %d is not a valid version number. SQL Server is exiting. Restore the master database or reinstall.
7825 16 A SOAP method element was expected in the "" element (in the "" namespace) of the SOAP request.
45184 16 Operation Id '%ls' was not found.
245 16 Conversion failed when converting the %ls value '%.*ls' to data type %ls.
27103 16 Cannot find the execution instance '%I64d' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
21153 16 Cannot create article '%s'. All articles that are part of a concurrent synchronization publication must use stored procedures to apply changes to the Subscriber.
14062 10 The Subscriber was dropped.
9444 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, well formed check: pes in internal subset
40669 17 Location '%.*ls' is not accepting creation of new Windows Azure SQL Database servers at this time.
29321 16 Communication involving configuration manager and agent received a failure response <0x%lx> from brick <%lu>.
21704 16 Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Later Wins) Conflict Resolver
529 16 Explicit conversion from data type %ls to %ls is not allowed.
5509 15 The properties SIZE or FILEGROWTH cannot be specified for the FILESTREAM data file '%.*ls'.
20030 16 The article '%s' already exists on another publication with a different column tracking option.
4701 16 Cannot find the object "%.*ls" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
9410 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, whitespace expected
9419 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, '(' expected
6571 16 Class '%ls' in assembly '%.*ls' is generic. Generic types are not supported.
29232 16 Cannot create configuration manager enlistment thread.
14711 10 Changes to SQL dumper configuration will take effect when the collection set is restarted. To perform an immediate dump, use the dtutil /dump option.
964 10 Warning: System user '' was found missing from database '' and has been restored. This user is required for SQL Server operation.
18379 10 Reason: The account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it.
7614 16 Cannot alter or drop column '%.*ls' because it is enabled for Full-Text Search.
28913 16 Configuration manager agent enlistment encountered error %d, state %d, severity %d and is shutting down. This is a serious error condition, that prevents the brick from joining the matrix. Brick will be taken down.
46915 16 Table hints are not supported on queries that reference external tables.
47042 10 Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is malformed.
17817 20 Unsupport login ack packet response received when opening client connection.%.*ls
2518 10 Object ID %ld (object "%.*ls"): Computed columns and CLR types cannot be checked for this object because the common language runtime (CLR) is disabled.
34022 16 Policy automation is turned off.
8422 16 The error description is missing. Specify a description of the error.
21826 16 The property '%s' is valid only for %s subscriptions. Use '%s' for %s subscriptions.
20637 10 The article order specified in the @processing_order parameter of sp_addmergearticle does not reflect the primary key-foreign key relationships between published tables. Article '%s' references one or more articles that will be created after it is created. Change the processing_order property using sp_changemergearticle.
17889 16 A new connection was rejected because the maximum number of connections on session ID %d has been reached. Close an existing connection on this session and retry.%.*ls
879 10 Failed to start resilient buffer pool extension because database %d is not memory optimized.
1470 16 The alter database for this partner config values may only be initiated on the current principal server for database "%.*ls".
12836 16 ALTER DATABASE statement failed. The containment option of the database '%.*ls' could not be altered because compilation errors were encountered during validation of SQL modules. See previous errors.
6592 16 Could not find property or field '%ls' for type '%ls' in assembly '%ls'.
21507 10 All prerequisites for cleaning up merge meta data have been completed. Execute sp_mergecompletecleanup to initiate the final phase of merge meta data cleanup.
3709 16 Cannot %S_MSG the database while the database snapshot "%.*ls" refers to it. Drop that database first.
5511 23 FILESTREAM's file system log record '' under log folder '' is corrupted.
11319 16 Bound sessions and user parallel nested transactions cannot be used in the same transaction.
7962 16 Invalid BATCHID %d specified.
16962 16 The target object type is not updatable through a cursor.
3813 16 Upgrade of login '%.*ls' failed because its name or sid is a duplicate of another login or server role.
2529 16 Filegroup %.*ls is offline.
21248 16 Cannot attach subscription file '%s'. Ensure the file path is valid and the file is updatable.
1522 20 Sort operation failed during an index build. The overwriting of the allocation page in database '%.*ls' was prevented by terminating the sort. Run DBCC CHECKDB to check for allocation and consistency errors. It may be necessary restore the database from backup.
10790 15 The option '%ls' can be specified only for hash indexes.
45165 16 Continuous copy is not supported on the free database '%.*ls'.
19511 16 Cannot join distributed availability group ''. The local availability group '' contains one or more databases. Remove all the databases or create an empty availability group to join a distributed availability group.
14391 16 Only owner of a job or members of sysadmin role can detach a schedule.
15351 10 The CLR procedure/function/type being signed refers to an assembly that is not signed either by a strong name or an assembly.
9008 10 Cannot shrink log file %d (%s) because the logical log file located at the end of the file is in use.
14280 16 Supply either a job name (and job aspect), or one or more job filter parameters.
41146 16 Failed to bring Availability Group '%.*ls' online. If this is a WSFC availability group, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your primary source provider.
32028 16 Invalid value = %d for parameter @threshold_alert was specified.
30033 16 The stoplist '' already contains full-text stopword '' with locale ID %d. Specify a unique stopword and locale identifier (LCID) in the Transact-SQL statement.
15169 16 The server option "%ls" is not available in this edition of SQL Server.
345 16 Function '%.*ls' is not allowed in the OUTPUT clause, because it performs user or system data access, or is assumed to perform this access. A function is assumed by default to perform data access if it is not schemabound.
30076 10 Full-text crawl forward progress information for database ID: %d, table ID: %d, catalog ID: %d has been reset due to the modification of the clustered index. Crawl will re-start from the beginning when it is unpaused.
4835 16 Bulk copying into a table with computed columns is not supported for downlevel clients.
6111 16 Another user has decided a different outcome for the distributed transaction associated with UOW %s.
21706 16 Microsoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver
43018 16 The value '' for configuration '' is not consistent with default value '%.*ls'.
5206 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it could not be read.
9425 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, incorrect conditional section syntax
41843 16 Unable to construct segment for segment table.
17207 16 %ls: Operating system error %ls occurred while creating or opening file '%ls'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.
1451 16 Database mirroring information was not found in the system table.
8011 16 The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter %d ("%.*ls"): Data type 0x%02X (sql_variant) has an invalid length for type-specific metadata.
2550 16 The index "" (partition %ld) on table "" cannot be reorganized because it is being reorganized by another process.
40630 16 Password validation failed. The password does not meet policy requirements because it is too short.
30095 10 The version of the language components used by full-text catalog '%ls' in database '%ls' is different from the version of the language components included this version of SQL Server. The full-text catalog will still be imported as part of database upgrade. To avoid any possible inconsistencies of query results, consider rebuilding the full-text catalog.
25705 16 The event session has already been started.
4027 16 Mount tape for %hs of database '%ls' on tape drive '%ls'.
15066 16 A default-name mapping of a remote login from remote server '%s' already exists.
16930 16 The requested row is not in the fetch buffer.
7985 16 System table pre-checks: Object ID %d. Could not read and latch page %S_PGID with latch type %s. Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error.
13556 16 Table '%.*ls' is a FileTable. System versioning cannot be used on FileTables.
41138 17 Cannot accept Always On Availability Groups operation operation on database '' of availability group ''. The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition persists, contact the database administrator.
22503 16 Initializing.
20604 10 You do not have permissions to run agents for push subscriptions. Make sure that you specify the agent parameter 'SubscriptionType'.
33040 16 Cryptographic provider key cannot be encrypted by password or other key.
41850 16 Memory optimized segment table consistency error detected. Segments are not well formed for Segment CkptId = %I64d, LsnInfo = (%I64d:%hu), TxBegin = %I64d, TxEnd = %I64d.
19158 10 Unable to create connectivity Ring Buffer. Check for memory-related errors.
5210 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an invalid page type.
30073 11 The full-text protocol handler component '%ls' used to populate catalog '%ls' in a previous SQL Server release is not the current version (component version is '%ls', full path is '', program ID is ''). This may cause search results to differ slightly from previous releases. To avoid this, rebuild the full-text catalog using the current version of the protocol handler component.
35488 15 natively compiled triggers
15076 16 Default, table, and user data types must be in the current database.
994 10 Warning: Index "" on ""."%.*ls" is disabled because it contains a computed column.
5218 10 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because the table name could not be found.
31017 16 DTA tuning for auto indexing is only supported on Azure DB.
884 16 Could not persist a bucket to the Write Page Recorder table: wpr_bucket_table for database %ls.
47145 16 Failed to obtain the resource handle for cluster resource with name or ID '%.*ls'. Cluster service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or ID is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider.
3269 16 Cannot restore the file '%ls' because it was originally written with sector size %d; '%ls' is now on a device with sector size %d.
7818 16 The request exceeds an internal limit. Simplify or reduce the size of the request.
28923 16 Configuration manager agent initialization failed. See previous errors in error log. This is a serious error condition and brick will be taken down.
21707 16 Microsoft SQL Server Merge Text Columns Conflict Resolver
41093 10 Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
42022 16 Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
13126 16 symmetric key
5054 16 Could not cleanup worktable IAM chains to allow shrink or remove file operation. Please try again when tempdb is idle.
9906 10 The full-text catalog monitor reported catalog '%ls' (%d) in database '%ls' (%d) in %ls state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
41319 16 A maximum of %d predicates are allowed in the WHERE clauses of queries in natively compiled modules.
41366 16 Merge operation failed because the requested transaction id range is invalid.
34013 16 %s '%s' is referenced by a '%s'. Cannot add another reference.
3916 16 Cannot use the COMMIT statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement unless BEGIN TRANSACTION is used first.
10737 15 In an ALTER TABLE REBUILD or ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, when a partition is specified in a DATA_COMPRESSION clause, PARTITION=ALL must be specified. The PARTITION=ALL clause is used to reinforce that all partitions of the table or index will be rebuilt, even if only a subset is specified in the DATA_COMPRESSION clause.
33203 17 SQL Server Audit could not write to the event log.
41349 10 Warning: Encryption was enabled for a database that contains one or more memory optimized tables with durability SCHEMA_AND_DATA. The data in these memory optimized tables will not be encrypted.
21456 16 Value provided for parameter %s is not valid.
969 10 Warning: The default or fixed value on XML element or attribute "" in schema collection "" is updated from "" to "" because Sql Server does not support negative years inside values of type xs:date or xs:dateTime.
1465 16 Database "%.*ls" database is not in full recovery mode on each of the server instances. The full recovery model is required for a database to participate in database mirroring or in an availability group.
1937 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '' because it references another view ''. Consider expanding referenced view's definition by hand in indexed view definition.
33157 16 Crypthographic providers are not supported on database credentials.
45025 16 %ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution and federation
21749 16 The Publisher was dropped at the Distributor, but information on the Publisher '%s' was not dropped. Connect to the Oracle Publisher with SQL*PLUS and drop the replication administrative user.
21884 16 The query at the redirected publisher '%s' to determine the health of the availability group associated with publisher database '%s' failed with error '%d', error message '%s'.
18810 16 Cannot restart the scan on table '%s'. HRESULT = '0x%x'. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services.
701 19 There is insufficient system memory in resource pool '%ls' to run this query.
8535 16 A savepoint operation in the operating system transactional file system failed: 0x%x.
7425 10 OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" returned an incorrect value for "%ls", which should be "%ls".
40178 16 A partition with same name already exists.
41160 16 Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' as the primary replica. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about the error and corrective actions.
23108 16 Scoping path does not exist or is invalid.
10062 16 The change was canceled by the provider during notification.
22123 16 Change Tracking autocleanup is blocked on side table of "%s". If the failure persists, check if the table "%s" is blocked by any process .
20052 16 The @metatype parameter value must be null, 1, 2, 5, or 6.
14875 16 DML operation failed because it would have affected one or more migrated (or migration-eligible) rows.
21218 16 The creation_script property cannot be NULL if a schema option of 0x0000000000000000 is specified for the article.
22504 16 Applying the snapshot to the Subscriber.
15199 16 The current security context cannot be reverted. Please switch to the original database where '%ls' was called and try it again.
15254 16 Users other than the database owner or guest exist in the database. Drop them before removing the database.
12434 16 The Query Store in database %.*ls is invalid, possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency.
3443 21 Database '%ls' (database ID %d:%d) was marked for standby or read-only use, but has been modified. The RESTORE LOG statement cannot be performed. Restore the database from a backup.
9748 10 The %S_MSG protocol transport is not available.
41863 16 Checkpoint %I64d points to a root file %.*ls which was in use by a more recent checkpoint.
47034 10 Reason: Authentication was successful, but database is in Recovering state.
15158 16 Cannot initialize security.
3297 16 The URL provided does not meet specified requirements. The URL must be either resolvable as an absolute or relative URI, has or can be composed as an HTTP or HTTPS scheme, and cannot contain a query component.
5534 23 SQL log record at LSN '%d:%d:%d' for database '%.*ls' is corrupted. Database cannot recover.
28961 16 Error: invalid configuration file, no bricks defined.
14840 16 The filter predicate cannot be set for table '%.*ls' because all rows are already eligible for migration.
132 15 The label '%.*ls' has already been declared. Label names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
4616 16 You cannot perform this operation for the resource database.
33236 16 The default language parameter can only be provided for users in a contained database.
4964 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '' has RULE constraint ''. SWITCH is not allowed on tables with RULE constraints.
41632 10 The system encountered SQL Error %d (severity: %d, state: %d), which has no corresponding error text. Refer to the SQL Error number for more information regarding the cause and corrective action.
21535 16 The article '%s' is already published in another publication, and is set to use nonoverlapping partitions with multiple subscribers per partition (@partition_options = 2). This setting does not permit the article to be included in more than one publication.
13552 16 Drop table operation failed on table '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation on system-versioned temporal tables.
3748 16 Cannot drop non-clustered index '%.*ls' using drop clustered index clause.
4915 16 '%ls' statement failed. The parameter type of the partition function used to partition the %S_MSG '' is different from the parameter type of the partition function used to partition index ''.
23209 16 Could not update Store state in Catalog.
27203 16 Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '%I64d'.
29206 16 Configuration manager enlistment is ignoring messages from brick <%d> since message queue does not exist.
21206 16 Cannot resolve load hint for object %d because the object is not a user table.
21680 16 The Distribution Agent was unable to update the cached log sequence numbers (LSNs) for Originator %s, OriginatorDB %s, OriginatorDBVersion %d, OriginatorPublicationID %d. Stop and restart the Distribution Agent. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support Services.
15390 11 Input name '%s' does not have a matching user table or indexed view in the current database.
3745 16 Only a clustered index can be dropped online.
4008 16 The data types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and XML cannot be used in the compute clause by client driver versions earlier than SQL Server 2005. Please resubmit the query using a more recent client driver.
4940 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. %S_MSG '' is in filegroup '' and %S_MSG '' is in filegroup ''.
5068 10 Failed to restart the current database. The current database is switched to master.
21254 16 The Active Directory operation on publication '%s' could not be completed because Active Directory client package is not installed properly on the machine where SQL Server is running.
20657 16 The value for the @pub_identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table "%s" and identity column "%s" is %s.
8688 16 Cursor plan forcing failed because in XML plan provided to USE PLAN, required element %ls is missing under element. Consider using an XML cursor plan captured from SQL Server without modification.
21797 16 Cannot create the agent job. '%s' must be a valid Windows login in the form : 'MACHINE\Login' or 'DOMAIN\Login'. See the documentation for '%s'.
7884 20 Violation of tabular data stream (TDS) protocol. This is most often caused by a previous exception on this task. The last exception on the task was error %d, severity %d, address 0x%p. This connection will be terminated.
27185 16 The validation record for ID '%I64d' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
21059 16 Cannot reinitialize subscriptions of non-immediate_sync publications.
13738 16 History table '%.*ls' can not be memory optimized table.
20020 16 The article resolver supplied is either invalid or nonexistent.
12810 16 The option '%.*ls' was specified multiple times.
27305 16 The number of backup files (%d) is greater than the available number of bricks (%d). You must restore backup files on to at least as many bricks as present in the original MatrixDB where the backup was created. Configure a new MatrixDB with enough bricks to match the number of bricks in the original MatrixDB, and retry the operation.
32043 16 The alert for 'unrestored log' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
938 21 The target database version %d is not supported by the current code version %d. Change target version to a supported level and restart the server.
1433 16 All three server instances did not remain interconnected for the duration of the ALTER DATABASE SET WITNESS command. There may be no witness associated with the database. Verify the status and when necessary repeat the command.
45311 16 The server key '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a different server key name.
17141 16 Could not register Service Control Handler. Operating system error = %s.
5297 10 The Cross Rowset check between clustered columnstore index and nonclustered index (object ID %d, index ID %d, partition number %d) failed. Please rebuild the partition.
5516 16 The FILESTREAM log filegroup '%.*ls' cannot be referred to by more than one FILESTREAM data filegroup.
18331 10 Reason: Failed to reinitialize security context while reauthenticating login.
15651 10 %d index(es)/statistic(s) have been updated, %d did not require update.
2225 16 %sA string literal was expected
4908 16 '%ls' statement failed. The range boundary values used to partition the %S_MSG '' are different from the range boundary values used for index ''.
7908 16 Table error: The file "" in the rowset directory ID is not a valid FILESTREAM file in container ID %d.
41042 16 The availability group '%.*ls' already exists. This error could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP operation. If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group and then retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP operation.
4949 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because the object '%.*ls' is not a user defined table.
9815 16 Waitfor delay and waitfor time cannot be of type %s.
3064 16 Write to backup block blob detected out of order write at offset %ld, last block offset was at %ld.
33273 16 Security predicates cannot be added on FileTables. '%.*ls' is a FileTable.
22999 16 The value specified for the parameter @pollinginterval must be null or 0 when the stored procedure 'sys.sp_cdc_scan' is not being run in continuous mode.
147 15 An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.
28969 10 Configuration manager agent shutting down...
3743 16 The database '%.*ls' is enabled for database mirroring. Database mirroring must be removed before you drop the database.
41626 10 Failed to retrieve service desription from Windows Fabric for partition '%ls' (Windows Fabric error 0x%08x). If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
9942 10 Informational: Full-text %ls population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d') was cancelled by user.
7428 10 OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" supported the schema lock interface, but returned "%ls" for "%ls".
26052 10 SQL Server Network Interfaces initialized listeners on node %ld of a multi-node (NUMA) server configuration with node affinity mask 0x%0*I64x. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
18750 16 %ls: The parameter '%ls' is not valid.
20627 16 Partition id has to be greater than or equal to 0.
8386 10 Use of hint "%.*ls" on the target table of INSERT is deprecated because it may be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Modify the INSERT statement to remove the use of this hint.
26072 10 Found multiple dependent virtual network names for the Windows Failover Cluster Resource '%ls'. SQL Server will only listen on the first virtual network name resource: '%ls'. This may indicate that there is an incorrect configuration of the Windows Failover Cluster Resources for SQL Server.
41704 20 The datasource name is not correctly formatted. The datasource name exceeds the maximum path length or does not adhere to defined format. Verify that the datasource is name is fewer than MAX_PATH characters in length is properly formatted.
11703 16 The start value for sequence object '%.*ls' must be between the minimum and maximum value of the sequence object.
13233 10 UPDATE
225 16 The parameters supplied for the %ls "%.*ls" are not valid.
8353 16 Event Tracing for Windows failed to start. %ls. To enable Event Tracing for Windows, restart SQL Server.
2208 16 %sThe URI that starts with '%ls' is too long. Maximum allowed length is %d characters.
22859 16 Log Scan process failed in processing log records. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
13584 16 Flush has not been executed for table because appropriate lock could not be obtained or it does not exist anymore.
9668 10 Service Queues analyzed: %d.
6236 16 %s ASSEMBLY failed because filename '%.*ls' is too long.
49903 10 Detected %I64d MB of RAM. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
37004 16 The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
20070 16 Cannot update subscription row.
7950 10 - Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: %4.2f%ls
42019 16 %ls operation failed. %ls
3268 16 Cannot use the backup file '%ls' because it was originally formatted with sector size %d and is now on a device with sector size %d.
1719 16 FILESTREAM data cannot be placed on an empty filegroup.
22517 16 The publication was defined as having no dynamic filters, but contains one or more dynamic filters.
9681 16 The conversation endpoint with ID '%ls' and is_initiator: %d is referencing the missing service contract with ID %d.
4615 16 Invalid column name '%.*ls'.
6814 16 In the FOR XML EXPLICIT clause, ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS require attribute names in '%.*ls'.
45196 16 The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
3023 16 Backup, file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) and encryption changes on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed.
3036 16 The database "%ls" is in warm-standby state (set by executing RESTORE WITH STANDBY) and cannot be backed up until the entire restore sequence is completed.
30101 16 The parameter '%s' is mandatory in stored procedure '%s'.
32033 16 The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring
15041 16 User-defined error messages must have a severity level between 1 and 25.
18837 16 Cannot find rowset ID %I64d in the current schema. Stop and restart the Log Reader Agent. If the problem persists, reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication.
21202 16 It is not possible to drop column '%s' to article '%s' because the snapshot for publication '%s' has already been run.
15335 11 Error: The new name '%s' is already in use as a %s name and would cause a duplicate that is not permitted.
15375 16 Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in making a connection to the user instance. The connection will be closed.%.*ls
4905 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The target table '%.*ls' must be empty.
33504 16 The attempted operation failed because the target object '%.*ls' has a block predicate that conflicts with this operation. If the operation is performed on a view, the block predicate might be enforced on the underlying table. Modify the operation to target only the rows that are allowed by the block predicate.
1029 15 Browse mode is invalid for subqueries and derived tables.
14039 16 Could not construct column clause for article view. Reduce the number of columns or create the view manually.
15463 10 Device dropped.
18310 10 Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors.
8998 16 Page errors on the GAM, SGAM, or PFS pages prevent allocation integrity checks in database ID %d pages from %S_PGID to %S_PGID. See other errors for cause.
9667 10 Services analyzed: %d.
10145 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on the view '%.*ls' because it references a sparse column set. Views that contain a sparse column set cannot be indexed. Consider removing the sparse column set from the view or not indexing the view.
11515 16 The metadata could not be determined because statement '%.*ls' invokes a CLR procedure. Consider using the WITH RESULT SETS clause to explicitly describe the result set.
41191 16 The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot become the primary replica. The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. Upgrade the local instance of SQL Server to the same or later version as the server instance that is hosting the current primary availability replica, and then retry the command.
41414 16 In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.
33168 16 TYPE option cannot be used along with FOR/FROM LOGIN, CERTIFICATE, ASYMMETRIC KEY, EXTERNAL PROVIDER, WITHOUT LOGIN or WITH PASSWORD, in this version of SQL Server.
35473 15 natively compiled modules
14604 16 Both %s parameters (id and name) cannot be NULL
4875 16 Invalid column attribute from bcp client for colid %d.
25629 16 For %S_MSG, "%.*ls", the customizable attribute, "%ls", does not exist.
14103 16 Invalid "%s" value. Valid values are "publisher", "subscriber", or "both".
14501 16 An alert ('%s') has already been defined on this condition.
11009 16 The provider cannot determine the value for this column.
5536 23 FILESTREAM deleted folder '%.*ls' is corrupted. Database cannot recover.
49946 16 Internal error occurred initializing the TLS configuration. Error code [%d].
40013 16 Replicated target schema %.*ls is not found.
202 16 Invalid type '%s' for WAITFOR. Supported data types are CHAR/VARCHAR, NCHAR/NVARCHAR, and DATETIME. WAITFOR DELAY supports the INT and SMALLINT data types.
28033 10 A new connection was established with the same peer. This connection lost the arbitration and it will be closed. All traffic will be redirected to the newly opened connection. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. State %d.
19051 16 Unknown error occurred in the trace.
15147 16 No decryption password should be provided because the private key of this %S_MSG is encrypted by a master key.
5021 10 The %S_MSG name '%.*ls' has been set.
21661 16 The value specified for the @shutdown_agent parameter for article '%s' must be 0 or 1.
15455 16 Adding an encryption to the service master key failed. An encryption by the machine key already exists.
49910 10 Software Usage Metrics is disabled.
19160 10 Unable to retrieve 'Enabled' registry settings for Named-Pipe Dedicated Administrator Connection.
19432 16 Always On Availability Groups transport has detected a missing log block for availability database "%.*ls". LSN of last applied log block is %S_LSN. Log scan will be restarted to fix the issue. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
13400 10 Extended stored procedure API will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.
14005 16 Cannot drop the publication because at least one subscription exists for this publication. Drop all subscriptions to the publication before attempting to drop the publication. If the problem persists, replication metadata might be incorrect; consult Books Online for troubleshooting information.
16929 16 The cursor is READ ONLY.
9934 10 Row was not found. It was deleted or updated while indexing was in progress.
40909 16 A Disaster Recovery Configuration does not exist for '' and ''
41075 10 Always On: The local replica of availability group '%.*ls' is preparing to transition to the resolving role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
45194 16 The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%ls' on server '%ls' having a lower service objective than source database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
33092 10 Failed to verify the Authenticode signature of '%.*ls'. Signature verification of SQL Server DLLs will be skipped. Genuine copies of SQL Server are signed. Failure to verify the Authenticode signature might indicate that this is not an authentic release of SQL Server. Install a genuine copy of SQL Server or contact customer support.
1459 24 An error occurred while accessing the database mirroring metadata. Drop mirroring (ALTER DATABASE database_name SET PARTNER OFF) and reconfigure it.
22575 16 When article property 'published_in_tran_pub' is set to 'true' then article property 'upload_options' has to be set to disable uploads.
11721 15 NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used directly in a statement that uses a DISTINCT, UNION, UNION ALL, EXCEPT or INTERSECT operator.
12340 15 The EXECUTE statement in %S_MSG must use an object name. Variables and quoted identifiers are not supported.
6347 16 Specified collection '%.*ls' cannot be altered because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
41126 16 Operation on the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' failed. The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the configuration is initialized, and retry the operation.
41351 16 An error occurred while processing the log. The log version is unsupported.
1821 16 Cannot create a database snapshot on another database snapshot.
21804 16 The value '%d' specified for the @agent_type parameter of sp_getagentparameterlist is not valid. Specify a valid value of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 9.
19125 10 Unable to deallocate structures representing registry key for a specific IP address.
21020 10 no comment specified.
18385 10 Reason: Unable to connect to logical master database.
9760 10 The connection has been idle for over %d seconds.
11738 16 The use of NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in this context.
6544 16 %s ASSEMBLY for assembly '' failed because assembly '' is malformed or not a pure .NET assembly. %.*ls
35349 16 TRUNCATE TABLE statement failed because table '%.*ls' has a columnstore index on it. A table with a columnstore index cannot be truncated. Consider dropping the columnstore index then truncating the table.
3005 10 The differential partial backup is including a read-only filegroup, '%ls'. This filegroup was read-write when the base partial backup was created, but was later changed to read-only access. We recommend that you create a separate file backup of the '%ls' filegroup now, and then create a new partial backup to provide a new base for later differential partial backups.
41818 23 An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls' attempting to upgrade the XTP component from version %u.%u to version %u.%u. Check the error log for further details.
35366 22 The columnstore blob Xpress header is invalid.
32017 16 Log shipping is supported on Enterprise, Developer and Standard editions of SQL Server. This instance has %s and is not supported.
6108 16 KILL SPID WITH COMMIT/ROLLBACK is not supported by Microsoft SQL Server. Use KILL UOW WITH COMMIT/ROLLBACK to resolve in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC).
33114 10 Database encryption scan for database '%.*ls' was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan.
30105 16 Invalid TCP port number: %s.
21777 16 Failed to generate article view name for article '%s'.
21208 16 This step failed because column '%s' exists in the vertical partition.
14515 16 Only a member of the sysadmin server role can add a job for a different owner with @owner_login_name.
14850 16 Attempted Migration failed. Incrementation of the batch ID failed. Expected batch ID : %I64d, Current batch ID : %I64d.
5066 16 Database options single user and dbo use only cannot be set at the same time.
7960 16 An invalid server process identifier (SPID) %d or batch ID %d was specified.
13599 16 Period column '%.*ls' in a system-versioned temporal table cannot be altered.
6854 16 Invalid column alias '%.*ls' for formatting column as XML processing instruction in FOR XML PATH - it must be in 'processing-instruction(target)' format.
2349 16 %sAttempt to redefine namespace prefix '%ls'
27183 16 The environment variable '%ls' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
29272 16 Configuration manager enlistment denied join of brick <%d>. Machine architecture mismatch. Agent machine architecture <%X>, manager machine architecture <%X>.
20500 16 The updatable Subscriber stored procedure '%s' does not exist.
4929 16 Cannot alter the %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it is being published for replication.
7827 14 The user does not have permission to reserve and unreserve HTTP namespaces.
7926 16 Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created and the database or table could not be locked. See Books Online for details of when this behavior is expected and what workarounds exist. Also see previous errors for more details.
40079 16 A non-null variable length value is received for a column that is shorter locally.
2356 16 %sThe target of 'replace value of' must be a non-metadata attribute or an element with simple typed content, found '%ls'
12401 15 The %S_MSG option '%S_MSG' was specified more than once. Each option can be specified only once.
45201 16 SQL Server Agent service is not running.
535 16 The function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use with a less precise datepart.
21743 16 Unable to retrieve the originator information for the Oracle subscriber '%s'.
19460 16 The availability group listener with DNS name '%.*ls' is configured to use DHCP. For listeners with this configuration, IP addresses cannot be added through SQL Server. To add IP addresses to the listener, drop the DHCP listener and create it again configured to use static IP addresses.
13226 10 add
14250 16 The specified %s is too long. It must contain no more than %ld characters.
8638 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because CURSOR fetch queries cannot reference external tables. Ensure that the input request does not contain remote UPDATE or DELETE on external tables.
10930 16 The service is currently too busy. Please try again later.
236 16 The conversion from char data type to money resulted in a money overflow error.
21737 16 The property '%s' is not valid for '%s' Publishers.
5034 16 The file %ls is currently being autogrown or modified by another process. Try the operation again later.
6382 16 Could not find selective XML index named '' on table ''
6828 16 XMLTEXT column '%.*ls' must be of a string data type or of type XML.
982 14 Unable to access the '%.*ls' database because no online secondary replicas are enabled for read-only access. Check the availability group configuration to verify that at least one secondary replica is configured for read-only access. Wait for an enabled replica to come online, and retry your read-only operation.
20041 16 Transaction rolled back. Could not execute trigger. Retry your transaction.
5005 16 Specified recovery time of %I64d seconds is less than zero or more than the maximum of %d seconds.
6343 16 Cannot create secondary xml or secondary selective xml index '%.*ls' without a USING XML INDEX clause.
2004 16 Procedure '%.*ls' has already been created with group number %d. Create procedure with an unused group number.
3811 10 Event notification "%.*ls" on service queue is dropped as broker instance is not specified.
25653 16 The %S_MSG, "%.*ls", does not exist in the event session. Object cannot be dropped from the event session.
22979 16 The unique index '%s' on table '%s' is used by Change Data Capture. The constraint using this index cannot be dropped or disabled.
16014 16 Failed to create fulltext index because key column '%.*ls' has a masking function defined on it.
4157 16 "%.*ls" is not a valid property, field, or method.
45304 16 Elastic pool estimate '' was not found for server ''
28081 10 Connection handshake failed. An unexpected status %d was returned when trying to send a handshake message. State %d.
32026 10 Log shipping Primary Server Alert.
21482 16 %s can only be executed in the "%s" database.
13119 0 endpoint
9794 10 The broker mirroring manager has not fully initialized.
4712 16 Cannot truncate table '%.*ls' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
40538 16 A valid URL beginning with 'https://' is required as value for any filepath specified.
40623 20 Reauthentication failed for login "%.*ls". Within the past reauthentification interval, the login has become invalid due to a password change, a dropped login, or other cause. Please retry login.
40842 16 Termination of the non-readable replication relationship for database '%ls' is currently not allowed. See '' for more information
46524 15 An OBJECT_NAME must be specified when using SCHEMA_NAME.
33134 16 Principal '%ls' could not be found at this time. Please try again later.
4007 16 Cannot update or insert column "%.*ls". It may be an expression.
25655 16 Internal Extended Event error: invalid message code.
19434 16 Always On: AG integrity check failed to find AG name to ID map entry with matching resource ID for AG '' (expected: ''; found '%.*ls').
12827 16 User-named %ls constraint '' is not allowed on temp table '' because it is being created in a contained database. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases.
13402 10 The ability to INSERT NULL values into TIMESTAMP columns will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. Use DEFAULT instead.
4303 16 The roll forward start point is now at log sequence number (LSN) %.s. Additional roll forward past LSN %.s is required to complete the restore sequence.
6631 16 The requested OpenXML document is currently in use by another thread, and cannot be used.
7718 16 Partition range value cannot be specified for hash partitioning.
3410 10 Data in filegroup %s is offline, and deferred transactions exist. Use RESTORE to recover the filegroup, or drop the filegroup if you never intend to recover it. Log truncation cannot occur until this condition is resolved.
1807 17 Could not obtain exclusive lock on database '%.*ls'. Retry the operation later.
27166 16 The installed version of SQL Server does not support the installation of the Integration Services server. Update SQL Server, and then try installing the Integration Services server again.
29281 16 Configuration manager is performing '%s' '%s' operation on brick <%lu>.
21132 16 Cannot create transactional subscription to merge publication '%s'. The publication type should be either transactional(0) or snapshot(1) for this operation.
4860 16 Cannot bulk load. The file "%ls" does not exist or you don't have file access rights.
4997 16 Cannot enable change tracking on table '%.*ls'. Change tracking requires a primary key on the table. Create a primary key on the table before enabling change tracking.
33322 16 The redirect message is corrupted
2793 16 Specified owner name '%.*ls' either does not exist or you do not have permission to act on its behalf.
489 16 The OUTPUT clause cannot be specified because the target view "%.*ls" is a partitioned view.
14519 16 Only one of @login_name, @fixed_server_role, or @msdb_role should be specified.
10622 16 The %S_MSG '%.*ls' could not be created or rebuilt. A compressed index is not supported on table that contains sparse columns or a column set column.
35275 16 A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the '%.*ls' database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database, and retry the join operation.
40308 16 Metadata replication protocol error.
27192 16 The caller has not been granted the MANAGEPERMISSION permission for the specified object.
5279 16 Table error: object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, database fragment ID %d. The row on page (%d:%d), slot ID %d should be on fragment ID %d but was found in fragment ID %d.
41066 16 Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID '%.*ls') online (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may not be in a state that could accept the request. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41084 16 The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster control API returned error code %d. If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
33010 16 The MUST_CHANGE option cannot be specified together with the HASHED option.
2536 10 DBCC results for '%.*ls'.
101 15 Query not allowed in Waitfor.
25631 16 The %S_MSG, "%.*ls", already exists. Choose a unique name for the event session.
25651 16 For %S_MSG, "%.*ls", the value specified for customizable attribute, "%ls", did not match the expected type, "%ls".
27246 16 Cannot find the cluster execution task instance '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
15120 16 An unexpected error occurred during password validation.
8168 16 Cannot create, drop, enable, or disable more than one constraint, column, index, or trigger named '%.*ls' in this context. Duplicate names are not allowed.
12007 16 The CREATE %S_MSG statement is missing the required parameter '%.*ls'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax.
5040 16 MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
46712 16 Unexpected error encountered during request processing. Connection will be terminated.
35501 15 schemas that contain natively compiled modules
27157 16 The environment '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to create it.
19435 16 Always On: AG integrity check failed for AG '%.*ls' with error %d, severity %d, state %d.
21003 16 Changing publication names is no longer supported.
10919 16 An error occurred while reading the resource governor configuration from master database. Check the integrity of master database or contact the system administrator.
29235 16 Configuration manager cannot create channel distribution service.
30109 16 Invalid or duplicated brick ID was used: %s
21085 16 The retention period must be less than the retention period for the distribution database.
10759 15 Use of DISTINCT is not allowed with the OVER clause.
33063 16 Password validation failed. The password does not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too long. The password must be at most %d characters.
14517 16 A proxy account is not allowed for a Transact-SQL subsystem.
2786 16 The data type of substitution parameter %d does not match the expected type of the format specification.
21751 16 Cannot publish view %s as a table because it does not have a unique clustered index. Publish the view as a view, or add a unique clustered index.
22501 16 All articles in the publication passed data validation (rowcount and checksum).
20502 16 Invalid '%s' value. Valid values are 'read only', 'sync tran', 'queued tran', or 'failover'.
8183 16 Only UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraints can be created on computed columns, while CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, and NOT NULL constraints require that computed columns be persisted.
8191 16 Replication filter procedures can only contain SELECT, GOTO, IF, WHILE, RETURN, and DECLARE statements.
9821 16 Internal error occurred during time zone conversion.
4358 16 The database can not be brought online because file '%ls' is currently restored to LSN but must be restored to LSN
41033 16 Failed to retrieve the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) registry value corresponding to name '%.*ls' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
41141 16 Failed to set availability group database information for availability group %.*ls. The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2726 16 Partition function '%.*ls' uses %d columns which does not match with the number of partition columns used to partition the table or index.
606 21 Metadata inconsistency. Filegroup id %ld specified for table '%.*ls' does not exist. Run DBCC CHECKDB or CHECKCATALOG.
13704 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because history table '%.*ls' has IDENTITY column specification. Consider dropping all IDENTITY column specifications and trying again.
16909 16 %ls: The cursor identifier value provided (%x) is not valid.
49902 10 There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49951 10 Server can start. The license terms for this product can be downloaded from
3012 17 VDI ran out of buffer when SQL Server attempted to send differential information to SQL Writer.
1939 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '%.*ls' because the view is not schema bound.
21430 16 The use of P2P Replication is not supported for subscription with memory-optimized tables.
14817 16 The server '%s' is not accessible. Ensure that the remote server exists and the Azure SQL DB Firewall Rules permit access to the server. If you believe that your server should be accessible please retry the command.
15116 16 Password validation failed. The password does not meet the operating system policy requirements because it is too short.
11728 16 The sequence object '%.*ls' has reached its minimum or maximum value. Restart the sequence object to allow new values to be generated.
4323 16 A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation left the database in a potentially damaged state. To continue this RESTORE sequence, all further steps must include the CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR option.
6329 16 Unsupported usage of a QName typed value in node '%.*ls'
6370 16 MAX_LENGTH option is not allowed in combination with 'node()' for selective XML index '%.*ls'.
7125 16 The text, ntext, or image pointer value conflicts with the column name specified.
46825 16 %.*ls
592 16 Cannot find %S_MSG ID %d in database ID %d.
21820 16 Cannot write to the script file in the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%ls). Ensure that there is enough disk space available. Also ensure that the account under which the Snapshot Agent runs has permissions to write to the snapshot folder and its subdirectories.
18307 10 Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided.
40604 16 Could not %.*ls because it would exceed the quota of the server.
21570 16 Cannot create the logical record relationship. Table '%s' does not have a foreign key referencing table '%s'. A logical record relationship requires a foreign key relationship between the parent and child tables.
17065 16 SQL Server Assertion: File: <%s>, line = %d Failed Assertion = '%s' %s. This error may be timing-related. If the error persists after rerunning the statement, use DBCC CHECKDB to check the database for structural integrity, or restart the server to ensure in-memory data structures are not corrupted.
11438 15 The %S_MSG option cannot be set to '%ls' when the %S_MSG option is set to '%ls'.
6538 16 .NET Framework execution was aborted because of stack overflow. %.*ls
41208 10 Warning: The population for table or indexed view '%ls' (table or indexed view ID '%d', database ID '%d') encountered a document with full-text key value '%ls' that specifies a language not supported for semantic indexing. Some columns of the row will not be part of the semantic index.
35421 16 statement
611 16 Cannot insert or update a row because total variable column size, including overhead, is %d bytes more than the limit.
22541 16 Cannot add a logical record relationship in publication "%s" because it uses sync_mode of "character" and could have SQL Server Compact Edition subscribers.
9525 16 The XML content that is supplied for the sparse column set '' contains duplicate references to the column ''. A column can only be referenced once in XML content supplied to a sparse column set.
4413 16 Could not use view or function '%.*ls' because of binding errors.
35347 16 The stored procedure 'sp_tableoption' failed because a table with a columnstore index cannot be altered to use vardecimal storage format. Consider dropping the columnstore index.
3119 16 Problems were identified while planning for the RESTORE statement. Previous messages provide details.
21801 16 The stored procedure sp_createagentparameter failed to add one or more parameters to the system table msdb.dbo.MSagentparameterlist. Check for any errors returned by sp_createagentparameter and errors returned by SQL Server during execution of sp_createagentparameter.
18392 10 Reason: The login to SQL Azure DB failed due to empty password.
4950 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because partition number %d does not exist in table '%.*ls'.
40915 16 Secondary server specified in a Failover Group cannot reside in the same region
40142 16 Accessing a different partition in the same transaction is not allowed.
2541 10 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: Usage counts updated for table '' (index '', partition %ld):
2795 16 Could not %S_MSG %S_MSG because the new %S_MSG '' does not match the FILESTREAM %S_MSG '' of the table.
4511 16 Create View or Function failed because no column name was specified for column %d.
25026 16 The proc sp_registercustomresolver cannot proceed because it is not run in the context of the distribution database, or the distribution database is not properly upgraded.
21619 16 Must provide both @SelectColumnList and @InsColumnList.
22523 16 An article cannot use @partition_options 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) and be a part of a logical record relationship at the same time. Check article "%s".
21039 16 The article '%s' contains the destination owner '%s'. Non-SQL Server Subscribers require articles to have the destination owner of NULL.
21262 16 Failed to drop column '%s' from the partition because a computed column is accessing it.
13122 0 XML namespace
4821 16 Cannot bulk load. Error reading the number of columns from the format file "%s".
33229 16 Changes to an audit specification must be done while the audit specification is disabled.
35374 16 Columnstore archive decompression failed with error %d.
20619 16 Server user '%s' is not a valid user in database '%s'. Add the user account or 'guest' user account into the database first.
15346 16 Cannot change owner for an object that is owned by a parent object. Change the owner of the parent object instead.
17836 20 Length specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls
5249 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because shrink could not lock the page.
2117 16 Cannot %S_MSG INSTEAD OF trigger '' on %S_MSG '' because the %S_MSG has a FILESTREAM column.
2707 16 Column '' in %S_MSG '' cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it depends on a non-schemabound object.
27182 16 The environment '%s' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
20734 16 One or more rows deleted in table '%s' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %d.
13377 10 Fulltext Query Language
8408 16 Target service '' does not support contract ''.
8562 10 The connection has been lost with Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Recovery of any in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) will begin once the connection is re-established. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
43014 16 The same configuration '%.*ls' cannot be updated more than once.
45109 16 Parameter "%ls" contains conflicting dimension setting selections.
1411 16 The remote copy of database "%.*ls" has not had enough log backups applied to roll forward all of its files to a common point in time.
25741 16 The URL specified for %S_MSG "", %S_MSG "" is invalid. URL must begin with 'https://' .
14170 10 Long merge over LAN connection
18768 16 The specified LSN {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx} for repldone log scan occurs before the current start of replication in the log {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}.
9674 10 Conversation Groups analyzed: %d.
10935 16 External resource pool does not allow more than one processor group.
12022 10 The comparand references a column that is defined below the predicate
49922 16 Unable to process '%s' notification for subscription '%ld' because it contains '%d' child resources
21124 16 Cannot find the table name or the table owner corresponding to the alternative table ID(nickname) '%d' in sysmergearticles.
18388 10 Reason: The DosGuard rejected the connection.
8407 16 Received a message that contains invalid header fields. This may indicate a network problem or that another application is connected to the Service Broker endpoint.
1523 20 Sort failure. The incorrect extent could not be deallocated. Contact Technical Support.
30048 10 Informational: Ignoring duplicate thesaurus rule '%ls' while loading thesaurus file for LCID %d. A duplicate thesaurus phrase was encountered in either the section of an expansion rule or the section of a replacement rule. This causes an ambiguity and hence this phrase will be ignored.
40041 16 Corrupted column status.
174 15 The %.*ls function requires %d argument(s).
421 16 The %ls data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.
21510 10 Data changes are not allowed while cleanup of merge meta data is in progress.
13549 16 Setting FILESTREAM ON failed on table '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation on system-versioned temporal tables.
12440 10 Setting database option query_store %ls to %ls for database '%.*ls'.
7625 16 Full-text table or indexed view has more than one LCID among its full-text indexed columns.
41835 21 An error (error code: 0x%08lx) occurred while adding encryption keys to XTP database '%.*ls'.
45120 16 The name '%ls' already exists. Choose a different name.
35263 16 During the undo phase, a function call (%ls) to the primary replica returned an unexpected status (Code: %d). Check for a possible cause in the SQL Server error log for the primary replica. If an error occurred on the primary database, you might need to suspend the secondary database, fix the issue on the primary database, and then resume the database.
21365 16 Could not add article '%s' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and reinitialize the active subscriptions.
20810 16 The specified source object must be a user-defined aggregate object if it is published as an 'aggregate schema only' type article.
13188 10 The certificate's private key is password protected
14602 16 Operator "%s" does not have an e-mail address specified.
9715 16 The conversation endpoint with conversation handle '%ls' is in an inconsistent state. Check the SQL Server error logs and the operating system error log for information on possible hardware problems. To recover the database, restore the database from a clean backup. If no clean backup is available, consider running DBCC CHECKDB. Note that DBCC CHECKDB may remove data.
35343 15 The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index.
40052 16 Parallel queries are not supported on replicated tables.
28554 16 Data Virtualization Manager not found.
21489 16 A database '%s' already exists. If you intend this to be your distribution database set @existing_db = 1.
22989 16 Could not enable Change Data Capture for database '%s'. Change data capture is not supported on system databases, or on a distribution database.
8139 16 Number of referencing columns in foreign key differs from number of referenced columns, table '%.*ls'.
9226 16 A string value within the notification options identifier is too long. String with prefix '%.*ls' must be %d characters or less.
6820 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT requires column %d to be named '%ls' instead of '%.*ls'.
3758 16 Multiple %S_MSG cannot be dropped when WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY clause is specified.
26038 10 The SQL Server Network Interface library could not deregister the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Error: %#x, state: %d. Administrator should deregister this SPN manually to avoid client authentication errors.
13524 16 Setting SYSTEM_VERSIONING to ON failed because column '' at ordinal %d in history table '' has a different name than the column '' at the same ordinal in table ''.
18830 16 A bounded update was logged within the range of another bounded update within the same transaction. First BEGIN_UPDATE {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}, current BEGIN_UPDATE {%08lx:%08lx:%04lx}. Contact Customer Support Services.
4804 21 While reading current row from host, a premature end-of-message was encountered--an incoming data stream was interrupted when the server expected to see more data. The host program may have terminated. Ensure that you are using a supported client application programming interface (API).
4951 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed because column '' does not have the same FILESTREAM storage attribute in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
45140 16 Maximum lag does not support the specified value. Maximum lag must be between '%ls' and '%ls'.
47054 10 Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table COUNT lookup.
35424 16 operator
22821 10 An update-update conflict between peer %d (incoming) and peer %d (on disk) was detected and resolved. The incoming update was skipped by peer %d.
12800 16 The reference to temp table name '' is ambiguous and cannot be resolved. Use either '' or '%.*ls'.
13750 16 Temporal period column '%.*ls' does not exist.
15065 16 All user IDs have been assigned.
18275 10 Unnamed tape was dismounted from drive '%s'. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
9334 16 %sThe 'form' attribute cannot be specified on a local attribute or element definition that has the 'ref' attribute. Location: '%ls'.
153 15 Invalid usage of the option %.*ls in the %ls statement.
28729 16 Request aborted due to communication errors: a message have arrived for non-activated channel %I64u.
21549 16 Cannot add the computed column '%s' to the publication. You must first add all columns on which this column depends; you cannot filter any of these colunmns from the article.
21349 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because decentralized conflict logging is designated.
15128 16 The CHECK_POLICY and CHECK_EXPIRATION options cannot be turned OFF when MUST_CHANGE is ON.
15652 10 %s has been updated...
10033 16 The specified index does not exist or the provider does not support an index scan on this data source.
4710 16 Could not truncate object '' because it or one of its indexes resides on an offline filegroup ''.
15240 16 Cannot write into file '%s'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist.
6320 16 XQuery: Only nillable elements or text nodes can be updated with empty sequence
6593 16 Property or field '%ls' for type '%ls' in assembly '%ls' is static.
2300 16 %sRequired sub-element "%ls" of XSD element "%ls" is missing.
3730 16 Cannot drop the default constraint '%.*ls' while it is being used by a foreign key as SET DEFAULT referential action.
15328 10 The database is offline already.
9539 16 Selective XML Index feature is not supported for the current database version
9648 20 The queue '%.*ls' has been enabled for activation, but the MAX_QUEUE_READERS is zero. No procedures will be activated. Consider increasing the number of MAX_QUEUE_READERS.
45176 16 Unable to queue server %ls for migration. The server is using feature %ls that prevents it from being migrated.
1402 20 Witness did not find an entry for database mirroring GUID {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. A configuration mismatch exists. Retry the command, or reset the witness from one of the database mirroring partners.
13779 16 Defining a column store index on temporal in-memory history table '%.*ls' is not supported.
11734 16 NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in the SELECT clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
6540 16 The assembly name '%.*ls' being registered has an illegal name that duplicates the name of a system assembly.
7351 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" could not map ordinals for one or more columns of object "%ls".
7847 16 XML data was found in the parameter '%.*ls' which is not an XML parameter. Please entitize any invalid XML character data in this parameter, or pass the parameter in typed as XSD:anyType or sqltypes:xml.
7928 16 The database snapshot for online checks could not be created. Either the reason is given in a previous error or one of the underlying volumes does not support sparse files or alternate streams. Attempting to get exclusive access to run checks offline.
2103 15 Cannot %S_MSG trigger '%.*s' because its schema is different from the schema of the target table or view.
2557 14 User '' does not have permission to run DBCC %ls for object ''.
13133 0 Cumulative wait time (ms) per second
16612 16 Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the table '%ls' in sync schema contains no clustered index.
10143 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "%.*ls" because it contains a ranking or aggregate window function. Remove the function from the view definition or, alternatively, do not index the view.
5136 16 The path specified by '%.*ls' cannot be used for a FILESTREAM container since it is contained in another FILESTREAM container.
6209 16 Unsound ordering on CLR type "%.*ls": returning NULL on non-NULL inputs.
3956 16 Snapshot isolation transaction failed to start in database '%.*ls' because the ALTER DATABASE command which enables snapshot isolation for this database has not finished yet. The database is in transition to pending ON state. You must wait until the ALTER DATABASE Command completes successfully.
21574 16 Cannot add a logical record relationship because the article '%s' is published in publication '%s', which has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM.
20027 16 The article '%s' does not exist.
21088 10 The initial snapshot for the publication is not yet available.
14426 16 A log shipping monitor is already defined. Call sp_define_log_shipping_monitor with @delete_existing = 1.
6277 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the MaxLen attribute of type '%s' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change MaxLen attribute.
7958 16 The specified SPID does not process input/output data streams.
33123 16 Cannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror or secondary availability replica. Retry the command after all the previous reencryption scans have propagated to the mirror or secondary availability replicas or after availability relationship has been disabled.
2747 16 Too many substitution parameters for RAISERROR. Cannot exceed %d substitution parameters.
6836 16 FOR XML EXPLICIT requires attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field '%.*ls' to precede element-centric IDREFS/NMTOKEN fields.
33439 16 Cannot use IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS hint when inserting into FileTable '%.*ls', unless FILETABLE_NAMESPACE is disabled.
35436 16 federation member database
3156 16 File '%ls' cannot be restored to '%ls'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
19461 16 The WSFC node that hosts the primary replica belongs to multiple subnets. To use the DHCP option in a multi-subnet environment, supply an IPv4 IP address and subnet mask of the subnet for the listener.
14147 16 Restricted publications are no longer supported.
10937 16 Default workload group does not allow to alter attribute '%.*ls'.
4454 16 Cannot update the partitioned view "%.*ls" because the partitioning columns of its member tables have mismatched types.
7739 16 The partition scheme of table '%.*ls' cannot be changed because there exists one or more incremental statistics on the table.
1462 16 Database mirroring is disabled due to a failed redo operation. Unable to resume.
21710 16 Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver
22918 16 One or more columns in the list of included columns was not a captured column of the change table %s.
13176 0 component
9742 16 The activation stored procedure '%.*ls' is invalid. Temporary procedures may not be configured for activation.
6996 16 Invalid type definition for type '%s'. A type may not have both 'minInclusive' and 'minExclusive' or 'maxInclusive' and 'maxExclusive' facets.
40564 16 Database copy failed. Database copy failed due to an internal error. Please drop target database and try again.
13113 0 schema
5211 10 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it was deallocated during shrink.
518 16 Cannot convert data type %ls to %ls.
914 21 Script level upgrade for database '' failed because upgrade step '' was aborted before completion. If the abort happened during upgrade of the 'master' database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that the script upgrade steps run to completion.
28062 16 A corrupted message has been received. The signed dialog message header is invalid.
21561 16 The value specified for parameter %s = %d is not valid.
16957 16 FOR UPDATE cannot be specified on a READ ONLY cursor.
18329 10 Reason: Simulation of a failure while reauthenticating login.
40848 16 The source database '%ls'.'%ls' cannot have higher performance level than the target database '%ls'.'%ls'. Upgrade the performance level on the target before upgrading source.
27243 16 Cannot find the cluster worker agent '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
28013 16 The service broker is administratively disabled.
41162 16 Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatically. No user action is required at this time.
41500 10 An error (0x%08x) occurred when asynchronous operations administrator attempted to notify the client (ID %ls) of the completion of an operation. This is an information message only. No user action is required.
35381 22 The columnstore blob dictionary header is invalid.
158 15 An aggregate may not appear in the OUTPUT clause.
21026 16 Cannot have an anonymous subscription on a publication that does not have an independent agent.
14626 16 Parameter @mailformat does not support the value "%s". The mail format must be TEXT or HTML.
16003 16 The data type of column '' does not support data masking function ''.
8986 16 Too many errors found (%d) for object ID %d. To see all error messages rerun the statement using "WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS".
11036 16 The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized.
6341 16 Xml schema collection referenced by column '' of table variable '' has been dropped or altered during the execution of the batch. Please re-run the batch.
6558 16 %s failed because type '%s' does not conform to %s specification due to method '%s'.
42021 16 Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
35472 15 memory optimized tables
3750 10 Warning: Index '' on %S_MSG '' was disabled as a result of disabling the clustered index on the %S_MSG.
21123 16 The agent profile '%s' could not be found at the Distributor.
13795 16 '%.*ls' does not exist, or is not a temporal application time period.
8937 16 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). B-tree page %S_PGID has two parent nodes %S_PGID, slot %d and %S_PGID, slot %d.
33202 17 SQL Server Audit could not write to file '%s'.
537 16 Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
4508 16 Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with '#' denote temporary tables.
41171 16 Failed to create availability group '%.*ls', because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. The operation has been rolled back successfully. To retry creating an availability group, either remove or rename the existing WSFC group, or retry the operation specifying a different availability group name.
33154 20 Client sent an invalid token when server was expecting federated authentication token. And it was not a disconnect event.
208 16 Invalid object name '%.*ls'.
401 16 Unimplemented statement or expression %ls.
13545 16 Truncate failed on table '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation on system-versioned tables.
8520 16 Internal Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transaction failed to commit: %ls.
7394 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" reported an error committing the current transaction.
19113 10 Unable to retrieve 'ListenOnAllIPs' TCP/IP registry setting.
19124 10 Unable to retrieve registry settings for a specific IP address.
19409 10 The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster context of Always On Availability Groups has been changed to the local WSFC cluster. An ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET HADR CLUSTER LOCAL command switched the cluster context from the remote WSFC cluster, '%.*ls', to the local WSFC cluster. On this local WSFC cluster, availability databases no longer belong to any availability group, and they are transitioning to the RESTORING state. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
15428 16 You cannot specify a provider or any properties for product '%ls'.
8398 10 The use of more than two-part column names will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.
9301 16 %sIn this version of the server, 'cast as %s' is not available. Please use the 'cast as ?' syntax.
42010 16 Cannot initiate cross instance connection.
3922 16 Cannot enlist in the transaction because the transaction does not exist.
28907 16 Configuration manager agent enlistment stopped.
41848 16 Memory optimized checkpoint table consistency error detected. Checkpoint %I64d does not have ascending recoverLsn. PrevLSN = (%I64d:%hu), CurrLSN = (%I64d:%hu).
35242 16 Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE SET HADR operation on database '%.*ls'. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command.
3045 16 BACKUP or RESTORE requires the NTFS file system for FILESTREAM and full-text support. The path "%.*ls" is not usable.
13711 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because column '' has data type %s in history table '' which is different from corresponding column type %s in table '%.*ls'.
14074 16 The server '%s' is already listed as a Publisher.
9460 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, non default namespace with empty uri
9507 16 The XML data type method on a remote column used in this query can not be executed either locally or remotely. Please rewrite your query.
42016 16 Error occurred in the DosGuard.
4005 16 Cannot update columns from more than one underlying table in a single update call.
27015 16 Unexpected ridlist length. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
29301 16 Failed to open configuration file %ls.
21582 16 Article "%s" in publication "%s" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article has a direct or indirect join filter relationship with parent article "%s". The parent article does not use the same value for partition_options. Use sp_changemergepublication to change the value for one of the articles.
22557 16 The status of the schema change could not be updated because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication "%s" to 90RTM.
14884 16 Unable to load the stretch filter predicate for table "%.*ls".
8728 16 ORDER BY list of RANGE window frame cannot contain expressions of LOB type.
40894 16 The database copy link from '%s.%s' to '%s.%s' is not in the catchup state after the data copy link operation completed.
41008 16 Failed to create the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource with name '%s' and type '%s' (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified cluster resource name or type is invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
564 16 Attempted to create a record with a fixed length of '%d'. Maximum allowable fixed length is '%d'.
21037 16 Invalid working directory '%s'.
14096 16 The path and name of the table creation script must be specified if the @pre_creation_cmd parameter value is 'drop'.
8351 16 A trace control request could not be processed because invalid parameters were specified when events were registered. Confirm that the parameters are within valid ranges.
7874 16 An endpoint already exists with the bindings specified. Only one endpoint supported for a specific binding. Use ALTER ENDPOINT or DROP the existing endpoint and execute the CREATE ENDPOINT statement.
33161 15 Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
15599 10 Auditing and permissions can't be set on local temporary objects.
17200 16 Changing the remote access settings for the Dedicated Admin Connection failed with error 0x%lx, status code 0x%lx.
6536 16 A fatal error occurred in the .NET Framework common language runtime. SQL Server is shutting down. If the error recurs after the server is restarted, contact Customer Support Services.
7662 10 Warning: Full-text auto propagation is currently enabled for table or indexed view '%.*ls'.
19152 10 The configured value for Extended Protection is not valid. Check Network Configuration settings in SQL Server Configuration Manager.
4196 16 Column '%ls.%.*ls' cannot be referenced in the OUTPUT clause because the column definition contains an expression using a window function.
22812 10 The roundtrip '%s' finished with timeout: %d seconds.
22860 16 Log scan process failed in processing a ddl log record. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
22946 16 Could not add column information to the cdc.captured_columns system table for source table '%s.%s'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
21023 16 '%s' is no longer supported.
5096 16 The recovery model cannot be changed to SIMPLE when any files are subject to a RESTORE PAGE operation. Complete the restore sequence involving file "%ls" before attempting to transition to SIMPLE.
41212 16 No semantic language statistics database is registered.
364 16 The query processor could not produce a query plan because the FORCESEEK hint on view '%.*ls' is used without a NOEXPAND hint. Resubmit the query with the NOEXPAND hint or remove the FORCESEEK hint on the view.
32035 16 An internal error occurred when modifying the database mirroring monitoring job.
21742 16 The Oracle Publisher name is '%s' and the Oracle Subscriber name is '%s'. Bidirectional Oracle publishing requires the Oracle Publisher and Subscriber names to be the same.
21239 16 Cannot copy subscriptions because there is no synchronized subscription found in the database.
6207 16 Error converting %.*ls to fixed length binary type. The result would be padded and cannot be converted back.
33308 10 The queue %d in database %d has activation enabled and contains unlocked messages but no RECEIVE has been executed for %u seconds.
465 16 Recursive references are not allowed in subqueries.
41342 16 The model of the processor on the system does not support creating %.*ls. This error typically occurs with older processors. See SQL Server Books Online for information on supported models.
45207 16 %ls
15026 16 Logical device '%s' already exists.
7325 16 Objects exposing columns with CLR types are not allowed in distributed queries. Please use a pass-through query to access remote object '%ls'.
40687 16 The operation cannot be performed on the database '%ls' in its current state.
33329 16 XdbHost encountered error code: %x during socket duplication
40203 16 Could not register AsyncTransport endpoint.
157 15 An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement.
21542 16 Encountered server error %d while executing <%s>.
20731 16 This edition of SQL Server does not support publications. Dropping existing publications.
13010 0 read
14803 16 Cannot alter REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option for table '%.*ls' because REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE is not enabled for the database.
15187 10 The %S_MSG cannot be dropped because it is used by one or more %S_MSG(s).
9931 10 Document type exceeds the maximum permitted length. Row will not be full-text indexed.
10524 16 Cannot parameterize @querytext.
7321 16 An error occurred while preparing the query "%ls" for execution against OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls". %ls
41145 10 Cannot join database '' to availability group ''. The database has already joined the availability group. This is an informational message. No user action is required.
47010 10 Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when initializing HMAC Hash object.
47119 16 The current write lease of the availability group '%.*ls' is still valid. The lease expiration time cannot be set to an earlier time than its current value.
21041 16 A remote distribution Publisher is not allowed on this server version.
15318 10 All fragments for database '%s' on device '%s' are now dedicated for log usage only.
9459 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, undeclared prefix
6225 16 Type "" is marked for native serialization, but field "" of type "" is of type "*ls" which is a non-value type. Native serialization types can only have fields of blittable types. If you wish to have a field of any other type, consider using different kind of serialization format, such as User Defined Serialization.
33177 16 Hash operation failed. Hash Function uses deprecated algorithm '%.*ls' which is no longer supported at this db compatibility level. If you still need to use this hash algorithm switch to a lower db compatibility level.
40056 16 Master, tempdb, model and mssqlsystemresource databases can not be replicated.
40156 16 Drop is not allowed on the %S_MSG database '%.*ls' as it contains partitions. Drop the partition before the operation.
16611 16 Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the sync schema contains circular reference.
18330 10 Reason: SQL Server service is paused. Login cannot be reauthenticated at this time.
1218 10 An ABORT_AFTER_WAIT = BLOCKERS lock request was issued on database_id = %d, object_id = %d. All blocking user sessions will be killed.
1781 16 Column already has a DEFAULT bound to it.
27173 16 The environment variable '%ls' already exists.
12805 16 Index name '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length for temp table index name is %d characters.
14203 10 sp_helplogins [excluding Windows NT groups]
12500 16 SELECT INTO not allowed in the CTAS statement.
5193 21 Failed to access file due to lease mismatch. Bringing down database.
5592 16 FILESTREAM feature doesn't have file system access enabled.
3923 10 Cannot use transaction marks on database '%.*ls' with bulk-logged operations that have not been backed up. The mark is ignored.
13032 0 trigger
10303 16 Could not create AppDomain manager: '%.*ls'.
6389 16 Inserted value exceeded maxlength %d for path '' for selective XML index ''.
33269 16 Security predicates are not allowed on temporary objects. Object names that begin with '#' denote temporary objects.
40157 16 Too many secondaries. At most 32 are currently supported.
110 15 There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.
13404 10 The ability to use '#' and '##' as the name of temporary tables and stored procedures will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.
14223 16 Cannot modify or delete operator '%s' while this server is a %s.
15535 16 Cannot set a credential for principal '%.*ls'.
17049 16 Unable to cycle error log file from '%ls' to '%ls' due to OS error '%s'. A process outside of SQL Server may be preventing SQL Server from reading the files. As a result, errorlog entries may be lost and it may not be possible to view some SQL Server errorlogs. Make sure no other processes have locked the file with write-only access."
8181 16 Text for '%.*ls' is missing from the system catalog. The object must be dropped and re-created before it can be used.
43007 16 '%.*ls' is not a valid database charset.
35422 16 index option
40087 16 Replica with the specified version is not found.
2373 16 %s%ls is not supported with constructed XML
1016 15 Outer join operators cannot be specified in a query containing joined tables.
25640 16 Maximum event size is smaller than configured event session memory. Specify a larger value for maximum event size, or specify 0.
21374 10 Upgrading distribution settings and system objects in database %s.
15189 16 Cannot have more than one security column for a table.
4187 16 Data type %ls of receiving variable cannot store all values of the data type %ls of column '%.*ls' without data loss.
7804 15 and can not share the same value.
27188 16 Only members of the ssis_admin or sysadmin server roles can create, delete, or rename a catalog folder.
21755 16 Failed to mark '%s' as a system object.
17132 16 Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory.
11048 16 There was a recoverable, provider-specific error, such as an RPC failure.
12326 15 Creating a savepoint is not supported with %S_MSG.
4426 16 View '%.*ls' is not updatable because the definition contains a UNION operator.
4622 16 Permissions at the server scope can only be granted to logins
5336 16 Recursive references are not allowed on the right hand side of an EXCEPT operator in the recursive part of recursive CTEs.
5580 16 FILESTREAM InstanceGuid is null. Registry settings might be corrupted.
996 10 Warning: Index "" on ""."%.*ls" is disabled. This columnstore index cannot be upgraded, likely because it exceeds the row size limit of '%d' bytes.
21397 16 The transactions required for synchronizing the nosync subscription created from the specified backup are unavailable at the Distributor. Retry the operation again with a more up-to-date log, differential, or full database backup.
21063 16 Table '%s' cannot participate in updatable subscriptions because it is published for merge replication.
21356 10 Warning: only Subscribers running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or later can synchronize with publication '%s' because publication wide validation task is performed.
14044 16 Unable to clear subscriber status for the server.
8533 20 Error while waiting for communication from Kernel Transaction Manager (KTM): %d.
35252 16 The command can only be run on a secondary database. Connect to the correct secondary replica, and retry the command.
13781 16 Wrong type for column '': the system-versioned temporal table '' cannot contain large object columns, because it has finite retention and the clustered column store history table '%.*ls'.
8167 16 The type of column "%.*ls" conflicts with the type of other columns specified in the UNPIVOT list.
11241 16 A corrupted message has been received. The conversation security version number is not %d.%d.
5127 16 All files must be specified for database snapshot creation. Missing the file "%ls".
40697 16 Login failed for user '%.*ls'.
35432 10 NUMANODE
2242 16 %sType specification expected.
3821 10 Warning: The foreign key constraint "" on ""."" was disabled because the implementation of '' have changed.
19105 10 Unable to create a node listener object for a special instance. Check for memory-related errors.
21312 10 Cannot change this publication property because there are active subscriptions to this publication.
18453 10 Login succeeded for user ''. Connection made using Integrated
10007 16 The provider indicated an invalid handle was used.
4425 16 Cannot specify outer join operators in a query containing joined tables. View or function '%.*ls' contains outer join operators.
45220 10 An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
23519 16 Target Item does not exist.
15297 16 The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key data is invalid.
17057 16 Security context for operating system objects could not be created. SQL Server cannot be started. Look for corresponding entries in the event viewer to help diagnose the root cause.
41102 10 Failed to persist configuration data of availability group '%.*ls'. The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down.
2576 16 The Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %S_PGID is pointed to by the previous pointer of IAM page %S_PGID in object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), but it was not detected in the scan.
2577 16 Chain sequence numbers are out of order in the Index Allocation Map (IAM) chain for object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls). Page %S_PGID with sequence number %d points to page %S_PGID with sequence number %d.
3097 16 The Backup cannot be performed because the existing media set is formatted with an incompatible version.
28050 10 The session keys for this conversation could not be created or accessed. The database master key is required for this operation.
4625 16 There is no such server principal %.*s or you do not have permission.
43015 16 The configuration '' does not exist for server version %.*ls.
46707 16 The given IPC request with code %d is not supported for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
3616 16 An error was raised during trigger execution. The batch has been aborted and the user transaction, if any, has been rolled back.
21625 16 Unable to update the publisher table HREPL_PUBLISHER at the Oracle instance '%s'.
22519 16 Cannot add a logical record relationship between tables "%s" and "%s" because a text, image, ntext, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max) column was referenced in the join clause.
20702 16 The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed due to one or more errors.
5108 10 Log file '%.*ls' does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database or the log may have been rebuilt previously.
20503 16 Invalid '%s' value in '%s'. The publication is not enabled for '%s' updatable subscriptions.
13551 16 Drop column operation failed on table '%.*ls' because it is not a supported operation on system-versioned temporal tables.
8184 16 Error in binarychecksum. There are no comparable columns in the binarychecksum input.
8621 16 The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization. Please simplify the query.
7969 16 No active open transactions.
41420 16 At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an asynchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZING state. If this is a synchronous-commit availability replica, all availability databases should be in the SYNCHRONIZED state.
33255 16 Audit specification '%.*ls' can only be bound to a %S_MSG audit.
122 15 The %ls option is allowed only with %ls syntax.
949 16 tempdb is skipped. You cannot run a query that requires tempdb
9029 20 The PMM log for database '%.*ls' is not valid. This error may indicate data corruption. Restore from backup if the problem results in a persistent failure during startup.
9538 16 Paths with same path expression indexed with selective XML index '%.*ls' should have SINGLETON option either specified for all of them or for none of them.
12613 16 Too many files or file groups to clone database.
6810 16 Column name '%.*ls' is repeated. The same attribute cannot be generated more than once on the same XML tag.
3075 16 Device name '%.*ls' is not a valid MOVE target when restoring from a File Snapshot Backup.
30126 16 Could not complete the last operation with the brick_id %u due a metadata failure
21460 16 The primary key for source table "%s" includes the timestamp column "%s". Cannot create the article for the specified publication because it allows updating Subscribers.
14148 16 Invalid '%s' value. Valid values are 'true' or 'false'.
17181 16 SNIInitializeListener() failed with error 0x%lx.
8536 16 Only single DB updates are allowed with FILESTREAM operations.
9687 16 The conversation group '%ls' has been dropped.
41161 16 Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of its joined databases. Check the SQL Server error log for more details. If configuration data corruption occurred, the availability group might need to be dropped and recreated.
46804 16 Failed to initialize the global query module.
46812 16 %.*ls
47026 10 Reason: Failure occurred when trying to fetch the HMAC signature of prelogin client nonce to set FeatureExtAck
47036 10 Reason: Login failed because USE db failed while checking firewall rules.
21580 16 Article "%s" in publication "%s" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the @partition_options parameter because the article is involved in both a row filter and a join filter. Either select a value of 0 or 1 for the @partition_options parameter; drop the join filter by using sp_dropmergefilter; or change the row filter by using sp_changemergepublication.
12821 16 sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used on a user used in the EXECUTE AS clause of a signed module.
11259 16 A corrupted message has been received. The certificate serial number size is %d, however it must be no greater than %d bytes in length. This occurred in the message with Conversation ID '%.*ls', Initiator: %d, and Message sequence number: %I64d.
4602 14 Only members of the sysadmin role can grant or revoke the CREATE DATABASE permission.
33231 16 You can only specify securable classes DATABASE, SCHEMA, or OBJECT in AUDIT SPECIFICATION statements.
36010 16 The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action.
257 16 Implicit conversion from data type %ls to %ls is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
28076 10 Could not query the FIPS compliance mode flag from registry. Error %ls.
20559 10 Conditional Fast Rowcount method requested without specifying an expected count. Fast method will be used.
21211 16 The database is attached from a subscription copy file without using sp_attach_subscription. Drop the database and reattach it using sp_attach_subscription.
14561 10 (normal)
15129 16 '%d' is not a valid value for configuration option '%s'.
8923 10 The repair level on the DBCC statement caused this repair to be bypassed.
6206 16 Request submitted with too many parameters. The maximum number is %ld.
27125 16 Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation is not in a consistent state and cannot be stopped.
7957 10 Cannot display the specified SPID's buffer; in transition.
45139 16 The source server name should be the server of the current connection.
33429 16 The non-transacted FILESTREAM handle %d does not exist.
330 15 The target '%.*ls' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be a view or common table expression.
833 10 SQL Server has encountered %d occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than %d seconds to complete on file [%ls] in database id %d. The OS file handle is 0x%p. The offset of the latest long I/O is: %#016I64x. The duration of the long I/O is: %I64u ms.
909 21 Database '' cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because part or all of object '' is enabled with data compression or vardecimal storage format. Data compression and vardecimal storage format are only supported on SQL Server Enterprise Edition.
16992 16 The cursor operation is required to wait for cursor asynchronous population to complete. However, at this point the transaction cannot be yielded to let the asynchronous population to continue.
33315 16 The redirected endpointurl is Invalid
3815 16 Local login mapped to linked login '' on server '' is invalid. Drop and recreate the linked login before upgrade.
28053 16 Service Broker could not upgrade conversation session keys in database '%.*ls' to encrypted format (Error: %d). The Service Broker in this database was disabled. A master key is required to the database in order to enable the broker.
19508 16 'ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP MODIFY AVAILABILITY GROUP' command failed. Participant availability replica '' not found in the distributed availability group ''.
14880 16 Unexpected exception occurred during remote column update.
17308 16 %s: Process %d generated an access violation. SQL Server is terminating this process.
18376 10 Reason: Failed to open the database '%.*ls' configured in the session recovery object while revalidating the login on the recovered connection.
8492 16 The service contract '%.*ls' must have at least one message SENT BY INITIATOR or ANY.
11708 16 An invalid value was specified for argument '%.*ls' for the given data type.
40629 16 An edition could not be determined from maxsize '%.*ls'. Specify a valid maxsize value.
2799 16 Cannot create index or statistics '' on table '' because the computed column '%.*ls' is imprecise and not persisted. Consider removing column from index or statistics key or marking computed column persisted.
30089 17 The fulltext filter daemon host (FDHost) process has stopped abnormally. This can occur if an incorrectly configured or malfunctioning linguistic component, such as a wordbreaker, stemmer or filter has caused an irrecoverable error during full-text indexing or query processing. The process will be restarted automatically.
21855 16 The login %s provided in sp_link_publication is not mapped to any user in publishing database %s.
8160 15 A GROUPING or GROUPING_ID function can only be specified when there is a GROUP BY clause.
41310 16 A file with an invalid format was detected. Check the SQL Server error log for more details.
35468 16 Partition DB marked as suspect
6305 16 XQuery data manipulation expression required in XML data type method.
145 15 ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
22122 16 Change Tracking autocleanup failed on side table of "%s". If the failure persists, use sp_flush_CT_internal_table_on_demand to clean up expired records from its side table.
20662 16 The republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher '%s' that it can assign to its Subscribers. Ensure that the republisher has a server subscription to the publication at the root Publisher, and then run the Merge Agent to synchronize with the root Publisher.
15080 16 Cannot use parameter %s for a Windows login.
18400 16 The background checkpoint thread has encountered an unrecoverable error. The checkpoint process is terminating so that the thread can clean up its resources. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
9104 16 auto statistics internal
4169 16 Applying TREAT more than once to the same expression is not allowed in a full-text property reference.
5225 10 %.*ls: Not all ghost records on the large object page %d:%d could be removed. If there are active queries on readable secondary replicas check the current ghost cleanup boundary.
5268 10 DBCC %.*ls is performing an exhaustive search of %d indexes for possible inconsistencies. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
23513 16 Item does not exist.
49817 10 Failed to query CMS for thottling on database '', '' due to the exception: '%.*ls'
28951 16 Cannot update roster, brick id %d not part of roster.
22112 16 Each primary key column must be specified once in the CHANGETABLE(VERSION ...) function. The column '%.*ls' is specified more than once.
19032 10 SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '%d'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
20558 10 Table '%s' passed full rowcount validation after failing the fast check. DBCC UPDATEUSAGE will be initiated automatically.
14913 10 Failure was injected by '%ls' transaction/function.
17404 10 The server resumed execution after being idle for %d seconds.
8126 16 Column "" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.
597 16 The execution of in-proc data access is being terminated due to errors in the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
29306 16 The configuration file name cannot be constructed. (Reason: %d).
9430 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, incorrect NOTATION declaration syntax
12308 15 Table-valued functions are not supported with %S_MSG.
7889 16 The SOAP headers on the request have exceeded the size limits established for this endpoint. The endpoint owner may increase these limits via ALTER ENDPOINT.
40602 16 Could not create login. Please try again later.
35419 16 feature
2366 16 %s"%ls" has a circular definition.
14807 16 The secret specified for the database credential '%s' is invalid. The secret must be a valid password for the remote stretch server administrator.
18355 10 Reason: Failed attempted retry of a process token validation.
9796 10 The target service name matched a LOCAL route, but there is no service by that name in the local SQL Server instance.
10741 15 A TOP can not be used in the same query or sub-query as a OFFSET.
40672 16 The service objective assignment for a database cannot be changed more than once per %d hour(s). Please retry the operation %d hour(s) after the last service objective assignment completed for this database.
41332 16 Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to SNAPSHOT.
2378 16 %sExpected XML schema document
3949 16 Transaction aborted when accessing versioned row in table '' in database ''. Requested versioned row was not found because the readable secondary access is not allowed for the operation that attempted to create the version. This might be timing related, so try the query again later.
27195 16 The operation failed because the execution timed out.
19481 16 Failed to obtain the WSFC resource state for cluster resource with name or ID '%.*ls'. The WSFC resource state API returned error code %d. The WSFC service may not be running or may be inaccessible in its current state. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
13105 0 create
13798 16 A table cannot have more than one application time period definition.
5076 10 Warning: Changing default collation for database '%.*ls', which is used in replication. All replication databases should have the same default collation.
5828 16 User connections are limited to %d.
6860 16 FOR XML directive XMLDATA is not allowed with ROOT directive or row tag name specified.
7303 16 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
28914 10 Configuration manager agent enlistment: Brick <%d>, state <%d>.
28049 16 A corrupted message has been received. The proxy connect message header is invalid.
13283 10 key source
18455 10 Login succeeded for user ''
41388 16 An upgrade operation failed for database '%.*ls'. Check the error log for additional details.
49958 21 The server collation cannot be changed with user databases attached. Please detach user databases before changing server collation.
2722 16 Xml data type methods are not allowed in expressions in this context.
233 16 The column '' in table '' cannot be null.
927 14 Database '%.*ls' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.
30104 16 Invalid matrix name.
21859 16 Cannot change subscription property '%s' because there is no entry for this subscription in the MSsubscription_properties table. Call sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent before changing this property.
13187 10 The certificate's public key size is incompatible with the security header's signature
8514 20 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) PREPARE acknowledgement failed: %hs.
9726 16 The remote service binding with ID %d has been dropped.
4879 16 Bulk load failed due to invalid column value in CSV data file %ls in row %d, column %d.
41702 20 The requested Configuration Package is unavailable at this time. The Configuration Package is not a part of the Activation Context. Verify that the requested Configuration Package name exists and is properly formatted.
944 10 Converting database '%.*ls' from version %d to the current version %d.
1816 16 Database snapshot on the system database %.*ls is not allowed.
22973 16 The specified filegroup '%s' is not a valid filegroup for database '%s'. Specify a valid existing filegroup or create the named filegroup, and retry the operation.
19098 16 An error occurred starting the default trace. Cause: %ls Use sp_configure to turn off and then turn on the 'default trace enabled' advanced server configuration option.
11554 16 Cannot assign NULL to non-nullable variable or parameter '%.*ls'.
7302 16 Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls".
40563 16 Database copy failed. The target database has been dropped.
40642 17 The server is currently too busy. Please try again later.
46647 16 seconds
39006 10 External script execution status: %.*ls.
21761 20 Cannot execute the replication script; the current session will be terminated. Check for any errors returned by SQL Server during execution of the script.
21880 16 The virtual network name '%s' has been used to identify the redirected publisher for original publisher '%s' and database '%s'. The availability group associated with this virtual network name, however, does not include the publisher database.
13197 10 Certificate expired
15542 10 Cannot create a key without specifying an encryptor.
4840 16 The bulk data source provider string has an invalid %ls property value %ls.
7733 16 '%ls' statement failed. The %S_MSG '' is partitioned while %S_MSG '' is not partitioned.
49937 10 ERROR: A failure occurred in the licensing subsystem. Error [%d].
3421 10 Recovery completed for database %ls (database ID %d) in %I64d second(s) (analysis %I64d ms, redo %I64d ms, undo %I64d ms.) This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
29102 16 Fatal error in backup manager
4906 16 '%ls' statement failed. The %S_MSG '' is %S_MSG partitioned while index '' is %S_MSG partitioned.
5803 10 Unknown configuration (id = %d) encountered in sys.configurations.
42007 16 The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a local path.
2211 16 %sSingleton (or empty sequence) required, found operand of type '%ls'
25720 10 'sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file' is skipping records from "%.*ls" at offset %I64d.
9303 16 %sSyntax error near '%ls', expected '%ls'.
4346 16 RESTORE PAGE is not allowed with databases that use the simple recovery model or have broken the log backup chain.
1813 16 Could not open new database '%.*ls'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
18057 20 Error: Failed to set up execution context.
9219 16 The query notification subscriptions cleanup operation failed. See previous errors for details.
6282 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the referenced assemblies would change. The referenced assembly list must remain the same.
35498 16 external data source
14047 16 Could not drop %s.
17131 16 Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor hash tables. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory.
5518 16 FILESTREAM path '%.*ls' is too long.
6231 16 Type "" is marked for native serialization, but one of its base types "" is not valid for native serialization.
6509 16 An error occurred while gathering metadata from assembly '%ls' with HRESULT 0x%x.
35233 16 Cannot create an availability group containing %d availability replica(s). The maximum number of availability replicas in an availability group %ls is %d. Reenter your CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command specifying fewer availability replicas.
3199 16 RESTORE requires MAXTRANSFERSIZE=%u but %u was specified.
162 15 Invalid expression in a TOP or OFFSET clause.
17885 16 An unexpected query string was passed to a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) generation procedure.
5329 15 Windowed functions are not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
7315 16 The OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls" contains multiple tables that match the name "%ls".
33008 16 Cannot grant, deny, or revoke %.*ls permission on INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SYS %S_MSG.
33510 16 BLOCK security predicates cannot reference temporal history tables. Table '%.*ls' is a temporal history table.
40110 16 Cannot scope database %s for sp_cloud_scope_database spec proc because it is already set up as a partition database.
40181 16 Fabric-database ('') cannot be paired, the supplied mutex ('') could not be opened. Error code: %d
21522 16 This article cannot use the '%s' feature because the publication compatibility level is less than 90. Use sp_changemergepublication to set the publication_compatibility_level of publication '%s' to '90RTM'.
19121 10 Unable to retrieve 'Active' setting for a specific IP address.
4953 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The columns set used to partition the table '' is different from the column set used to partition the table ''.
41333 16 The following transactions must access memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules under snapshot isolation: RepeatableRead transactions, Serializable transactions, and transactions that access tables that are not memory optimized in RepeatableRead or Serializable isolation.
9337 16 %sThe XML Schema type 'NOTATION' is not supported.
9654 16 Attempting to use database and it doesn't exist.
5262 16 Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID, row %d: Row contains a NULL versioning timestamp, but its version chain pointer is not NULL. Version chain points to page %S_PGID, slot %d.
1722 16 Cannot %S_MSG %S_MSG '%.*ls' since a partition scheme is not specified for FILESTREAM data.
13045 0 indexes
13908 16 Cannot access internal graph column '%.*ls'.
17802 20 The Tabular Data Stream (TDS) version 0x%x of the client library used to open the connection is unsupported or unknown. The connection has been closed. %.*ls
49913 10 The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM.
35214 16 The %ls operation failed for availability replica '%.*ls'. The minimum value for session timeout is %d. Retry the operation specifying a valid session-timeout value.
681 16 Attempting to set a non-NULL-able column's value to NULL.
25735 16 The source option %d is invalid.
14871 16 REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE_OVERRIDE hint is not allowed inside an implicit transaction.
17004 16 Event notification conversation on dialog handle '%s' closed without an error.
41377 16 The natively compiled module with database ID %ld and object ID %ld has not been executed. Query execution statistics collection can only be enabled if the module has been executed at least once since creation or last database restart.
45016 16 Specified federation %.*ls does not exist.
40516 16 Global temp objects are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
3728 16 '%.*ls' is not a constraint.
25721 16 The metadata file name "%s" is invalid. Verify that the file exists and that the SQL Server service account has access to it.
28980 16 Error writing brick simulator state file. (Reason=%s).
30120 16 Invalid brick GUID.
22959 16 Could not create the function to query for net changes for capture instance '%s'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
22993 16 The Change Data Capture job table containing job information for database '%s' cannot be found in the msdb system database. Run the stored procedure 'sys.sp_cdc_add_job' to create the appropriate CDC capture or cleanup job. The stored procedure will create the required job table.
14394 16 Only owner of a job schedule or members of sysadmin role can modify or delete the job schedule.
14695 16 Cannot collect data on-demand for the collection set '%s' in cached mode.
6217 16 ALTER ASSEMBLY ADD FILE failed because the file, "%.*ls", being added is empty.
41040 16 Failed to remove the availability group replica '' from availability group ''. The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation.
2397 16 %sIdentifiers may not contain more than %u characters
28921 16 No configuration file specified.
8401 16 This message could not be delivered because the target user with ID %i in database ID %i does not have permission to receive from the queue '%.*ls'.
6344 16 The primary xml index '' does not exist on table '' column '%.*ls'.
6931 16 XML Validation: IDREF constraint check failed. Found attribute named '' with reference to ID value '', which does not exist
7342 16 An unexpected NULL value was returned for column "%ls.%ls" from OLE DB provider "%ls" for linked server "%ls". This column cannot be NULL.
45208 16 SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure master switch is not turned on.
46523 15 A SCHEMA_NAME must be specified when using OBJECT_NAME.
950 20 Database '%.*ls' cannot be upgraded because its non-release version (%d) is not supported by this version of SQL Server. You cannot open a database that is incompatible with this version of sqlservr.exe. You must re-create the database.
22928 16 Index name '%s' is not an index for table '%s.%s'. Specify a valid index name for the table.
21013 16 Cannot change the 'allow_pull' property of the publication to "false". There are pull subscriptions on the publication.
8313 16 Error in mapping SQL Server performance object/counter indexes to object/counter names. SQL Server performance counters are disabled.
6374 16 Specifying path which contains '' is not allowed for selective XML index ''.
6858 16 XML schema URI contains character '%c'(0x%04X) which is not allowed in XML.
1966 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '%.*ls'. The view contains an imprecise aggregate operator.
26040 17 Server TCP provider has stopped listening on port [ %d ] due to an AcceptEx failure. Socket error: %#x, state: %d. The server will automatically attempt to reestablish listening.
15002 16 The procedure '%s' cannot be executed within a transaction.
17134 10 The tempdb database data files are not configured with the same initial size and autogrowth settings. To reduce potential allocation contention, the initial size and autogrowth of the files should be same.
40878 16 The elastic pool storage limit in gigabytes must be at least (%d) for service tier '%.*ls'.
45143 16 The source database '%ls' does not exist.
151 15 '%.*ls' is an invalid money value.
1725 16 Cannot add FILESTREAM column to %S_MSG '%.*ls' because an INSTEAD OF trigger exists on the %S_MSG.
21803 16 Cannot update agent parameter metadata. Replication could not insert parameter '%s' into table '%s'. Verify that replication is properly installed. Check errors returned by SQL Server during execution of sp_createagentparameter.
21139 16 Could not determine the Subscriber name for distributed agent execution.
41085 16 Failed to find a DWORD property (property name '%s') of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) (Error code %d). If this is a WSFC availability group, the WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid. Otherwise, contact your primary support provider. For information about this error code, see "System Error Codes" in the Windows Development documentation.
33167 16 This command is not supported for Azure AD users. Execute this command as a SQL Authenticated user.
3270 16 An internal consistency error has occurred. This error is similar to an assert. Contact technical support for assistance.
3998 16 Uncommittable transaction is detected at the end of the batch. The transaction is rolled back.
18273 16 Could not clear '%s' bitmap in database '%s' because of error %d. As a result, the differential or bulk-logged bitmap overstates the amount of change that will occur with the next differential or log backup. This discrepancy might slow down later differential or log backup operations and cause the backup sets to be larger than necessary. Typically, the cause of this error is insufficient resources. Investigate the failure and resolve the cause. If the error occurred on a data backup, consider taking a data backup to create a new base for future differential backups.
5043 16 The %S_MSG '%.*ls' cannot be found in %ls.
3038 16 The file name "%ls" is invalid as a backup device name. Reissue the BACKUP statement with a valid file name.
15124 16 The configuration option '%s' is not unique.
10026 16 No command text was set.
10651 16 Refresh of snapshot view failed because view '' does not exist.
5201 10 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: File ID %d of database ID %d was skipped because the file does not have enough free space to reclaim.
7601 16 Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on %S_MSG '%.*ls' because it is not full-text indexed.
21044 16 Cannot ignore the remote Distributor (@ignore_remote_distributor cannot be 1) when enabling the database for publishing or merge publishing.
11294 16 This forwarded message has been dropped because the destination route is not valid.
5203 10 DBCC SHRINKFILE for file ID %d is waiting for the snapshot transaction with timestamp %I64d and other snapshot transactions linked to timestamp %I64d or with timestamps older than %I64d to finish.
7946 10 - Extents Scanned..............................: %I64d
33211 15 A list of subentities, such as columns, cannot be specified for entity-level audits.
40168 16 SILO_TO_PDB: Partition copy is disabled in M1.
21688 16 The current login '%s' is not in the publication access list (PAL) of any publication at Publisher '%s'. Use a login that is in the PAL, or add this login to the PAL.
15391 11 sp_indexoption is not supported for XML Index and the table has an XML index on it. Use ALTER INDEX instead to set the option for ALL the indexes.
12605 16 Failed to create snapshot database.
6627 16 The size of the data chunk that was requested from the stream exceeds the allowed limit.
41056 16 Availability replica '' of availability group '' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the node. Each node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online.
28406 10 Error %d, Severity %d, State %d was raised on a subtask before it was registered, therefore the exception could not be relayed to the main thread.
32040 16 The alert for 'oldest unsent transaction' has been raised. The current value of '%d' surpasses the threshold '%d'.
13141 16 asymmetric key
13712 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because column '' does not have the same collation in tables '' and '%.*ls'.
15471 10 The text for object '%ls' is encrypted.
17664 10 The NETBIOS name of the local node that is running the server is '%ls'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
18340 10 Reason: Failed to store database name and collation. Check for previous errors.
18777 16 %s: Error initializing MSMQ components
10924 16 The pool affinity range is invalid. The lower bound %d must be less than the upper bound %d.
12414 16 Failed to initialize Query Store for use, so user request cannot be executed.
33086 10 SQL Server Audit failed to record %ls action.
29257 16 Configuration manager cannot shutdown old channel maps (Loc: %d).
21816 16 An invalid value was specified for parameter '%s'. The value must be '%s' when changing this property.
21200 16 Publication '%s' does not exist.
39016 16 The parameterized external script expects the parameter '%.*ls', which was not supplied.
2320 16 %sDuplicate facet '%ls' found at location '%ls'.
13775 16 System-versioned table schema modification failed because table '%.*ls' has INSTEAD OF triggers defined. Consider dropping INSTEAD OF triggers and trying again.
9427 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, incorrect DOCTYPE declaration syntax
6229 16 Type "" is marked for native serialization. It is not marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". Native serialization requires the type to be marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential".
172 15 Cannot use HOLDLOCK in browse mode.
1431 16 Neither the partner nor the witness server instance for database "%.*ls" is available. Reissue the command when at least one of the instances becomes available.
1947 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view "". The view contains a self join on "".
22971 16 Could not allocate memory for the log reader history cache. Verify that SQL Server has sufficient memory for all operations. Check the physical and virtual settings on the server and examine memory usage to see if another application is excessively consuming memory.
13228 10 from
17171 10 SQL Server native HTTP support failed and will not be available. '%hs()' failed. Error 0x%lx.
8616 10 The index hints for table '%.*ls' were ignored because the table was considered a fact table in the star join.
9456 16 XML parsing: line %d, character %d, multiple colons in qualified name
11217 16 This message could not be delivered because it is out of sequence with respect to the conversation. Conversation receive sequence number: %I64d, Message sequence number: %I64d.
11702 16 The sequence object '%.*ls' must be of data type int, bigint, smallint, tinyint, or decimal or numeric with a scale of 0, or any user-defined data type that is based on one of the above integer data types.
4891 16 Insert bulk failed due to a schema change of the target table.
279 16 The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.
326 16 Multi-part identifier '' is ambiguous. Both columns '' and '%.*ls' exist.
27190 16 The folder '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to create it.
15044 16 The type "%s" is an unknown backup device type. Use the type "disk" or "tape".
8911 10 The error has been repaired.
8967 16 An internal error occurred in DBCC that prevented further processing. Contact Customer Support Services.
9741 10 The %S_MSG '%.*ls' was dropped on upgrade because it referenced a system contract that was dropped.
11291 16 This forwarded message has been dropped because the time consumed has exceeded the message's time to live of %u seconds (the message arrived with %u seconds consumed and used %u seconds in this broker).
40517 16 Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.
28405 17 During error handling, a second error was raised, causing an unrecoverable failure.
28968 10 Starting communication infrastructure for communication between configuration manager and agent
14687 16 Invalid value (%d) of the @cache_window parameter. Allowable values are: -1 (cache all upload data from previous upload failures), 0 (cache no upload data), N (cache data from N previous upload failures, where N >= 1)
697 16 Internal error. Unable to get a blob storage container.
971 10 The resource database has been detected in two different locations. Attaching the resource database in the same directory as sqlservr.exe at '' instead of the currently attached resource database at ''.
16953 10 Remote tables are not updatable. Updatable keyset-driven cursors on remote tables require a transaction with the REPEATABLE_READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation level spanning the cursor.
8437 16 The message received was sent by a Target service, but the message type '%.*ls' is marked SENT BY INITIATOR in the contract.
4855 16 Line %d in format file "%ls": unexpected element "%ls".
7682 10 The component '%ls' reported error while indexing. Component path '%ls'.
45170 16 A trusted certificate was not found for this request.
3105 16 RESTORE cannot restore any more pages into file '%ls' because the maximum number of pages (%d) are already being restored. Either complete the restore sequence for the existing pages, or use RESTORE FILE to restore all pages in the file.
21802 16 The agent profile creation process cannot validate the specified agent parameter value. '%s' is not a valid value for the '%s' parameter. The value must be an integer less than or equal to '%d'. Verify that replication is installed properly.
8459 16 The message size, including header information, exceeds the maximum allowed of %d.
9314 16 %sCannot implicitly atomize or apply 'fn:data()' to complex content elements, found type '%ls' within inferred type '%ls'.
6200 16 Method "%ls" of type "%ls" in assembly "%.*ls" is marked as a mutator. Mutators cannot be used in the read-only portion of the query.
3701 11 Cannot %S_MSG the %S_MSG '%.*ls', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
3918 16 The statement or function must be executed in the context of a user transaction.
317 16 Table-valued function '%.*ls' cannot have a column alias.
1942 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '%.*ls'. It contains text, ntext, image, FILESTREAM or xml columns.
26049 16 Server local connection provider failed to listen on [ %s ]. Error: %#x
28720 16 Mci subsystem failed to start with error %d.
20688 16 The tracer token ID (%d) could not be found for Publisher %s, database %s, publication %s. Use the stored procedure sp_helptracertokens to retrieve a list of valid tracer token IDs.
13087 0 drop
15048 10 Valid values of the database compatibility level are %d, %d, %d, %d or %d.
4984 16 ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '' and source table '' have different vardecimal storage format values. Use stored procedure sp_tableoption to alter the 'vardecimal storage format' option for the tables to make sure that the values are the same.
49601 16 SBS Flat File Access not fully initialized, when function '%ls' was called.
40050 16 Corrupted LOB row.
3912 16 Cannot bind using an XP token while the server is not in an XP call.
4109 16 Windowed functions cannot be used in the context of another windowed function or aggregate.
27041 16 No Error Tolerant Index metadata provided for serialization. The index is probably corrupt.
17660 10 Starting without recovery. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
8498 16 The remote service has sent a message of type '%.*ls' that is not part of the local contract.
9231 16 An equal (=) character was expected after the option name. Found '%.*ls' instead.
11234 16 This message could not be delivered because an internal error was encountered while processing it. Error code %d, state %d: %.*ls.
6223 16 Type "" is marked for native serialization, but field "" of type "" is of type "*ls", which is not marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential". Native serialization requires the type to be marked with "LayoutKind.Sequential".
7396 16 Varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) and large CLR type data types are not supported as return value or output parameter to remote queries.
35268 16 Synchronization of a secondary database, '%.*ls', was interrupted, leaving the database in an inconsistent state. The database will enter the RESTORING state. To complete recovery and bring the database online, use current log backups from the primary database to restore the log records past LSN %S_LSN. Alternatively, drop this secondary database, and prepare a new one by restoring a full database backup of the primary database followed by all subsequent log backups.
565 18 A stack overflow occurred in the server while compiling the query. Please simplify the query.
21516 10 Transactional replication custom procedures for publication '%s' from database '%s':
14238 10 %ld jobs deleted.
14874 16 Table '%.*ls' cannot be a target of an update or delete statement with a FROM clause because it has the REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE option enabled.
18334 10 Reason: An error occurred while reauthenticating login. Check for previous errors.
9736 16 An error occurred in dialog transmission: Error: %i, State: %i. %.*ls
9947 10 Warning: Identity of full-text catalog in directory '%ls' does not match database '%.*ls'. The full-text catalog cannot be attached.
11723 15 NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used directly in a statement that contains an ORDER BY clause unless the OVER clause is specified.
5570 16 FILESTREAM Failed to find the garbage collection table.
35260 16 During an attempted database recovery, an availability database manager was not found for database id %d with availability group ID %d and group database ID %ls. Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group manager is not running, but the cause could be a metadata error. Ensure that the availability group manager and the WSFC cluster are started, and retry the recovery operation.
404 16 The column reference "%ls.%.*ls" is not allowed because it refers to a base table that is not being modified in this statement.
18053 16 Error: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d. (Params:%ls). The error is printed in terse mode because there was error during formatting. Tracing, ETW, notifications etc are skipped.
10527 16 Cannot create plan guide '' because the object '' is a temporary object.
5864 16 IO affinity is not supported on this edition of sql server.
6863 16 Row tag omission (empty row tag name) is not compatible with XMLSCHEMA FOR XML directive.
41080 16 Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls'. The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error and corrective actions.
173 15 The definition for column '%.*ls' must include a data type.
23100 16 Invalid input parameter(s).
19227 10 An attempt to resize a buffer failed.
21241 16 The threshold value should be from 1 through 100.
15580 16 Cannot drop %S_MSG because %S_MSG '%.*s' is encrypted by it.
40719 16 Failed to get %s lock on %s rules.
41331 17 The transaction encountered an out-of-memory condition while rolling back to a savepoint, and therefore cannot be committed. Roll back the transaction.
1736 16 The column '' in the table '' cannot be referenced in a CHECK constraint or computed column definition because the column is a sparse column set. A sparse column set cannot be referenced in a a CHECK constraint or computed column definition.
27113 16 Unable to delete one or more rows in the table, '%ls'. Make sure that these rows exist.
12010 16 Only one spatial index hint may appear per table, either as the first or the last hinted index.
4329 10 This log file contains records logged before the designated mark. The database is being left in the Restoring state so you can apply another log file.
6943 16 Invalid type definition for type '%s', the derivation was illegal because 'final' attribute was specified on the base type
6997 16 Invalid definition for element '%s'. An element which has a fixed value may not also be nillable.
7693 16 Full-text initialization failed to create a memory clerk.
33043 16 Cannot add %S_MSG '%.*ls' because there is already %S_MSG specified for the login.
3283 16 The file "%ls" failed to initialize correctly. Examine the error logs for more details.
21385 16 Snapshot failed to process publication '%s'. Possibly due to active schema change activity or new articles being added.
12807 16 The option '%.*ls' cannot be set on non-contained database.
14528 16 Job "%s" has no steps defined.
8394 10 Usage of deprecated index option syntax. The deprecated relational index option syntax structure will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this syntax structure in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the feature.
6254 10 Common language runtime (CLR) functionality initialized.
40847 16 Could not perform the operation because server would exceed the allowed Database Throughput Unit quota of %d.
49501 16 DBCC SHRINKFILE for %.*ls is aborted. Sbs flat files are not supported
33428 14 User does not have permission to kill non-transacted FILESTREAM handles in database ID %d.
1986 10 Cannot replace non-hypothetical index '%.*ls' with a hypothetical index using the DROP_EXISTING option.
28061 16 A corrupted message has been received. The adjacent message integrity check signature could not be validated.
14619 16 Received an error on the Service Broker conversation with Database Mail. Database Mail may not be available, or may have encountered an error. Check the Database Mail error log for information.
9336 16 %sThe XML Schema syntax '%ls' is not supported.
9605 10 Conversation Priorities analyzed: %d.
47117 16 The '%ls' option must be specified with a valid time value when updating the Availability Group's external write lease status on availability group '%.*ls'.
3606 10 Arithmetic overflow occurred.
117 15 The %S_MSG name '%.*ls' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is %d.
1901 16 Cannot create index or statistics '' on view '' because key column '%.*ls' is imprecise, computed and not persisted. Consider removing reference to column in view index or statistics key or changing column to be precise. If column is computed in base table consider marking it PERSISTED there.
11742 16 NEXT VALUE FOR function can only be used with MERGE if it is defined within a default constraint on the target table for insert actions.
7833 16 The HTTP namespace (%.*ls) is in an invalid format. Specify the namespace in its canonical form.
40576 16 Table DDL on non-temporary tables is not supported in a filtered connection.
35271 16 The availability database %ls in availailability group %ls failed to complete a reconfiguration. Refer to the error code for more details. If this condition persists, contact the system administrator.
35355 16 The statement failed. Column '%.*ls' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater than 18. Consider reducing the precision to 18.
35389 15 The statement failed because column '' on table '' is a computed column of a LOB type. Columnstore indexes cannot include computed columns of LOB types.
40528 16 Users cannot be mapped to Windows logins in this version of SQL Server.
28934 16 Configuration manager agent could not perform brick up notification.
21681 16 The current user '%s' does not have a valid linked server login mapping for non-SQL Server Publisher [%s]. Replication connects to the Publisher through a linked server; use the stored procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to map the user's login to this linked server.
19133 10 Unable to retrieve dynamic TCP/IP ports registry settings for Dedicated Administrator Connection.
47102 16 The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports EXTERNAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
566 21 An error occurred while writing an audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Check and correct error conditions such as insufficient disk space, and then restart SQL Server. If the problem persists, disable auditing by starting the server at the command prompt with the "-f" switch, and using SP_CONFIGURE.
983 14 Unable to access availability database '%.*ls' because the database replica is not in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role. Connections to an availability database is permitted only when the database replica is in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role. Try the operation again later.
1413 16 Communications to the remote server instance '%.*ls' failed before database mirroring was fully started. The ALTER DATABASE command failed. Retry the command when the remote database is started.
28005 16 An exception occurred while enqueueing a message in the target queue. Error: %d, State: %d. %.*ls
8924 10 Repairing this error requires other errors to be corrected first.
11280 16 A packet of size %lu bytes could not be processed because it exceeds the receive buffer count.
40651 16 Failed to create server because the subscription '%.*ls' is disabled.
40902 16 Amount of pool storage cannot be specified when creating a Premium elastic pool.
5073 16 Cannot alter collation for database '%ls' because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT.
6998 16 Invalid type definition: Type or content model '%s' is too complicated. It may be necessary to reduce the number of enumerations or the size of the content model.
40689 16 Replication limit reached. The database '%ls' cannot have more than %d replication relationships.
286 16 The logical tables INSERTED and DELETED cannot be updated.
1501 20 Sort failure. Contact Technical Support.
12834 16 The database '' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the computed column '' on %S_MSG '' depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
15356 16 The current application role has been dropped. The current security context contains no valid database user context.
15653 10 %s, update is not necessary...
17897 20 Session recovery feature data used in login record to open or recover a connection is structurally or semantically invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library.%.*ls
8540 10 The distributed transaction with UOW %ls was forced to rollback.
7976 16 Nonclustered columnstore index '' on table '' has a missing column segment on column id %d and rowgroup id %d. Drop and recreate the nonclustered columnstore index.
41308 21 The database ID %d already exists.
2309 16 %sThe value of "%ls" is not a valid number.
3608 16 Cannot allocate a GUID for the token.
981 10 Database manager will be using %d target database version.
1740 16 Cannot encrypt the sparse column '' in the '' table because the table contains a sparse column set.
31019 16 Could not create GUID when performing DTA tuning related task.
22531 10 Initialization.
10116 16 Cannot create %S_MSG on view '%.*ls' because it contains one or more UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators. Consider creating a separate indexed view for each query that is an input to the UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operators of the original view.
11243 16 A corrupted message has been received. The public variable data element (%d) has been duplicated in this message.
7995 16 Database '%.*ls': consistency errors in system catalogs prevent further DBCC %ls processing.
41121 10 The local availability replica of availability group '%.*ls' cannot accept signal '%s' in its current replica role, '%s', and state (configuration is %s in Windows Server Failover Clustering store, local availability replica has %s joined). The availability replica signal is invalid given the current replica role. When the signal is permitted based on the current role of the local availability replica, retry the operation.
45115 16 Cannot assign a disabled service objective to a database.
2390 16 %sTop-level %s nodes are not supported
2773 16 The collation ID is corrupted because the sort order ID %d is not valid.
21180 16 A publication that allows DTS cannot be enabled for updatable subscriptions.
18452 14 Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication.%.*ls
9243 10 Query notification delivery could not send message on dialog ''. Query notification delivery failed because of the following error in service broker: ''. See the error log for additional information.
6394 16 Found non leaf element indexed for the value with path '' for selective XML index ''.
7411 16 Server '%.*ls' is not configured for %ls.
47023 10 Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during Group Membership Lookup.
1991 16 Cannot disable clustered index '' on table ''. Permission denied to disable foreign key '' on table '' that references this table.
25639 16 The %S_MSG, "%.*ls", exceeds the number of allowable bound actions.
27200 16 The project is missing the specified environment reference.
21876 16 The distributor '%s' is not the distributor for original publisher '%s' and publisher database '%s'.
20590 16 The article property 'status' cannot include bit 64, 'DTS horizontal partitions' because the publication does not allow data transformations.
8154 15 The table '%.*ls' is ambiguous.
8403 16 The message type '%.*ls' is specified more than once. Remove the duplicate message type.
41203 16 The column '%.*ls' specified in the SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE, SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE or SEMANTICSIMILARITYDETAILSTABLE function is not full-text indexed with the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option. The column must be full-text indexed using the STATISTICAL_SEMANTICS option to be used in this function.
33087 16 %S_MSG property of the key returned by EKM provider doesn't match the expected value
2264 16 %sOnly