High VLF counts can affect write performance
and they can make full database restores and crash recovery take much longer
Try to keep your VLF counts under 200 in most cases (depending on log file size)
Important change to VLF creation algorithm in SQL Server 2014
drop table if exists #VLFInfo create table #VLFInfo ( RecoveryUnitId int ,FileId int ,FileSize bigint ,StartOffset bigint ,FSeqNo bigint ,VlStatus bigint ,Parity bigint ,CreateLSN numeric(38) ) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #VLFCountResults CREATE TABLE #VLFCountResults ( DatabaseName sysname , VLFCount int ); EXEC sp_MSforeachdb N'Use [?]; INSERT INTO #VLFInfo EXEC sp_executesql N''DBCC LOGINFO([?])''; INSERT INTO #VLFCountResults SELECT DB_NAME(), COUNT(*) FROM #VLFInfo; TRUNCATE TABLE #VLFInfo;' SELECT DatabaseName, VLFCount FROM #VLFCountResults ORDER BY VLFCount DESC; DROP TABLE #VLFInfo; DROP TABLE #VLFCountResults;